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Retail Mgt-Sales Associate

Sample Quiz

1.What is a pre-demonstration requirement? ( 1 Mark) (A) Safety of demonstration area (B) Full - functioning of the product (C) Product expertise (D) All of the above


2.Why is customer service important? ( 1 Mark ) (A) A customer canbecome a regularcustomer only because of excellence in service (B) There is an annual award for customer service (C) It is an easy job and does not demand much skill (D) None of the above

3. You see a customer asking for some assistance to your colleague but he ignores the customer, you will.. ( 1 Mark ) (A) Go to the customer apologise and assist (B) Ignore the customer (C) Go a start talking to your colleague while ignoring the customer' (D) None of the above

4. Whom should customer feedback be collected from? ( 1 Mark ) (A) Only the regular customers (B) Only first time visitors (C) Any customer who visits the store (D) None of the above

5. What is the most critical factor to be considered while organizing the delivery? ( 1 Mark) (A) Variety of products (B) Different types of customers (C) Customer satisfaction (D) Time constraints

6. Why is it important to be well groomed? ( 1 Mark ) (A) To connect with the customer and make an impression (B) Make a fashion statement (C) Shows we are all rich (D) None of the above

7. While you attend a customer, what other factor is to be taken care of? ( 1 Mark ) (A) Pay attention to other customers simultaneously (B) Attend the calls of your colleagues on job (C) Attend the calls of home (D) Interrupt the customer

8. Which one factor should be considered for analysis of ones own delivery services? ( 1Mark ) (A) Always available andaccessible to customers (B) Maintained customer feedback reports (C) Focusing on quality rather than timely deliveries (D) Online customer appreciation

9. Identify the essential points to be considered when presenting merchandise to turn into a sales opportunity. ( 1 Mark ) (A) Be polite in speech and listen carefully (B) Be alert and use presence of mind in dealing with customers and situations at work (C) Have adequate knowledge of products, market trends, benefits, competition, and more (D) All of the above

10. While on shop floor you have a doubt about some policy, you will: ( 1 Mark) (A) Check with your immediate supervisor (B) Check with your friends who have joined recently (C) Comment on the policy without being clear about it (D) None of the above

11. An individual on the job, should look for: ( 1 Mark) (A) Opportunities to provide specialist support to customer (B) Kids loitering around (C) Customers purchasing gadgets (D) None of the above

12. Credit facility enables customers to: ( 1 Mark) (A) Make payment immediately (B) Defer payment against additional purchases (C) Make repayments in easy installments (D) None of the above

13. You injure yourself when arranging a product on stack, you should: ( 1 Mark ) (A) Continue to work (B) Inform your supervisor and seek first aid (C) Inform your family (D) None of the above

14. A customer is reading the details of a product for quite sometime. If an individual on job notices this, what should he do? (1 Mark ) (A) Go to the customer and take permission to explain him (B) Explain the features and benefits of the product clearly and accurately (C) Understand his requirements and if the product does not fulfil all his suitable requirements, convince him to take some alternative available in the store (D) All of the above

15. If any product widely matches customers requirements, what can be done to increase sales of the store? ( 1 Mark) (A) Promote the product (B) Provide extensive discount on the product (C) Increase the price of the product (D) Need not do anything as the product is already in demand

16. Identify an example of value-added customer service which you may decide instantly and implement? ( 1 Mark ) (A) Loan an umbrella to the customers on a rainy day to reach their cars (B) Offer free balloons to every toddler who walks into the store (C) Charge for gift wrapping (D) None of the above

17. You have spent a good 15-20 minutes explain the various features and use of mobile in the range requested by customer. The customer is not tech savvy and is repeating quite a few questions you have already answered. How would you deal with the customer? ( 1 Mark) (A) Provide information brochure and ask the customer to read through (B) Ignore the questions and attend to other customers (C) Seek help from colleagues to handle other customers and explain the details to customer satisfaction (D) None of the above

18. Which of the following would be the best way to promote any product? ( 1 Mark ) (A) Sell on separate stalls outside the store (B) Demonstrate the product on customers will in the store (C) Provide pamphlets with the product information (D) Provide demonstrations from house to house

19. While imparting specialist support to customer, regarding any product, the information should be: (1 Mark ) (A) Relevant to individual needs and interests (B) Lengthy to impress yourself (C) Short to save your time (D) Relevant to the company owing the product

20. A customer intends to buy a cell on credit, but is not eligible. What would you do? ( 1 Mark ) (A) Consider this as a special situation and offer credit based on mutually agreed terms and conditions (B) Explain the eligibility terms and conditions along with store policy (C) Tell no credit facility is available on the product and ignore the customer (D) None of the above

21. A customer has come to exchange a product, bought a few weeks ago. How would you respond to the customer? ( 1 Mark ) (A) Inform the customer the exchange or return time is 15 days from the time of purchase (B) Ask the customer to come in the morning or afternoon (C) Enquire the reasons for change and directit to appropriate person for response (D) None of the above

22. Suresh wants to demonstrate working of vacuum cleaner what should he do? ( 2Marks) (A) Proper study of user manual (B) Proper survey of space (C) Proper survey of colour (D) None of the above

23. Which of the following is not a proper behaviour while responding to the customer? ( 2 Marks) (A) Understanding the need of the customer (B) Nodding and responding to the customer queries (C) Answering with a smile (D) Answering rudely to the customer

24. When difficulties arise members should: ( 2 Marks ) (A) Seek assistance from their immediate supervisors (B) Blame each other for making the work a mess (C) Procrastinate the situation (D) None of the above

25. Which of the following does not send a positive message to a customer when entering a shop floor? ( 2 Marks ) (A) Greeting the customer at the entrance (B) Understanding the need of the customer (C) Assisting the customer to the right product (D) Passing by the customer without greeting or offering help

26. What do you need to ensure while planning and organizing the delivery? ( 2 Marks ) (A) Able to give consistent and prompt attention to customers (B) You get promoted (C) You can command on others (D) You build relationship with customers

27. The key to accident prevention is: ( 2 Marks ) (A) Train staff on customer service (B) Train staff on performing drills (C) Spread awareness of basic safety (D) None of the above

28. If you notice safety problems at your store, you: ( 2Marks ) (A) Inform the supervisor immediately and take relevant action (B) Ignore, it is no big deal (C) Inform if an accident or mishap occurs (D) None of the above

29. What do you mean by after sales support? ( 2 Marks) (A) Ongoing relation between customers and the company (B) Providing support to maintain defective goods (C) Supporting sales to make more sales (D) None of the above

30. Customer complaints received should be resolved: ( 2 Marks ) (A) delayed as much as possible (B) should be ignored (C) should be resolved quickly and successfully (D) None of the above

31. A customer tells you he saw a beautiful watch at another store. You should: ( 2 Marks ) (A) Immediately tell the customer that the other store has inferior products (B) Explain to the customer how your store is so much bigger than theirs (C) Acknowledge what the customer is saying but never say anything negative about another store. (D) None of the above

32. What safety training is required by your skill? ( 3 Marks ) (A) First Aid (B) Reporting of potential hazards (C) Unsafe work conditions (D) All of the above

33. What is the main goal of gathering customer feedback? ( 3 Marks ) (A) to create pool of data (B) to collect the data and later sell that to another company (C) to understand need of customer (D) to enable communications between you and your customer by understanding customer needs through analysis of collected data

34. You see one of your colleague dressed in a sloppy way, you will: ( 3 Marks ) (A) Inform the manager and see to it that he gets fired (B) You plan with your other team members and encourage him to dress similar way (C) You speak to him and ask him to get himself properly groomed (D) None of the above

1D 2A 3A 4C 5C 6A 7A 8A 9D

10 A 11 A 12 C 13 B 14 D 15 A 16 A 17 A 18 D

19 A 20 B 21 C 22 A 23 D 24 A 25 D 26 A 27 C

28 A 29 A 30 C 31 C 32 D 33 D 34 C

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