Research Design and Exploratory

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Introduction to Research Design and Exploratory Research

Jeremy Kees, Ph.D.

Stages in the Research Process

Formulate Problem Determine Research Design Design Data Collection Method and Forms Design Sample and Collect Data

Analyze and Interpret the Data

Prepare the Research Report

Overview of Research Design

discovery relationships


Descriptive Research
Describe what is going on or exists Estimate how groups of consumers might behave Examine relationships between two or more variables Predict

Descriptive Research
Two Basic Types
1. Longitudinal(true panels, omnibus panels) 2. Cross-Sectional

Causal Research
Helps us determine if one or more IVs (treatment, predictors) causes or affects one or more DVs (outcome variables) Most demanding designstrongest conclusion Requires the highest degree of understanding of the problem

Overview of Research Design

Exploratory Research
Formulate problems more precisely Develop Hypotheses Establish priorities for research Eliminate impractical ideas Clarify concepts Describe segment characteristics Estimate proportion of people who behave in a certain way Make specific predictions

Literature search Experience survey Analysis of select cases Interviews Ethnographies Focus groups Etc. Longitudinal study Panels Sample Survey

Descriptive Research

Causal Research

Provide evidence regarding causal relationships Rule out all other explanations

Laboratory experiment Field experiment

Relationship Among Research Designs

Descriptive Research

Exploratory Research

Causal Research

Qualitative versus Quantitative Research

Quantitative = numeric data Qualitative = non-numeric data
Caveat all qualitative data can be coded and all quantitative data is based on judgment

Common Assumption:
Qualitative Data = preliminary Quantitative Data = confirmatory

Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research

Qualitative Research Objective To gain a qualitative understanding of the underlying reasons and motivations Small number of nonrepresentative cases Unstructured Non-statistical Develop an initial understanding Quantitative Research To quantify the data and generalize the results from the sample to the population of interest Large number of representative cases Structured Statistical Recommend a final course of action

Sample Data Collection

Data Analysis

Focus Groups
Focus groups: small group discussions led by a trained moderator Objectives: Generate ideas Understand consumer vocabulary Reveal consumer needs, motives, perceptions, and attitudes on products and services Understand findings from quantitative studies

Focus Groups
Advantages: Generation of fresh ideas Client interaction Versatility Ability to tap special respondents Disadvantages: Representative of the population? Subjective interpretation High cost-per-participant

Focus Group Characteristics

Group Size Group Composition Physical Setting Time Duration Recording Moderator 8-12 Homogeneous respondents, prescreened Relaxed, informal atmosphere 1-3 hours Audiocassettes and/or Video Observational, interpersonal, and communication skills of the moderator


Procedure for Planning and Contacting Focus Groups

Determine the Objectives and Define the Problem Specify the Objectives of Qualitative Research State the Objectives/Questions to be Answered by Focus Groups Write a Screening Questionnaire Develop a Moderators Outline Conduct the Focus Group Interviews Review Tapes and Analyze the Data Summarize the Findings and Plan Follow-Up Research or Action

Moderators Role
Focus group moderator: a person who conducts the entire sessions and guides the flow of group discussion across specific topics desired by the client Characteristics:
Experienced Enthusiastic Prepared Involved Energetic Open-minded

Other Popular Qualitative Techniques

In-Depth interview: is a set of probing questions posed one-on-one to a subject by a trained interviewer so as to gain an idea of what the subject thinks about something or why he or she behaves a certain way Protocol analysis: involves placing a person in a decision making situation and asking him or her to verbalize everything he or she considers when making a decision


Popular Qualitative Research Methods

Focus Groups

Group dynamics, expect more creative Some probing Relatively inexpensive Ready industry

Qualitative Flexible Probing Richness of data Gets at the Why of customers behaviors Generates ideas Clarifies other project results


Not influenced by others Max probing, great depth Expensive Time consuming Candid, sensitive topics


Still Other Qualitative Methods

developing understandings of the everyday activities of people in local settings

Insight into actual, not reported, behaviors

Projective Techniques
participants are placed in (projected into) simulated activities in the hopes that they will divulge things about themselves that they might not reveal under direct questioning

Alternative Techniques
Implicit Association Test
Kees, Jeremy, Elizabeth H. Creyer, and Eric S. Knowles (2005), ReExamining Smokers Perceived Vulnerability to Disease: Self-Report Measures May Not Tell the Whole Story, In Karin M. Ekstrm and Helene Brembeck (Eds.), European Association for Consumer Research Proceedings, Gteborg, Sweden.

Eye Tracking

Mystery Shopping
Mystery shoppers are people who pose as consumers and shop at a companys own stores or those of its competitors to collect data about customer-employee interactions and to gather observational data; they may also compare prices, displays, and the like

Mystery Shopping
Purpose of Mystery Shopping
Evaluate customer service Measure employee training Recognize good employees Monitoring the competition Prepare for competition

Mystery Shopping
Level 1 mystery telephone call. Mystery shopper calls the client location & evaluates the level of service received over the phone following a scripted conversation.

Level 2 mystery shopper visits the establishment, makes a quick purchase (e.g. gas, a hamburger, etc.) & evaluates the transaction & image of the facility. Little or no customer-employee interaction required.
Level 3 mystery shopper visits the establishment and, using a script or scenario, initiates a conversation with an employee. No actual purchase is involved. Examples: discussing different cellular phone packages, reviewing services provided during an oil change, etc. Level 4 mystery shopper performs a visit that requires excellent communication skills & knowledge of the product. Examples: discussing a home loan, the process for purchasing a new car, visiting an apartment complex.

Sams Club MS Protocol

1. 2. Were there lots of carts or flat beds in the parking lot and not in the cart corral? Make sure you pass by some associates on the sales floor during your shopping trip. Did they acknowledge you in some manner, either by eye contact, smile, nod, or verbal greeting when you came within 10 feet of them? Did any associate ask you if you found everything you were looking for? As you approached the cash registers in the checkout area


Did the checkout area appear to be busy (long lines, activity)? If yes, did you see an associate directing members to certain checkout lanes? If no, explain.

Sams Club MS Protocol

4. Were you checked out within 5 minutes? Start timing when you enter the checkout line. Stop when handed your receipt. ___Min. ___Sec. Were boxes or bags available near the front of your checkout lane for packing items? Mark the following observations that you made of the Cashier Associate:

5. 6.

Smiled and greeted you Called you by name at any time Thanked you Checked the bottom of your cart for additional merchandise Name of cashier ____________

Sams Club MS Protocol

7. 8. As you were leaving the club, did the exit greeter thank you for your business? Mark the following observations you made of the restroom:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Clean sinks and toilets All dispensers full (soap, toweling, toilet paper) Relatively free of litter Equipment and stalls operable Floors clean

9. Was the club clean and relatively free of litter? 10. Were the price signs on the merchandise in the club visible and easy to read?


Qualitative versus Quantitative Methods

Is the goal to test new or existing theory?

Qualitative versus Quantitative Methods

Level of Understanding Sought

Complex / Sensitive issues are tough to examine with quantitative methods
Kurtz, David, Jeremy Kees, and Travis Tokar (2004), An Examination of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivational Factors that Affect Research Productivity of Marketing Academicians, Journal for Advancement of Marketing Education, 4, 9-15.

Qualitative versus Quantitative Methods

Detail versus Generalizability

Quantitative Methods
Generalizations to other populations and/or situations

Qualitative Methods
Rich Understanding

Qualitative versus Quantitative Methods

Epistemological Assumptions
Contextual Factors Ontological Assumptions What is reality?

Identify your research objectives for your focus group Get started on a script Think about who youre going to recruit (8-10 people or so) for 10/3

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