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Body Sturcture
Fresh water angel fish are triangular in shape. Normally they grow few inches in length. They have a great body structure. The adult fishes are most triangular in shape than the normal fish. Their fins are sharp and help to move inside the water. They have a small mouth, round and small eyes. Their small tail helps them to swim rapidly in the water. They are 8 inches in size. Fresh water Angel fish comes in different colour like gold, silver, chocolate, zebra, black and smokey. Wild Fresh water angel fish have dark strips on their body vertically downed. Their triangular shape helps them to hide among the aquatic plats.

Types of Angel Fish

- Gold

fish are quite shade of yellow and dark golden

color. -The black body with narrowed white strips called the zebra angel fish. -One of the most common angel fish is silver angel fish. It has black vertical markings with tawny heads. -White and black marked angelfish are called Kole angelfish. -The angelfish named Smoky are silver on the front half and black on the back half. -The completely black colored body fish are called black angelfish. -Pearly gold angelfish are shimmering gold coloured. -White and gold marked at the top of the body angelfish is called Blushing angelfish.

Condition For Breeding
-The aquarium for the angelfish should big in size. It must contain the freshwater instead of salt waters. The size of the tank is around 20 to 29 gallons large. The angelfish want free space for breeding. The price of the tank ranges from Rs. 20,000/- to Rs. 35,000/-The pH value of the fresh water should between 4.7 to 8.7, and the ideal range is 6.5 to 6.9 . Do not use chemicals to alter the pH value of the water. The temperature of the water should be in between 22 0C to 27 0C. -Warm water is better for angel fish. Cold water increases the life span of the angelfish. Fit a good filter in your aquarium for filtering the water. The aquarium needs at least 20% water change in a week. You can regularly clean the aquarium. -Feed your angelfish two or three times a day. Be careful. Do not overfeed them. Give 3 to 5 minutes them to eat the food which you have given. After 10 minutes, clean the aquarium by remove the non-eaten foods form the water.

Motion Breeeding
Sexing your angelfish is quite difficult. But dont worry. In matured angelfish, the sex can be distinguish by looking at their tubes in vent. In case of male angel, the tube is smaller and pointy. But in case of female angel, it is larger and squared. Know some common characteristics to find out the male or female angel fish. The female angel fish tends to be more round but the male fishes are triangular. The dorsals of the female fish are held backward and upright in case of male fish. The ventral of female fish is closer to the body and the male has erect ventral. If you are still confused to figure out a male and female fish, it is better to bring a breeding pair from the shop. It is quite expensive, but the breeding can be done efficiently. The breeding may take 6 to 7 months. If you want to keep more than two angel fish, then wait for some time. Wait one or two days to conform that the previous male and female fishes are paired off.

Feeding an angelfish is quite important task. They are very fond of food. Flake fish food and cichlid foods are sufficient for the fish. You can feed them some live foods like black worms, blood worms, chopped earthworms, and guppy fry. These are the favourite foods of angelfish. It is better to avoid the live foods, because it carries parasites which may cause disease.

Angel fish are beautiful in structure. They are normally triangular in shape. The price for an angelfish ranges from Rs. 800/- to Rs. 6,000/- in case of single fish. If you want to purchase a paired angelfish, then it will cost Rs. 1000/- to Rs. 8,000/- . It is quite better to bring paired fish for your aquarium.

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