Potential Energy: ENG1081 Physics For Engineering

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Potential Energy

ENG1081 Physics for Engineering

Potential Energy, U
Consider the following scenarios: Riding on a roller coaster Jumping on a trampoline

Work and Potential Energy

We find that at instances where U is max, K is at minimum (and vice versa) Since K = W U = -W
When U positive, K negative When U negative, K positive

Conservative and NonConservative Forces

This would be a good time to introduce two separate groups of Forces Conservative Forces
Energy Transfer between Forces are Reversible

Non-Conservative Forces
Non-Reversible Transfer of Energy between Forces

Testing for A Conservative Force

If it Passes Both of these Conditions: 1. In a Closed Path, the Net Work done on a Round Trip is 0. 2. Between Points A and B, the Work done is Independent of the Path taken

Expression for U
We consider a generalised Work equation =

Force that Varies with x

And because U = -W =


Gravitational Potential
= =

Consider only vertical displacement (y) Take upwards direction as +ve Fg = -mg

The higher the Object is, the more Gravitational Potential Energy it Contains

Elastic Potential
= 1 2 = 2

The Spring Force, Fs = -kx

Conservation of Energy
= = = = + = 0

2 1 = (2 1 ) 2 + 2 = 1 + 1

Force and Potential Energy

We can find U from F(x)

How to we determine F(x) from U?

= = () =
Negative of the slope of plot U versus x

Check: Gravity

() = 1 2 ( ) = 2 10


Spring Curves
Note: In reading of these graphs, it is convenient to ignore the negative value of the Spring Force and treat it as any regular Force


Potential Energy Curve

x +ve



Potential Energy Curve

Turning Point

Turning Point


Equilibrium Points
When the force acting on the object is zero, the object is said to be in a state of Equilibrium Stable Equilibrium located at minimums, will return if the object is displaced slightly Unstable Equilibrium located at maximums, will move away if the object is displaced slightly Neutral Equilibrium located at plateaus, where the net force equals zero.

Equilibrium Points
Stable Equilibrium at x3 and x5. Unstable Equilibrium at x4. Neutral Equilibrium at x1 and x6.

Conservation of Energy with Friction Involved

Consider a scenario where you are pushing a cart up a slope. Work, W = K + U = Emec With Friction, W = Emec + Ethermal In both cases, Conservation of Energy applies Work, W = E = Emec + Ethermal

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