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Expresa en una oracin la accin y lo que el sujeto esta haciendo o sintiendo. la accin puede estar en presente, pasado y futuro.

En ingles pueden ser regulares e irregulares.

Regular Verbs





The past tense form of MOST verbs is: BASE FORM OF THE VERB + ED Ejemplo:

1- Brush + ED = Brushed

1.-Brush + ED = Brushed I brushed my teeth this morning. 2- Visit + ED = Visited She visited her family last vacation. 3- watch + ED = Watched We watched TV yesterday.

2- Visit + ED = Visited

3- watch + ED = Watched

Ejemplo: like



If the verb finishes in e or ie

You only have to add the letter ( d ) at the end of the verb.
smile, smiled (sonrer).

Ejemplos: -

I like to go to the movies. (present)I liked the movie we watched yesterday. (past)They lie every day. (present)They lied to the teacher last class. (past)

los infinitivos que terminan en "d" o "t", pronunciamos la "e" como una "i".

End-ed [endid] Wait-ed [weitid]



SPELLING RULES FOR REGULAR VERBS. Si el verbo termina en consonante + la letra Y .



You have to change the letter y for i and add the letters ( ed ) at the end of the verb.
She cries when she is sad. (present) She cried yesterday. (past)We cried yesterday. (past) - I study English at the Colombo (present) - I studied English when I was in high school. (past)



Los verbos que no terminan en e se les agrega ed para as poder formar el pasado.

Ejemplo: ANSWER ANSWERED Respondi







Si el verbo tiene una sola slaba y termina en una vocal + consonante

Stop Hug
You have to double the consonant and add the letters ( ed ) at the end of the verb.

- I stop when I am tired. (present) -I stopped the job yesterday because I was tired. (past)

- I hug my parents when I see them. (present) - I hugged my parents last week. (past)

Cuando el verbo regular tiene ms de una sola slaba, en el ingls americano la consonante final se dobla, pero solamente cuando el acento tnico cae en la ltima slaba. base form deFER diferir reGRET lamentar Incorrect simple past defered regreted deferred regretted reshipped

En estos ejemplos, el acento tnico no cae en la ltima slaba. No hay que doblar el consonante. base form ORbit orbitar LISten escuchar TRAvel viajar simple past orbited listened traveled Incorrect orbitted listenned travelled

reSHIP reshiped remandar comPEL obligar

compeled compelled

CONsider considered considerred considerar

Past Simple
se dobla tambin la ltima consonante de aquellos verbos cuyo infinitivo termina por "l", tras una nica vocal: Ejemplo: Infinitivo Forma pasada To signal (sealar)signalled To cancel (cancelar)cancelled Excepto: Si el acento no cae en la ultima silaba: open -> opened O Si acaba en W o X: Show ->Showed Mix -> Mixed



The past tense of many other verbs no se forma siguiendo las reglas anteriores. Esto significa que sus formas pasadas no tienen la terminacin convencional (- ed).
To change this sentence to the past. Example: I write this letter for you.

-I writed this letter for you -I wrote this letter for you

-Incorrecto -Correcto

oEl verbo irregular en pasado de write es wrote.

Irregular Verbs





A diferencia de los verbos regulares, los verbos irregulares no tienen reglas gramaticales que nos ayude a reconocer su pasado. en los Verbos Irregulares debes memorizar tanto el Tiempo Presente as como el Tiempo Pasado. Estos verbos cambian su estructura completamente, afortunadamente estos verbos estn limitados a una lista de aproximadamente unos 350 verbos, mientras que existen miles de verbos regulares.
Infinitivo arise awake bear beat become begin bend bet bid Pasado arose awoke bore beat became began bent bet bid Participio arisen awoken borne beaten become begun bent bet bid Traduccin surgir despertar(se) soportar golpear convertirse en empezar doblar(se) apostar pujar .




En ingls, hay una serie de verbos cuyo Simple Past (Pasado Simple) y Past Participle (participio pasado) no siguen ninguna regla, y por lo tanto, son los llamados verbos irregulares. Ejemplos:
Infinitivo arise awake bear Pasado arose awoke bore Participio arisen awoken borne Traduccin surgir despertar(se) soportar

come choose do fall give hide know lie ride

came chose did fell gave hid knew lay rode

come chosen done fallen given hidden known lain ridden

venir elegir hacer caer(se) dar esconder(se) saber, conocer echarse montar

Cuando lo vamos a usar?

(Simple Past)


Para decir, lo que ocurrio en el pasado (accion acabada) -> I ate a pizza yesterday Para expresar varias acciones que ocurrieron una de tras de otra en el pasado -> I took my bag and walked to my school presente: He buys food every week pasado: He bought food last week presente: we come to my house every week pasado: we came to my house last week

I thought of making a party but i changed my mind

Maria went to the park but nobody was there

presente: I go to scholl by car every day pasado: I went to school by car yesterday



Past Participle
El participio pasado o past participle es una conjugacin en espaol del verbo que indica algo que ya hiciste, pero que an puedes seguir haciendo, una forma del verbo que va acompaada de otro verbo. El participio se forma con las terminaciones ado/ada o ido/ida. Tambin existen formas irregulares como visto o hecho. Ejemplos: I have (I've) walked (walked es el participio del verbo walk) Yo he caminado (caminado es el participio del verbo caminar) I have (I've) slept well(slept es el participio del verbo sleep) Yo he dormido bien (dormido es el participio del verbo dormir) I have (I've) seen the film (seen es el participio del verbo see) Yo he visto la pelcula (visto es el participio del verbo ver.)



(verbo) become: convertirse en, llegar a ser. Past Participle: become.

Hugh had become a very good guitar player last year (Hugh se haba convertido en un buen guitarrista el ao pasado).

(verbo) begin: comenzar, empezar. Past Participle: begun. John has begun his career as an actor. (John ha empezado su carrera como actor.)



Ej. verbo to be/ser o estar (infinitivo), was/were (pasado), been (participio)

I'm student........Yo soy estudiante I was student....Yo fui estudiante I have been student....Yo he sido estudiante
verbo: to go/ir (infinitivo), went (pasado), gone (participio)

You go to the church.... Tu vas a la iglesia You went to the church... Tu fuiste a la iglesia

You have gone to the church... Tu has ido a la


Pasado simple en Negativo

En este caso, aparece el auxiliar DID, y te tienes que olvidar de la forma de los verbos, ya que al estar el auxiliar, el verbo va en infinitivo. Como la oracin es negativa, el DID va en negativo. Por lo tanto se usa DID NOT, o DIDN T (es indistinto usar uno u otro, los dos significan lo mismo) Por ejemplo:
She didnt worked yerterday, esta mal

She didnt work yesterday. esta bien

Ejemplo: Verbo: Eat /ate /, eaten/ Comer, com, comido

-I ate an apple yesterday. -Yo me com una manzana ayer. + DID = Did you eat an apple yesterday? Te comiste una manzana ayer? No, I didn't eat an apple yesterday. No, yo no me com una manzana ayer.

Pasado simple Interrogativo

Tambin se usa el DID, y al principio de la oracin. El verbo no se conjuga. Por ejemplo: Did you WENT to the cinema last night? Esta oracin sera incorrecta: Lo correcto seria asi: Did you go to the cinema last night? (went es el pasado de go, verbo irregular). Ejemplos: Interrogativas Did I work? Did you work? Did he work? Did she work? Did it work? Did we work? Did you work? Did they work?

No se puede decir: She didnt phoned her. She didnt phone her No se puede decir: Did you studied yesterday? Did you study yesterday? * En las preguntas que contienen partculas interrogativas (what, when, who, why, where), estas se colocan delante del auxiliar did. Where did you go? Who did he visit?

Present lose (lus) break (brik) get (get) keep (kip) fall (fol) sell (sel) buy (bi) go (gu) catch (kach)

Past lost (lost) broke (bruk) got (got) kept (kept) fell (fel) sold (suld) bought (bot) went (went) caught (kot)

P. Participle lost (lost) broken (bruken) got/gotten (goten) kept (kept) fallen (flen) sold (suld) bought (bot) gone (gon) caught (kot)

Traduccin perder romper conseguir, recibir, ponerse, llegar mantener, guardar, continuar, criar caer, caerse vender comprar ir atrapar, asir, tomar

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