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Technical Seminar Presentation - 2004

National Institute of Science & Technology


Presented by

G.Susmita Roll# EI200157181

Under the guidance of
Mr. P.K.Jena
Presented by :-G.Susmita(EI 200157181)
Technical Seminar Presentation - 2004
National Institute of Science & Technology


Conceptual Indexing is a methodology that allows indexing
systems to take advantage of the conceptual structure of
phrases in the indexed material. It does this by automatically
parsing each phrase into one or more conceptual structures
that represent how the elements of the phrase are assembled
to construct its meaning.
A key attribute of this technology is the ability to determine
where a new description would belong, when the description
itself is not already in the taxonomy. This is done with the
help of the MSS algorithm,which can efficiently find the
most specific subsumers of a new description. This allows
information seekers to find concepts related to their
requests, even when their request is not explicitly in the
Presented by :-G.Susmita(EI 200157181)
Technical Seminar Presentation - 2004


National Institute of Science & Technology


Automobile cleaning
! Automobile steam cleaning (1)
Automobile upholstery cleaning (1)
Automobile washing (1)
Car washing (1)
Industrial cleaning
Industrial steam cleaning (1)
Steam cleaning
! Automobile steam cleaning (2)
Industrial steam cleaning (2)
Upholstery cleaning
Automobile upholstery cleaning (2)
Automobile washing (2)
Car washing (2)

Presented by :-G.Susmita(EI 200157181)

Technical Seminar Presentation - 2004

National Institute of Science & Technology

• Document Handling
• Lexical analysis
• Phrase Analysis
• Taxonomic Classification
• Browsing and retrieval

Presented by :-G.Susmita(EI 200157181)

Technical Seminar Presentation - 2004

National Institute of Science & Technology


Concept Extraction
1. A concept extractor
Identifies words and phrases to be indexed and records
where in the material they occurred.
2. A concept assimilator
Analyzes the structure and meaning of a concept phrase to
determine where in the conceptual taxonomy it belongs
and what other concepts it should be related to, which may
themselves need to be added to the taxonomy.
Presented by :-G.Susmita(EI 200157181)
Technical Seminar Presentation - 2004

3. A conceptual retrieval system

National Institute of Science & Technology

Uses the conceptual taxonomy to make connections between

requests and indexed items of information.

4.A conceptual navigator

Allows a user to browse the conceptual taxonomy and to
move back and forth freely between concepts in the taxonomy
and occurrences of those concepts in the indexed material

Presented by :-G.Susmita(EI 200157181)

Technical Seminar Presentation - 2004
National Institute of Science & Technology


Given the task of retrieving stock video clips for use

in larger video productions, there are six types of
indexes that should be assigned to individual clips
1. The Content Of The Scene
2. The Points Illustrated By The Clip
3. The Composition And Camerawork Of The Clip
4. The Likely functions of the clip in a larger narrative
5. Information About The Source Of The Clip
6. The Relationships To Other Clips In The Library
Presented by :-G.Susmita(EI 200157181)
Technical Seminar Presentation - 2004
National Institute of Science & Technology

1. The Content Of The Scene

scene content indexes include information about where the
clip is located, the activities that are occurring in the clip,
the types of people, and the salient visible objects.

2. The Points Illustrated By The Clip

video, like all media needs to communicate abstract ideas
and relationships.In many cases it may be appropriate to
index clips by the points that they make or support

Presented by :-G.Susmita(EI 200157181)

Technical Seminar Presentation - 2004

3.The Composition And Camerawork Of The Clip

National Institute of Science & Technology

The composition and camera work may also serve as a valuable

index for clip retrieval, especially when functioning as a filter to
pick out some small number of usable clips from some larger set
with potentially relevant content or point

4.The Likely functions of the clip in a larger narrative.

One way to index a clip is in regard to the roles it might play in
some larger context, most typically in some narrative sequence in
a larger production. Narrative function indexes may include
specific types of transition, interludes, prologues, background or
hooks among others.

Presented by :-G.Susmita(EI 200157181)

Technical Seminar Presentation - 2004
National Institute of Science & Technology

5. Information About The Source Of The Clip

The details surrounding the creation of a video clip are likely to
be relevant to individuals looking for stock footage.these details
may include the date and time that the footage was shot, the
history of how it found its way into the stock video database.

6. The Relationships To Other Clips In The Library

In larger collection of stock video clips, there will be many sets
of clip that are related in important ways.

Presented by :-G.Susmita(EI 200157181)

Technical Seminar Presentation - 2004

Retrieval system for stock video

National Institute of Science & Technology

• In stock video retrieval system only scene content

indexes are supported. Scene content indexes can be
effectively organized by using using a hierarchy of
places as the backbone of a larger conceptual network
that includes indexes for activities, types of people and
objects. This organization is used directly to support
both the zoom and browse mechanisms in the system.
• During the zooming, the user identifies a particular
place index which is related to the sort of clips they are
looking for.

Presented by :-G.Susmita(EI 200157181)

Technical Seminar Presentation - 2004
During the browsing process users are presented with the
National Institute of Science & Technology

conceptual neighborhood around the place index and permitted to

incrementally select indexes that correspond to clips in the case

Presented by :-G.Susmita(EI 200157181)

Technical Seminar Presentation - 2004

National Institute of Science & Technology

The need for intelligent information retrieval system presents a new

opportunity to apply research in artificial intelligence to large-scale
real world problems. By viewing the multimedia information as cases
in a case library, we can attempt to apply the indexing and retrieval
solutions developed in existing case based reasoning systems to the
problems facing users of multimedia databases

Rich multimedia databases are useless without the

ability to access the right piece of information at the
right time.

Presented by :-G.Susmita(EI 200157181)

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