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(Szirmai, 2011)

(Kaldor, 1967; Cornwall, 1977; Rodrik, 2008; Fagerberg and Verspagen, 1999, 2002; Szirmai and Verpagen, 2011)

In developing countries, manufacturing is still relevant as an engine of growth when the most dynamic industries are targeted and investments in skills are undertaken. On the other hand, in developed countries manufacturing is not anymore an engine of growth (Fagerberg and Verspagen, 1999; Szirmai and Verspagen, 2011). Szirmai and Verspagen (2011) studi thd 88 negara (1950-2005) manufacturing had a direct effect on growth Industrialisasi strategi pembangunan paling efektif saat ini atau untuk menjadikan Indonesia macan ekonomi dunia, seperti Jepang, Cina, dan Korea Selatan Industrialisasi perekonomian akan tumbuh pesat mendorong peningkatan kesejahteraan rakyat

Lucas (1988) a microeconomic model shows that education investment for workers significantly affects his/her productivity in the workplace Griliches & Regev, 1995; Rosen, 1999 education and training are important in the human capital field Romer, 1986 the investment of human capital affects national economic growth Kwon Dae-bong (2009) human capital measurement is an important source in terms of suggesting various policies


Szirmai and Verspagen (2011) Since 1990, the positive effect of manufacturing on growth in developing countries has become more and more dependent on skills accumulation. These contributions refer implicitly or explicitly to technical change Francesca Guadagno (2012) how do developing countries need to adapt their development strategies in order to meet the evolving conditions for industrialization? WITH INNOVATION Fagerberg and Verspagen (1999) dan Szirmai and Verspagen (2011) introduce respectively education and R&D expenditures and education alone to account for human capital accumulation and innovation systems characteristics. Francesca Guadagno (2012) education and technical change have positive effect of on industrialization Keberhasilan Industrialisasi ditentukan oleh Technical change. Technical change ditentukan oleh Inovasi. Inovasi ditentukan oleh Mutu Modal Manusia.

1. Investment in human capital a. High-level qualification 1) Growth in university-level qualifications 2) Growth in attainment levels in different fields b. Graduation and enrollment rates 1) Trend in university-level graduation output 2) Contribution of international students to university graduate output 3) Entry rates into tertiary-type A education 4) Entry rates at tertiary education compared to population leaving without completing tertiary education

c. Time invested in education 1) Instruction time per year 2) Number of hours per week spent on self-study or homework d. Investment in education 1) Expenditure per student at different level of education 2) Percentage of GDP spent on educational institutions 3) Private and public expenditure 4) Public subsidies for education to households 5) Expenditure on core service, ancillary services, and R&D 6) Change in student numbers, expenditure, demographic forecasts, etc 2. Quality adjustment in human capital investments a. PISA assessments (evaluation of education systems worldwide) b. PUIAAC (Program for the international assessment of adult competencies) Results of education a. Matching of education to occupation b. Labor market outcomes by age, gender, and educational attainment c. Rates of return to education


The Manufacturing share in GDP Keterkaitan sektor industri dan sektor ekonomi lainnya Struktur industri misalnya industri yang tahapan proses industrinya panjang dan pendek Konsentrasi Industri

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