Verbal Communication

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Verbal communication

Group Members
Madiha Irshad
Mehwish Javaid

Sumaira Naz
Iqra Ishtiaq


Table of contents
What is verbal communication? Types of communication Etiquettes of communication Advantages & Disadvantages of communication Challenges & Purpose

Communication - Meaning
Communication is a dynamic process through this process we convey a thought or feeling to someone else. how it is received depends on a set of events, stimuli, that person is exposed to. how you say what you say plays an important role in communication.

What are the most common ways we communicate?

Written Word

The Communication Process


Barrier SENDER (encodes) RECEIVER (decodes)



Intra verbal: intonation of word and sound Extra verbal : implication of words and phrases, semantics

Gestures Postures Movements

Verbal Communication
Uses words either written or spoken. Better to use Oral. Refers to use of sounds and language to relay message. Expression of desires, ideas and concepts. Vital to the processes of learning and teaching.

Strong Relationship
Primary tool for expression between two or
more people.

Heart of any relationship.

Source of interaction.

Key Components





Sounds Words




At birth, most people have vocal cords, which produce sounds.

Imitative of natural sounds. Expressions of emotions. Words alone have no meanings People put meanings into words.

As meanings is assigned to words, language develops.

According to theorists
Language is an out growth of group activities.
Language develops from basic sounds and gestures.

Total languages
Over 3,000 languages are spoken in the world. Create difficulties between different languages.

Language leads to the development of
speaking. Eliminate misunderstanding.

Areas of speaking
Two major areas are: Interpersonal Public

Qurat-ul-Ain BB-10-60

Interpersonal speaking
process by which people exchange information, feelings, and meaning through verbal communication as well as non-verbal cues.

verbal communication

non-verbal cues

Interpersonal speaking
Learned behavior Improved through:



Types of Interpersonal Speaking

Dyadic speaking
Public speaking Small-group speaking

Interpersonal Speaking in Business

staff meetings, formal project discussions, employee performance reviews, and informal chitchats client meetings, employment interviews, or sales visits

Verbal communication- essential part of business dealing Ideas styles

Casual approach can be problematic
Second, first impression People perceive totally different meaning
o Sender dont have apparent idea o Unable to articulate

Manage your impression by: consciously tailoring your remarks delivery style that suit the situation

Business Speaking
blurred, imprecise, or thoughtless business communication can: squander precious time estrange employees or customers obliterate goodwill toward management or the business as a whole.

Goal Take advantage of positive characteristics. Minimize the dangers.
Speaking - a tool to accomplish your objectives.

Plan - what youre going to say & how youre going to say

Effective communicator:

Remember to become aware of what you are saying.

Apply the same process you use in written communication when you are communicating orally.
Before you speak, think about your purpose, your main idea, and your audience Organize your thoughts in a logical way. Decide on a style that suits the occasion and then edit your remarks mentally.

As you speak, watch the other person to see whether your message is making the desired impression. If not, revise it and try again.


Expressive Style Directive Style ProblemSolving Style Meta Style


It is spontaneous, conversational and inhibited.

Use this when you are expressing you feelings, complaining, joking or socializing.

EXAMPLE: No way am I going to let that nerd force an incentive-pay plan


It is an authoritative and judgmental style.

We use these styles to exert leadership, give orders, pass judgment, or state our opinions

EXAMPLE I want all of you to submit your assignments by tomorrow at any cost


It is rational, unbiased, objective and bland. This is the style mostly used in business dealings

We use it when we are solving problems and conveying routine information

EXAMPLE Mr.Atif might be able to present the plan more favorably


It is used to discuss the communication process itself. Meta language enable us to talk about our interactions.

EXAMPLE: "We seem to be having a hard time agreeing on the specifics of the incentive-pay plan."

Give and collect information. Influence the attitudes and behavior of others. Form contacts and maintain relationships. Make sense of the world and your experiences in it. Express personal needs and understand the needs of others. Give and receive emotional support. Make decisions and solve problems. Anticipate and predict behavior.

Regulate power.

Iqra Ishtiaq BB-10-43

Public Speaking
It requires the ability to develop and present ideas in a persuasive and organized manner.

Seven steps to creating an Effective Speech

Choosing a Topic Purpose of speech Know your audience Gather information Organized your speech Introduction to your speech Conclusion

Choosing a

choose a topic you really care about.

Have personal experience.

Original and may be interest to others.

Suitable for video, essay and presentation

Purpose of speech

Purpose of speech
You must know what are you persuading or informing your audience.

Know your audience

Audience is the main focus of your

Speech so you must,

Know the need of your audience

Know the Demographic features e.g.

I. How large the audience will be,

II.What they feel about topic,

III.Condition you will be speaking in.

Gather information
There are countless sources of gathering information e.g. Newspaper Magazine Internet Govt documents

Organize speech in different order that make sense.

I. Chronologically (cover sequence of event). II. Spatially (describing something from top to bottom). III. Problem solution (presenting problem followed by solution). or by some other orders.

Introduction to your Speech

A speaker provide the clear closure in the ending so that the audience is clear that the speaker is finished. You can do this by Restating main points Ending with quotation summarize your main points


The practices and forms prescribed by social convention or by authority. Cultural specific

Importance of etiquettes
Gives professionals the tools to impress clients and colleagues. Builds confidence and helps create a winning style. Gives the organization an overall polished, professional image.

Principles of etiquettes

Making introductions
Always make a proper introduction

Points to remember when making introductions

Introduce the person of greatest importance or authority first Gender or age is not the deciding factor. When a client is involved, mention him or her first. A proper business introduction should include first and last names.

Telephone etiquettes
Identify yourself Return phone calls within 24 hours When you place a call, identify yourself, your company or department you represent Always speak calmly and choose your words naturally Use simple English avoid slang and/or acronyms(customers) Focus your attention on the customer

Telephone Etiquette
Customer forms a mental

PICTURE of you.



Interoffice phone etiquettes

Dont hover outside a coworkers office Leave and try again later Dont listen coworkers conversation Keep your conversation professional Conversation should be straight or to the point

This is companys message system not yours. Be professional Outgoing messages should include your name Let the caller know how to reach a live person in an emergency Keep your outgoing messages current and up to date

Placing someone on hold

Make sure its for a good reason

Ask the person if he/she will hold or not Never keep a caller on hold for more than a minute Thank a caller for holding

While making emails dont use Acronyms-LOL etc Emoticons Dont use text messages like conversation or informal talk Do include subject line Proper capitalization and punctuation

Addressing with others

Proper addressing with subordinates or others Formal relationships, while introducing use: Mr. to address man Mrs. woman Ms. Whose marital or single status is unknown

Specific rules for addressing others

Superiors: Always use gender specific title Colleagues: Address them by their first names Subordinates Clients & customers: Should be formal and address them by their first names

Sumaira Naz BB-10-39

Whats the Purpose of Verbal communication

To change behavior

To get and give Information

To get action

To persuade

To ensure understanding

In context of Business
Essential actions taken by managers and staff almost entirely through verbal communication.

Its important because you have to deal with variety of

people, who have different culture, ages and with different levels of experience.

Ineffective communication results in:

Coordination breaks down Relationships suffer

Mistakes multiply
Productivity crash down

Advantages of Verbal communication

Increase accuracy of communication More precise than non-verbal


Saving of Time

Saving of Money

Clear Doubts

Disadvantages of verbal communication

Lack of Proof of Message Not Suitable for Future Reference

Can quickly forgotten

Not Suitable in Case of Distance

Quick escalation of a situation Cultural, audience and listening

Challenges of verbal communication

Challenges arise when one use it to express

oneself. These can be

Misunderstanding because of
Poor word choice

Differing perspectives
Faulty communication techniques

Language As barrier

Because of different
cultures and Differences its

difficult to communicate


To improve Communication skills???

Improve language.
Improve pronunciation. Work on voice modulation. Work on body language. Improve on your topic of discussion.

Practice meditation & good thoughts. Think and speak. Do not speak too fast. Use simple vocabulary. Look presentable and confident. Do not speak only to impress someone.


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