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Homework 1 Due: 15/1 (Extra Lesson)

You will be working in teams of 4. Produce a DRAFT OF SECTIONS 2-5 for the Jan 2013 question. You must use Slides 3-4 to inspire you. Take time to plan (we will work more on this on 22nd). Share out the conventions of persuasive and descriptive writing to include in the writing. Even if you share out the paragraphs, all must be on one sheet of A4

You must have the work to be involved in the extra lesson; otherwise you will work on this individually in detention.

January 2013 (First Mock)

How will your writing be structured?

Engaging the audience/Rapport building

Contextuali sation/Rap port building

Final impact semantical ly linked to intro

Ideas in priority order

Purpose, next steps, envisioned consequences

Suitable Conventions (Persuade) Explain Describe

Rhetorical questions Statistics (twenty-one to ninety-nine) Emotive language Repetition Personal pronouns we and our Tripling: horrific, devastating and catastrophic Imperatives Irony no time but watch Corrie five times a week Counter-arguments: You are probably thinking, Quotes from experts Parallel phrasing or anadiplosis for emphasis

Colons to Imagery evidence Concise Declaratives Facts vocab Definitions Semi-colons Clarification to list Concise vocab phrases of Imagery detail and Anecdotes Exemplification description

EXTRA LESSON 1: STRUCTURE: Text and Sentence Level

starter: Conventions
Rhetorical questions Statistics (twenty-one to ninety-nine) Emotive language Repetition Personal pronouns we and our Tripling: horrific, devastating and catastrophic Imperatives Irony no time but watch Corrie five times a week Counter-arguments: You are probably thinking, Quotes from experts Parallel phrasing or anadiplosis for emphasis

have you got them all

Colons to Imagery evidence Concise Declaratives Facts vocab Definitions Semi-colons Clarification to list Concise vocab phrases of Imagery detail and Anecdotes Exemplification description

Our Purpose and Our Audience

The relationship between writer and audience changes as our writing progresses. We seek to develop that relationship through a text, e.g. from ignorance to full awareness backing of our idea. How do these sections of a piece of writing help us do that? What is the true goal of this writing?

Why are structural techniques particularly important to our writing?

How to move between paragraphs

Paragraph two should open with a clear declarative statement in form of a simple sentence. One sentence paragraph in the form of a rhetorical question between paragraphs 2 and 3why not add a metaphor? One word sentence can effectively answer the RQ above The situation is clear.

So, where does this key to success lie? So, how do we avoid such a torrent of despair?

Simply. Us.

Connectives to add should begin paragraph 4

Similarly, Consequently,

Use of parallel phrases or rhetorical question to begin paragraph 5

The clock is ticking. The clock has reached the time in which we must act.

How to construct an impactful detailed main body paragraph

By Creating a Voice! Otherwise your work will be boring!

Michelle Obama And Hadiya? Oh, we know that story. Just a week after she performed at my husbands inauguration, she went to a park with some friends and got shot in the back because some kid thought she was in a gang. Hadiyas family did everything right, but she still didnt have a chance. And that story - the story of Hadiyas life and death - we read that story day after day, month after month, year after year in this city and around this country See, at the end of the day, this is the point I want to make: that resources matter. They matter. That what it takes to build strong, successful young people isnt genetics, or pedigree, or good luck. Its opportunity. And I know from my own experience. I started out with exactly the same aptitude - exactly the same intellectual, emotional capabilities - as so many of my peers. And the only thing that separated me from them was that I had a few more advantages than some of them did. I had adults who pushed me. I had activities that engaged me, schools that prepared me to succeed. I had a community that supported me and a neighbourhood where I felt safe Because we know that every single child in this city has boundless promise no matter where they live. And whether we give them the chance to fulfil that promise and grow into productive adults who lead meaningful lives - see, thats on us. Thats our job. And our kids know when were fulfilling that obligation. They know. They know the difference between lip service and reality. They see it and feel it every single day.

You are to improve the voice in the paragraph you created using the advice given to you today ON PARAGRAPH LINKS AND SENTENCE/PUNCTUATION CHOICE. I will circulate to help and support you. Trial ideas today. You next English homework will be to provide a redrafted version of this middle section of the writing that you teacher can mark ahead of the next extra lesson. To improve the writing you have the following enable pack: Revision guides you have purchased Learning mats Examples of writing/speaking to argue

Tweaking to Transform

Use your support pack: Revision guide Learning mats Examples of writing/speaking to argue Plus what you know about positioning topic sentences, using punctuation for effect and structuring and varying sentences for effect.

Re-engage brain Look it up Ask a friend

Choose your speaker

Create a WILF for your work Someone is going to read your improved paragraph in the role of envoy to a neighbouring group. You will then talk through with them how you made your writing so emphatic and meaningful and they must tick off your WILF.

Heads up!

Your next English homework will be to ensure that the main body of the writing has been redrafted (one copy per group) so that I can mark it ready for next extra lesson. In the next extra lesson, we will look at motifs, intros and conclusions and vocabulary Another redraft will then take place and then finally we can produce class booklets for each of you of youre A* answers!

Homework 2 Due: 00/1 (ahead of Extra Lesson)

Redraft main body of writing applying all the advice given in the extra lesson and by using resources such as your revision guide.

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