Continuous Process Improvement II

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Continuous Process Improvement II

By Mahendra Singh Central University Of Jharkhand Ranchi Source

Nancy R. Tagues The Quality Tool Box , Second Edition, ASQ Quality Press, 2 !,

Juran !rilogy
Managing for "uality consists of three basic qualityoriented processes "uality #lanning, "uality control, and "uality i$#ro%e$ent. !he role of quality planning is to design a process that #ill $e a$le to meet esta$lished goals under operating conditions% !he role of quality control is to operate and #hen necessary correct the process so that it performs #ith optimal effectiveness% !he role of quality improvement is to devise #ays to take the process to unprecedented levels of

Juran !rilogy

Juran Trilogy &% Quality Planning


planning stems from a unity of purpose that spans all functions of an organi(ation% !he su$)ect of planning can $e anything ** an engineering process for designing ne# products+ a production process for making goods+ or a service process for responding to customer re"uests% 'uality Planning involves
Identifying customers+ $oth internal and e,ternal -etermining their needs Specifying the product features that satisfy those needs at minimum cost% -esigning the processes that can relia$ly produce those features% Proving that the process can achieve its goals under operating conditions%

Juran !rilogy .% Quality Control


process of managing operations to meet "uality goals% !he process of 'uality Control involves
Choosing control su$)ects Choosing units of measurement /sta$lishing a measurement procedure Measuring Interpreting differences $et#een measurement and goal% !aking action to correct significant differences

Juran !rilogy 0% Quality Improvement

1ssuming the process is under control+ any #aste that occurs must $e inherent in the design of the process% !he o$)ect of "uality improvement is to reduce chronic #aste to a much lo#er level% !he steps in 'uality Improvement
Prove the need for improvement Identify specific pro)ects for improvement Organi(e to guide the pro)ects Organi(e for diagnosis ** discovery of causes -iagnose the causes Provide remedies Prove that the remedies are effective under operating conditions Provide for control to maintain the gains%

Juran Costs of Quality


costs 1ppraisal costs Internal failure costs /,ternal failure costs




3 type of #aste
Overproduction -elays

4#aiting time5 !ransportation Process Inventories Motions -efective products Untapped Resources Mis*used Resources

/limination of #astes
5 S Element Waste/ Improvement Item Deliverable Systematic Organization Sorting#$isual "lacement
Elimination of finding. Reduction of part selection errors. Reduced osts Improved !uality Increased "roduct Options Reduced osts Increased Safety Improved !uality Increased "roduct Options.

Elimination of finding. Elimination of nonconformances. Elimination of motion. Reduction of part selection errors.

Scrubbing lean Standardization ontrol

Increased safety. "reventive maintenance. Increased e%uipment &no'ledge. Increased e%uipment life. (ig)er morale. lean environment. Increased visibility of nonconformances.

Increased Safety Improved !uality Improved !uality onsistent Delivery Improved Safety

Some evidence of standardized work areas

Clear, shiny aisle ways Color coded areas Slogans, banners

o work!in!"rocess # $%& ' (ne!&iece )low Standardized $ork Sheets


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