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MSF 512, IBCS, 2013

Origin of Insurance Concept

Origin can be traced back to 6000 years ago. Sharing of insurance risk high seas. started from

Past History of Insurance

From 3000 (B.C.) the oldest reference relates to Hammurabi and Manus religious discourses in Rig Veda the words Yogakshema gives enough hint that social protection was prevalent even during that period. Also during the Mohanjodaro civilization and after Indias trade extended to Babylon and beyond, the merchant guilds at important trading centers devised means to insure ships and caravans.

History continued
Instances can be found in mutual help societies for widows protection, marriage of girls, educating children and helping uneducated in business. Temples, churches were pioneers in propagating these mutual help societies. Joint Family system has evolved from this concept.

The early development of insurance was irregular and was confined to fields other than life. Modern life insurance is a heritage from England where the first life policy for a temporary cover of twelve months was issued as early as 1583 A.D. The first recorded evidence available is the policy issued on life of William Gibbons on June16th,1653. Even before this date annuities had become quite popular in England. The first registered office in England was the Hand in Hand Society established in 1669.

The development of mortality table was a landmark in the history of life assurance. With this development life assurance acquired a scientific character for the first time in 1807. It was transacted on modern lines in England.

Life Insurance in India

The earliest references are traceable to the days of East India Company when policies on the life of its officers were issued in sterling currency by some British Companies established in India. Life Insurance in its existing form came to India from United Kingdom with the establishment of British firm Oriental Life Insurance Company in Calcutta in 1818 followed by Bombay Life Assurance Company in 1823.

Development of Insurance in India

1850 - Triton Insurance

First non life insurance company at Calcutta.

870-71 Bombay Mutual life assurance society limited

First life insurance company.

1874 - Oriental Government Security Life Assurance company limited

1896 - Bharat Insurance company limited

1897- Empire of India assurance company limited

From 1900-1920

1905 During the Swadeshi Movement number of companies came into being like United India, National Hindustan Cooperative etc. 1907- INDIAN MERCANTILE

First Composite (Non Life Insurer).

1912- Life Insurance Act(1912) 1914- Government started to publish returns of life insurers.

From1930s to 1940

1934 - S.C.Sen appointed special officer to submit a report on Indian Insurance. 1936 - N.N.Sarakar Committee set up to examine Sen's Report. 1937 - Draft of the Insurance Act approved. 1938 - Insurance Act(1938) passed.

From 1940 to 1950

1945 - Cowasji Jehangir committee setup to review malpractices. 1950 Ranganathan committees recommendations to amend the Insurance Act(1938) accepted and the act amended to establish the position of Controller of Insurance. Also passed - The Life Insurance Corporation & General Insurance Council.

From 1950s to 1960s

1956 - LIC set up.

1957 - Reinsurance Corporation of India setup as Indias First Reinsurance Company.

1958 - Section64(V) (B) introduced-invoking Cash Before Cover (C.O.D.) 1968 - Ordinance passed to amend the Insurance Act to regulate/control Non Life Insurance. - Tariff Advisory Committee (TAC) formed.

From 1970s to 1990

1971 - General Insurance Emergency Provision Act (1971) passed to take over the control of the non life insurance industry. 1972 - General Insurance Industry nationalized.
1973 - GIC set up.

From 1990-1999

1993 - Malhotra Committee setup to explore and to recommend means to reintroduce an element of competition by withdrawing the exclusivity of LIC and GIC. 1994 - Malhotra Committee submits report. 1997 - Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA restyled as IRDA) established.

Insurance Regulatory & Development Act1999(IRDA) passed.

In the year 2000

April : IRDA made a statutory body.

July : IRDA Guidelines for licenses by way of various notifications issued. August : Windows for filing applications for licenses opened.

October: First insurance licenses issued

on Diwali day HDFC Standard life became the first life & Royal Sundaram Alliance (RSA) the first non life insurer to be licensed in addition to reliance (non life).

December: First life insurance policies

issued from newly licensed insurers issued by Prudential ICICI & HDFC Standard Life.

In 2001

January - First Non Life Insurance policies issued from newly licensed insurers issued by Royal Sundaram Alliance (RSA).

Introduction to regulations

Contract of insurance a special contract between two parties called insured and insurer The insurer for a premium undertakes to pay the insured a fixed sum of money on the happening of a certain event. The contract of insurance is regulated by the Insurance Act 1938.

Insurance Act 1938

Important provisions Eligibility

A public limited company A company registered under the cooperative societies act. Should obtain a certificate of registration A person or organisation who has been carrying on any class of insurance business before the IRDA Act 1999, shall make an application for such registration within 3 months from the date of commencement of such Act.


Documents to be filed

A certified copy of Memorandum and Articles of association Name and address of the directors & their occupation A statement of the class of insurance done or to be done A certified copy of the published prospectus & standard policy forms of the insurer. The receipt showing payment of fee of Rs.50000.

Grant of Certificate

After satisfying the soundness of the management of the applicant, volume of business and other requirements, the authority may register the applicant and grant a certificate of registration The authority may cancel the registration of an insurer if he fails to comply with requirements of deposits with RBI, transfer his business, do not pay any claims within three months of final court judgment etc.



1/4th percent of total gross premium or Rs. 5 cr whichever is less and a minimum of Rs.50000 for each class of business.

Capital requirement

The capital of insurance companies should consist of ordinary shares each of which has single face value, paid amount of all should be same and maintain the register of shareholders with name and address.


Financial statement

Every insurer is required to prepare a balance sheet, a profit & loss a/c, a receipt & payment a/c, a revenue a/c at the end of each financial year. Separate fund accounts of shareholders and policy holders should be maintained Every insurer who is carrying on life insurance business should get the investigation, done by an actuary, into financial conditions including a valuation of the liabilities.

Investigation by actuary

IRDA ACT, 1999

Insurance Act 1938 created the a supervisory authority called the controller of insurance to direct, advise, investigate, inspect, search, seize, register & liquidate insurance cos. In 1993, Govt of India appointed the RN Malhotra committee to advise changes to this authority. Based on the Malhotra committees recommendations the IRDA Act of 1999 was passed.

Features of IRDA Act

Act to establish the regulatory authority

Protect the interests of the policyholders Regulate, promote & ensure orderly growth of the insurance industry Sec 3 provides that the authority shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession and common seal. Sec 25 provides that an insurance advisory committee will be formed with not more than 25 members.

Features of IRDA Act

The members will represent the interest of commerce, industry, transport, agriculture, agents etc. The chairperson & the members of the authority shall be ex officer members of the committee. Sec 30 & 31 is intended to end the exclusive privilege of LIC, GIC and its subsidiaries to carry on life and general insurance business respectively


The Indian Insurance company has been defined in sec 2 as an insurer being a company:

Formed and registered under the companies act 1956 Aggregate holdings of foreign company do not exceed 26% of paid up equity capital

Capital Adequacy requirements

Paid up equity capital of Rs.100crs in case of person carrying of life and general insurance business.


Paid up equity capital of Rs.200crs in case of company carrying of reinsurance business. Life insurance business not exceeding Rs.10 crs General insurance business - not exceeding Rs.10 crs Reinsurance business A sum of Rs.20 crs All deposits needs to be kept with the RBI in the form of cash or approved securities.



Investment of Assets

Sec 27 Atleast 50% to be with Gsecs, 20% in corporate debts, 15% in market investments, remaining 15% in infrastructure/social sectors.

Power of investigation & Inspection

The authority may direct any person to conduct an investigation or inspection of the records of insurance companies at any time.
Formed to regulate the rates, advantages, terms and conditions offered by general insurance cos.



Surveyors/loss assessors All such person can act on behalf of the insurance company only if they possess a valid license from the authority Sufficiency of assets

The solvency margin shall the highest of the following:

Rs.50 crores Sum equivalent to 20% of net premium income Sum equivalent to 30% of net incurred claims.


Premium in advance

An insurance company cannot assume risk without receiving payment of premium in advance and in the prescribed manner.


Insurance companies shall have the authority to decide their reinsurance requirements and place it with appropriate reinsurers.

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