Malaysian Studies Lesson 12

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The Era of the Emergency

The Era of the Emergency

One of the most important period in Malaysian history. This period is closely related to the development and activities of the Communist Party of Malaya (MCP).

The Era of the Emergency

Communism crept into Malaya in the 1920s through a branch of Kuomintang Party in China.

The Era of the Emergency

It was therefore no surprise that the majority of the MCP members were Chinese.

Chin Peng - Leader of the Communist Party

Mao Zedong meeting with the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Malaya Chen Ping at Wuhan on March 19th, 1965

.. The era of Emergency

The primary objective of MCP was to overthrow the British government and establish the Communist Republic of Malaya. MCP had been an underground movement except during the years 1945 to 1948. After the WWII, MCP guerillas prepared a strategy to take over the controlling power before the British resume their rule of Malaya.

Communist Terrorists (CTs).

era of emergency

The MCP formed the Malayan Races Liberation Army (MRLA), better known as the Three Stars (Bintang Tiga symbolizing the three main races in Malaya) to fight for the establishment of the Communist Republic of Malaya.

"Training camp of the "Bandits

era of emergency


The MCP also set up a supply and public spy unit known as Min Yuen. Min Yuen main two functions: Get food and medical supplies Obtain information on British activities.

No Support for Communism

The majority of the population did not support the communist ideology. For the Malays, communism was against Islamic teachings as it denied the existence of God. Republic royal institution would be abolished. MCP dominated by the Chinese created suspicion among the Malays and Indians.

Communism Uprising and Terrorism

The Asian Communist Youth Congress held in Calcutta in Feb 1948 greatly influenced the MCP. Following the Calcutta Resolution, the MCP launched attacks on rubber estates and tin mines causing many deaths and loss of means of livelihood. In June 1948, the MCP launched an armed uprising in Malaya.

..Communist Tactics

The MCP employed guerilla war tactics to cripple the economy by conquering big cities (form headquarters) and eventually drive the British out of Malaya. On 6 Oct 1951, Sir Henry Gurney, the High Commissioner was shot dead. His death spurred the British into action to eradicate the communists and their activities.

Funeral, Sir Henry Gurney

A train overturned : One of the sabotages taken by the Communist Party of Malaya.

Steps to eradicate communists

The declaration of emergency

The Briggs Plan Military steps Psychological warfare (the Templer Plan)

Declaration of Emergency

On 16 June 1948, Sir Edward Gent, a British Commissioner, declared Perak and Johor emergency areas. On 17 June 1948, emergency was declared on the whole of Malaya following the killing of 3 European estate managers in Perak. On 23 July 1948, the MCP was officially outlawed.

Emergency Law

The Emergency Law of 1948 gave powers to the police and soldiers to arrest and detain communist suspects without trial. Imposed roadblocks and curfew where communists activities were rife. The registration system was also introduced where citizens aged 12 years and above must register and own an identification card known as identity card (IC).

British soldiers on jungle patrol in Malaya

The Briggs Plan

Sir Harold Briggs introduced the plan by relocating the squatter areas from the forest to a new village.

The Briggs Plan

Launched starvation movement.

The Briggs Plan

Aimed at restricting the Chinese from supplying food, medicine and information to the communists.

Malaya Ration Card

The Briggs Plan

This plan was effective because it weakened Min Yuen activities and forced the communists out of the jungles

Military Measures

Sir Gerald Templer, a military general, replaced Sir Henry Gurney in 1952.

Military Measures
He used firm military force to fight the communists. Among others, he used 13 battalions of English soldiers, Gurkhas and Malays.


Malayan Police patrol based at Fort Brooke

Military Measures

Formed home guard systems with 210,000 soldiers. The strength of the military team enabled to launch more aggressive attacks on the communists and ensured food was not smuggled out for the guerrilla communists

Psychological Warfare

Among them were making conditions easier for non-Malays to obtain citizenship.

Psychological Warfare

Pardoning MCP members who surrendered.

Psychological Warfare

Rewarding people who provided information on communists terrorists.

Psychological Warfare

Giving out pamphlets calling the communists to give up their fight.

A Mark 4 RAF Auster disseminating propaganda leaflets.

Air Dispatcher L/C Ken Thomas of 55 coy AD, RASC, throws out propaganda leaflets over the Malayan jungle in 1958.

Psychological Warfare

Introduced the White and Black Areas.

Psychological Warfare

Introduced curfews where soldiers were hunting for the communists.

The Baling Negotiation, Dec 1955

After experiencing a decline, the MCP decided to negotiate with the government of Malaya.
Held in Baling, Kedah on 28-29 Dec 1955. Tunku Abdul Rahman, David Marshall and Tun Tan Cheng Lock represented the government while Chin Peng, Chen Tien and Rashid Maidin represented the MCP.

The Baling Negotiation, Dec 1955

Rundingan Baling dari kiri: Tan Cheng Lock, YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Alhaj dan David Marshall, mewakili pihak kerajaan

The Baling Negotiation, Dec 1955

Inilah sekolah yang digunakan sebagai tempat perundingan

The Baling Negotiation, Dec 1955

Chin Peng, Chen Tien dan Rashid Maidin diiringi ke tempat rundingan.

Suasana dan pandangan di bilik perbincangan Rundingan Baling pad tahun 1955

Surat yang ditulis oleh Chin Peng

The Baling Negotiation, Dec 1955

The MCP asked to be legally recognized but was turned down. The MCP rejected governments counter offer and refused to lay down their arms.

Impact of Emergency

Gradually the influence and activities of the MCP declined. On 31 July 1960, Tunku proclaimed the end of emergency. MCP failed due to: 1) their offensive acts 2) lack of support 3) lack of protection for China & Russia Loss of lives, the destruction of property and the cripple of economy.

.. The impact of emergency

New villages with public facilities were developed unlike in traditional Malay villages. widened social gap. worsened the racial issue. Challenge for the people to work together to defeat the communist terrorists. The unity among the citizens of Malaya that convinced the British to grant independence (Social Contract Pakatan Murni)


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