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A"ti#it $Based Costin%: A &ool to Aid De"ision Makin%

Chapter 7

PowerPoint Authors: Susan Coomer Galbreath, Ph.D., CPA Charles W. Caldwell, D.B.A., CMA Jon A. Booker, Ph.D., CPA, CIA C nthia J. !oone , Ph.D., CPA
Copyright 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.


ActivityBased Costing (ABC)

ABC is desi%ned to )ro#ide mana%ers with "ost in*ormation *or strate%i" and other de"isions that )otentiall a**e"t "a)a"it , and there*ore, a**e"t +*i,edas well as #ariable "osts.
ABC is a good supplement to our traditional cost system

I agree!


Learning Objective 1
Understand activitybased costing and how it differs from a traditional costing system.


How Costs are Treated nder ActivityBased Costing

ABC ABC di**ers di**ers *rom *rom traditional traditional "ost "ost a""ountin% a""ountin% in in three three wa wa s. s. Manu*a"turin% "osts 0onmanu*a"turin% "osts

&raditional )rodu"t "ostin%

ABC )rodu"t "ostin%

ABC assi%ns both t )es o* "osts to )rodu"ts.


How Costs are Treated nder ActivityBased Costing

ABC ABC di**ers di**ers *rom *rom traditional traditional "ost "ost a""ountin% a""ountin% in in three three wa wa s. s. Manu*a"turin% "osts
Mo st, not but all

0onmanu*a"turin% "osts Some ABC )rodu"t "ostin%

&raditional )rodu"t "ostin%

ABC does not assi%n all manu*a"turin% "osts to )rodu"ts.



How Costs are Treated nder ActivityBased Costing

ABC ABC di**ers di**ers *rom *rom traditional traditional "ost "ost a""ountin% a""ountin% in in three three wa wa s. s. "evel o! comple#ity
ActivityBased ActivityBased Costing Costing Departmental Departmental Overhead Overhead Rates Rates Plantwide Plantwide Overhead Overhead Rate Rate

Num er o! cost pools ABC uses more "ost )ools.


How Costs are Treated nder ActivityBased Costing

ABC ABC di**ers di**ers *rom *rom traditional traditional "ost "ost a""ountin% a""ountin% in in three three wa wa s. s.

3a"h 3a"h ABC ABC "ost "ost )ool has has its own uni4ue uni4ue measure o* a"ti#it a"ti#it . &raditional &raditional "ost "ost s stems usuall s stems usuall rel rel on on #olume #olume measures measures su"h su"h as as dire"t dire"t labor labor hours hours and5or and5or ma"hine ma"hine hours hours to to allo"ate allo"ate all all o#erhead o#erhead "osts "osts to to )rodu"ts. )rodu"ts.
ABC uses more "ost )ools.


How Costs are Treated nder ActivityBased Costing

An e#ent that "auses the "onsum)tion o* o#erhead resour"es. A +"ost bu"ket- in whi"h "osts related to a sin%le a"ti#it measure are a""umulated.

A"ti#it Cost Pool $$ $ $ $ $


How Costs are Treated nder ActivityBased Costing

A"ti#it Measure An allo"ation base in an a"ti#it $based "ostin% s stem. &he term "ost dri#er is also used to re*er to an a"ti#it measure.


How Costs are Treated nder ActivityBased Costing

%wo common types o! activity measures& &ransa"tion dri#er
Sim)le "ount o* the number o* times an a"ti#it o""urs.

Duration dri#er
A measure o* the amount o* time needed *or an a"ti#it .


How Costs are Treated nder ActivityBased Costing

ABC de*ines *i#e le#els o* a"ti#it that lar%el do not relate to the #olume o* units )rodu"ed.

&raditional &raditional "ost "ost s s stems stems usuall usuall rel rel on on #olume #olume measures measures su"h su"h as as dire"t dire"t labor labor hours hours and5or and5or ma"hine ma"hine hours hours to to allo"ate allo"ate all all o#erhead o#erhead "osts "osts to to )rodu"ts. )rodu"ts.


How Costs are Treated nder ActivityBased Costing

)nit*"evel Activity Batch*"evel Activity

'anu!acturing companies typically com ine their activities into !ive classi!ications(
Product*"evel Activity Customer*"evel Activity

Organi+ation* sustaining Activity


Characteristics o! "#ccess!#$ ABC %&p$e&entations

,trong ,trong top top management support

"in"in- to to evaluations and rewards

Cross*!unctional involvement


Ba'ter Battery An ABC ('a&p$e

Ba#ter Battery Company Income ,tatement :ear ;nded Decem er 610 2/12 ,ales Cost o! goods sold Direct materials Direct la or 'anu!acturing overhead 4ross margin ,elling and administrative e#penses ,hipping e#penses 'ar-eting e#penses 4eneral administrative e#penses Net operating income loss $ ./0///0/// $ 1.0///0/// 120///0/// 130///0///

310///0/// 50///0///

60///0/// 20///0/// 70///0///

110///0/// $ 820///0///9

Manu*a"turin% Manu*a"turin% o#erhead o#erhead is is allo"ated allo"ated to to )rodu"ts )rodu"ts usin% usin% a a sin%le sin%le )lantwide )lantwide o#erhead o#erhead rate rate based based on on ma"hine ma"hine hours. hours.


)e!ine Activities* Activity Cost +oo$s* and Activity ,eas#res

At Ba#ter Battery0 the ABC team selected the !ollowing activity cost pools and activity measures&

Activity Cost Pools at Ba#ter Battery

Activity Cost Pool Customer orders Design changes Order si+e Customer relations Other Activity 'easure Num er o! customer orders Num er o! design changes 'achine*hours Num er o! active customers Not applica le


)e!ine Activities* Activity Cost +oo$s* and Activity ,eas#res

Customer Customer :rders :rders $ $ assi%ned assi%ned all all "osts "osts o* o* resour"es resour"es that that are are "onsumed "onsumed b b takin% takin% and and )ro"essin% )ro"essin% "ustomer "ustomer orders. orders. Desi%n Desi%n Chan%es Chan%es $ $ assi%ned assi%ned all all "osts "osts o* o* resour"es resour"es "onsumed "onsumed b b "ustomer "ustomer re4uested re4uested desi%n desi%n "han%es. "han%es. :rder :rder Si;e Si;e $ $ assi%ned assi%ned all all "osts "osts o* o* resour"es resour"es "onsumed "onsumed as as a a "onse4uen"e "onse4uen"e o* o* the the number number o* o* units units )rodu"ed. )rodu"ed. Customer Customer !elations !elations < < assi%ned assi%ned all all "osts "osts asso"iated asso"iated with with maintainin% maintainin% relations relations with with "ustomers. "ustomers. :ther :ther < < assi%ned assi%ned all all or%ani;ation$sustainin% or%ani;ation$sustainin% "osts "osts and and unused unused "a)a"it "a)a"it "osts "osts


Learning Objective Assign costs to cost pools using a first-stage allocation.


Assign Overhead Costs to Activity Cost +oo$s

Overhead Costs at Ba#ter Battery 8'anu!acturing and Nonmanu!acturing9 Production Department Indirect !actory wages $ 70///0/// <actory e=uipment depreciation 60.//0/// <actory utilities 20.//0/// <actory uilding lease 20///0/// $ 4eneral Administrative Department Administrative wages and salaries 30///0/// O!!ice e=uipment depreciation 5//0/// Administrative uilding lease 101//0/// 'ar-eting Department 'ar-eting wages and salaries 10.//0/// ,elling e#penses .//0/// %otal overhead costs $



20///0/// 220///0///


Assign Overhead Costs to Activity Cost +oo$s

Overhead Costs at Ba#ter Battery 8'anu!acturing and Nonmanu!acturing9 Production Department Indirect !actory wages $ 70///0/// <actory e=uipment depreciation 60.//0/// <actory utilities 20.//0/// <actory uilding lease 20///0/// $ 130///0/// 4eneral Administrative Department Administrative wages and salaries 30///0/// O!!ice e=uipment depreciation 5//0/// Administrative uilding lease 101//0/// 70///0/// 'ar-eting Department Dire"t materials, dire"t labor, and shi))in% 'ar-eting wages and salaries 10.//0/// are e,"luded ,elling e#penses .//0/// 20///0/// be"ause Ba,ter Batter =s e,istin% "ost s stem "an dire"tl %otal overhead costs $ 220///0///

tra"e these "osts to )rodu"ts or "ustomer orders.


Assign Overhead Costs to Activity Cost +oo$s

At Ba,ter Batter the *ollowin% distribution o* resour"e "onsum)tion a"ross a"ti#it "ost )ools is determined.
Activity Cost Pools Customer Design Orders Changes Production Department Indirect !actory wages <actory e=uipment depreciation <actory utilities <actory uilding lease 4eneral Administrative Department Administrative wages and salaries O!!ice e=uipment depreciation Administrative uilding lease 'ar-eting Department 'ar-eting wages and salaries ,elling e#penses 6/> 2/> /> /> 6/> 6/> /> 6/> 2/> 6/> 1/> 1/> /> 1/> 1/> /> 1/> /> Order ,i+e 2/> 7/> 7/> /> 1/> /> /> /> /> Customer Relations 1/> /> /> /> 6/> 2/> /> ./> ?/> Other 1/> 1/> 6/> 1//> 2/> 3/> 1//> 1/> 1/>

%otal 1//> 1//> 1//> 1//> 1//> 1//> 1//> 1//> 1//>


Assign Overhead Costs to Activity Cost +oo$s

Production Department Indirect !actory wages <actory e=uipment depreciation <actory utilities <actory uilding lease 4eneral Administrative Department Administrative wages and salaries O!!ice e=uipment depreciation Administrative uilding lease 'ar-eting Department 'ar-eting wages and salaries ,elling e#penses %otal

Overhead Costs at Ba#ter Battery 8'anu!acturing and Nonmanu!acturing9

Production Department Indirect !actory wages $ 70///0/// <actory e=uipment depreciation 60.//0/// Activity Cost Pools <actory utilities 20.//0/// Customer Design Customer <actory Order uilding lease Relations 20///0/// Orders changes ,i+e Other $ 4eneral Administrative Department Administrative wages and salaries 30///0/// $ 10@//0/// O!!ice e=uipment depreciation 5//0/// Administrative uilding lease 101//0/// 'ar-eting Department 'ar-eting wages and salaries 10.//0/// ,elling e#penses .//0/// %otal overhead costs $

130///0/// %otal


20///0/// 220///0///

Indire"t >2,999,999 Indire"t *a"tor *a"tor wa%es wa%es >2,999,999 Per"ent .9? Per"ent "onsumed "onsumed b b "ustomer "ustomer orders orders .9? >8,699,999 >8,699,999


Assign Overhead Costs to Activity Cost +oo$s

Production Department Indirect !actory wages <actory e=uipment depreciation <actory utilities <actory uilding lease 4eneral Administrative Department Administrative wages and salaries O!!ice e=uipment depreciation Administrative uilding lease 'ar-eting Department 'ar-eting wages and salaries ,elling e#penses %otal

Overhead Costs at Ba#ter Battery 8'anu!acturing and Nonmanu!acturing9

Production Department Indirect !actory wages $ 70///0/// <actory e=uipment depreciation 60.//0/// Activity Cost Pools <actory utilities 20.//0/// Customer Design Customer <actory Order uilding lease Relations 20///0/// Orders changes ,i+e Other $ 4eneral Administrative Department Administrative wages and salaries 30///0/// $ 10@//0/// O!!ice e=uipment depreciation 5//0/// ?//0/// Administrative uilding lease 101//0/// 'ar-eting Department 'ar-eting wages and salaries 10.//0/// ,elling e#penses .//0/// %otal overhead costs $

130///0/// %otal


20///0/// 220///0///

@a"tor >.,199,999 @a"tor e4ui)ment e4ui)ment de)re"iation de)re"iation >.,199,999 Per"ent (9? Per"ent "onsumed "onsumed b b "ustomer "ustomer orders orders (9? > > '99,999 '99,999


Assign Overhead Costs to Activity Cost +oo$s

Customer Orders Production Department Indirect !actory wages <actory e=uipment depreciation <actory utilities <actory uilding lease 4eneral Administrative Department Administrative wages and salaries O!!ice e=uipment depreciation Administrative uilding lease 'ar-eting Department 'ar-eting wages and salaries ,elling e#penses %otal $ Activity Cost Pools Design changes Order ,i+e 10@//0/// $ 6./0/// 2./0/// * 3//0/// 5/0/// * 1./0/// * 60/3/0/// $ 102//0/// $ 201//0/// 10.//0/// * 3//0/// * * * * .02//0/// $ Customer Relations 7//0/// $ * * * 102//0/// 1@/0/// * ?./0/// 6./0/// 60/@/0/// $ Other 7//0/// $ 6./0/// ?./0/// 20///0/// @//0/// 67/0/// 101//0/// 1./0/// ./0/// 7017/0/// $ %otal 70///0/// 60.//0/// 20.//0/// 20///0/// 30///0/// 5//0/// 101//0/// 10.//0/// .//0/// 220///0///

10@//0/// $ ?//0/// * * 102//0/// 2?/0/// * 3./0/// 1//0/// 30.2/0/// $


Learning Objective .
Compute activity rates for cost pools.


Ca$c#$ate Activity /ates

The ABC team determines that Baxter Battery will have these total activities for each activity cost pool:
10,000 customer orders, ,000 desi!n chan!es, "00,000 machine#hours, $,000 customers served%

Now Now the the team team can can compute compute the the individual individual activity activity rates rates y y dividing dividing the the total total cost cost !or !or each each activity activity y y the the total total activity activity levels( levels(


Ca$c#$ate Activity /ates

Computation o! Activity Rates
Activity Cost Pools Customer orders Design changes Order si+e Customer relations Other %otal 8a9 Total Cost $ 30.2/0/// 60/3/0/// .02//0/// 60/@/0/// 7017/0/// $ 220///0/// 8 9 Total Activity 1/0/// orders 30/// changes @//0/// 'Bs 20/// customers Not applica le 8a9 A 8 9 Activity Rate $3.2 per order $?7/ per change $7(./ per 'B $10.3/ per customer Not applica le


ActivityBased Costing at Ba'ter Battery

Direct 'aterials Direct "a or ,hipping Costs Overhead Costs




Cost O Cects& Products0 Customer Orders0 Customers


ActivityBased Costing at Ba'ter Battery

Direct 'aterials Direct "a or ,hipping Costs Overhead Costs

@irst$Sta%e Allo"ation

Customer Orders

Design Changes

Order ,i+e

Customer Relations


Cost O Cects& Products0 Customer Orders0 Customers


ActivityBased Costing at Ba'ter Battery

Direct 'aterials Direct "a or ,hipping Costs Overhead Costs

@irst$Sta%e Allo"ation

Customer Orders

Design Changes

Order ,i+e

Customer Relations


,econd*,tage Allocations
$DOrder $DChange $D'B $DCustomer

Cost O Cects& Products0 Customer Orders0 Customers



Learning Objective 0
Assign costs to a cost object using a secondstage allocation.


Assigning Overhead to +rod#cts

Ba#ter Battery In!ormation
,ure,tart ,ure,tart 8. 8. !e4uires !e4uires no no new new desi%n desi%n resour"es. resour"es. (. (. 699,999 699,999 batteries batteries ordered ordered with with /,999 /,999 se)arate se)arate orders. orders. .. .. 3a"h 3a"h SureStart SureStart re4uires re4uires .2 .2 minutes minutes o* o* ma"hine ma"hine time time *or *or a a total total o* o* /69,999 /69,999 ma"hine$hours. ma"hine$hours. "ong"i!e "ong"i!e 8. 8. !e4uires !e4uires new new desi%n desi%n resour"es. resour"es. (. (. /99,999 /99,999 batteries batteries ordered ordered with with 2,999 2,999 se)arate se)arate orders. orders. .. .. /,999 /,999 "ustom "ustom desi%ns desi%ns )re)ared. )re)ared. /. /. 3a"h 3a"h Aon%Ai*e Aon%Ai*e re4uires re4uires /6 /6 minutes minutes o* o* ma"hine ma"hine time time *or *or a a total total o* o* .(9,999 .(9,999 ma"hine$hours. ma"hine$hours.


Assigning Overhead to +rod#cts

Ove r he a d Cost for t he Sur e St a r t
Activity Cost Pools Customer orders Design changes Order si+e %otal 8a9 Activity Rate $ 3.2(// ?7/(// 7(./ 8 9 Activity 30/// * 3@/0/// $ 8a9 E 8 9 ABC Cost 10@/@0/// * 6012/0/// 3052@0///

Ove r he a d Cost for the LongLife

Activity Cost Pools Customer orders Design changes Order si+e %otal 8a9 Activity Rate $ 3.2(// ?7/(// 7(./ 8 9 Activity 70/// 30/// 62/0/// $ 8a9 E 8 9 ABC Cost 20?120/// 60/3/0/// 20/@/0/// ?0@620///


Assigning Overhead to C#sto&ers

Aet=s take a look at how Ba,ter Batter =s s stem works *or Bust one o* the (,999 "ustomers < A"me Auto Parts who )la"ed a total o* twel#e orders. 0ote that the *our orders *or Aon%Ai*es re4uired a desi%n "han%e.
Orders Orders 8. 8. 3i%ht 3i%ht orders orders *or *or 29 29 SureStarts SureStarts )er )er order. order. (. (. @our @our orders orders *or *or 19 19 Aon%Ai*es Aon%Ai*es )er )er order. order.

'achine*hours 'achine*hours 8. 8. &he &he /69 /69 SureStarts SureStarts re4uired re4uired (66 (66 ma"hine$hours. ma"hine$hours. (. (. &he &he (99 (99 Aon%Ai*es Aon%Ai*es re4uired re4uired 829 829 ma"hine ma"hine hours. hours.


Assigning Overhead to C#sto&ers

Ove r he a d Cost for Ac me Aut o Pa r t s
Activity Cost Pools Customer orders Design changes Order si+e Customer relations %otal 8a9 Activity Rate $ 3.2(// ?7/(// 7(./ 10.3/(// 8 9 Activity 12 3 33@ 1 8a9 E 8 9 ABC Cost $ .0323 60/3/ 20512 10.3/ $ 120517


Learning Objective 1
)se activity* ased costing to compute product and customer margins(


+repare ,anage&ent /eports

Product 'argin Calculations &he *irst ste) in "om)utin% )rodu"t mar%ins is to %ather ea"h )rodu"t=s sales and dire"t "ost data.
,ales Direct costs Direct material Direct la or ,hipping ,ure,tarts $ 6106//0/// 50///0/// ?0///0/// 20///0/// "ong"i!es $ 1@0?//0/// 70///0/// .0///0/// 10///0/// %otal $ ./0///0/// 1.0///0/// 120///0/// 60///0///


+repare ,anage&ent /eports

Product 'argin Calculations &he se"ond ste) in "om)utin% )rodu"t mar%ins is to in"or)orate the )re#iousl "om)uted a"ti#it $based "ost assi%nments )ertainin% to ea"h )rodu"t.
,ales Direct costs Direct material Direct la or ,hipping ABC cost assignments Customer orders Design changes Order si+e ,ure,tarts $ 6106//0/// 50///0/// ?0///0/// 20///0/// 10@/@0/// 6012/0/// "ong"i!es $ 1@0?//0/// 70///0/// .0///0/// 10///0/// 20?120/// 60/3/0/// 20/@/0/// %otal $ ./0///0/// 1.0///0/// 120///0/// 60///0/// 30.2/0/// 60/3/0/// .02//0///


+repare ,anage&ent /eports

Product 'argin Calculations &he third ste) in "om)utin% )rodu"t mar%ins is to dedu"t ea"h )rodu"t=s dire"t and indire"t "osts *rom sales.
,ales Costs Direct material Direct la or ,hipping Customer orders Design changes Order si+e %otal cost Product margin ,ure,tarts $ 6106//0/// $ 50///0/// ?0///0/// 20///0/// 10@/@0/// 6012/0/// 22052@0/// $ @06?20/// "ong"i!es $ 1@0?//0/// $ 70///0/// .0///0/// 10///0/// 20?120/// 60/3/0/// 20/@/0/// 150@620/// $ 8101620///9


+repare ,anage&ent /eports

Product 'argin Calculations &he )rodu"t mar%ins "an be re"on"iled with the "om)an =s net o)eratin% in"ome as *ollows:
,ales %otal costs Product margins "ess costs not assigned to products& Customer relations Other %otal Net t operating income loss ,ure,tarts $ 6106//0/// 22052@0/// $ @06?20/// "ong"i!es $ 1@0?//0/// 150@620/// $ 8101620///9 %otal $ ./0///0/// 320?7/0/// $ ?023/0///

60/@/0/// 7017/0/// 5023/0/// $ 820///0///9


+repare ,anage&ent /eports

Customer 'argin Analysis &he *irst ste) in "om)utin% A"me Auto Parts= "ustomer mar%in is to %ather its sales and dire"t "ost data.
Acme Auto Parts $ 2502// ?0.// 70?// 10?//

,ales Direct costs Direct material Direct la or ,hipping


+repare ,anage&ent /eports

Customer 'argin Analysis &he se"ond ste) is to in"or)orate A"me Auto Parts= )re#iousl "om)uted a"ti#it $based "ost assi%nments.
,ales Direct costs Direct material Direct la or ,hipping ABC cost assignments Customer orders Product design Order si+e Customer relations Acme Auto Parts $ 2502// ?0.// 70?// 10?// .0323 60/3/ 20512 10.3/


+repare ,anage&ent /eports

Customer 'argin Analysis &he third ste) is to "om)ute A"me Auto Parts= "ustomer mar%in o* >.6/ b dedu"tin% all its dire"t and indire"t "osts *rom its sales.
,ales Direct costs Direct material Direct la or ,hipping Customer orders Product design Order si+e Customer relations Customer margin Acme Auto Parts $ 2502// $ ?0.// 70?// 10?// .0323 60/3/ 20512 10.3/

2@0@17 $ 6@3


+rod#ct ,argins Co&p#ted sing the Traditiona$ Cost "yste&

&he *irst ste) in "om)utin% )rodu"t mar%ins is to %ather ea"h )rodu"t=s sales and dire"t "ost data.
,ales Direct costs Direct material Direct la or ,ure,tarts $ 6106//0/// 50///0/// ?0///0/// "ong"i!es $ 1@0?//0/// 70///0/// .0///0/// %otal $ ./0///0/// 1.0///0/// 120///0///


+rod#ct ,argins Co&p#ted sing the Traditiona$ Cost "yste&

&he se"ond ste) in "om)utin% )rodu"t mar%ins is to "om)ute the )lantwide o#erhead rate.
'anu!acturing Overhead Costs at Ba#ter Battery Production Department Indirect !actory wages <actory e=uipment depreciation <actory utilities <actory uilding lease %otal manu!acturing overhead $ 70///0/// 60.//0/// 20.//0/// 20///0/// $ 130///0///

Plantwide manu!acturing overhead rate

$130///0/// @//0/// 'B

F $1?(./ per machine*hour

,ure,tarts 8@//0/// G /(7/ hours9 "ong"i!es 83//0/// G /(@/ hours9 %otal machine*hours

'achine*hours 3@/0/// 62/0/// @//0///


+rod#ct ,argins Co&p#ted sing the Traditiona$ Cost "yste&

&he third ste) in "om)utin% )rodu"t mar%ins is allo"ate manu*a"turin% o#erhead to ea"h )rodu"t.
'achine Overhead Overhead Bours Rate Allocated 3@/0/// $ 1?(./ $ @03//0/// 62/0/// 1?(./ .07//0/// $ 130///0///

,ure,tarts "ong"i!es %otal overhead allocated to products

/69,999 hours C >8'.19 )er hour D >6,/99,999


+rod#ct ,argins Co&p#ted sing the Traditiona$ Cost "yste&

&he *ourth ste) is to a"tuall "om)ute the )rodu"t mar%ins.
,ales Cost o! goods sold Direct materials Direct la or 'anu!acturing overhead Product margin ,elling and administrative Nett operating operating income loss ,ure,tarts $ 6106//0/// $ 50///0/// ?0///0/// @03//0/// $ $ 2303//0/// 705//0/// "ong"i!es $ 1@0?//0/// 70///0/// .0///0/// .07//0/// $ 1707//0/// 201//0/// %otal $ 1.0///0/// 120///0/// 130///0/// ./0///0///

310///0/// 50///0/// 110///0/// 820///0///9

,hipping e#penses 'ar-eting e#penses 4eneral administrative e#penses

60///0/// 20///0/// 70///0/// $ 110///0///


)i!!erences Between ABC and Traditiona$ +rod#ct Costs

Product margins traditional Product margins ABC Change in reported margins ,ure,tarts $ 705//0/// @06?20/// $ 103?20/// "ong"i!es $ 201//0/// 8101620///9 $ 8602620///9

&he traditional "ost s stem o#er"osts the SureStarts and re)orts a lower )rodu"t mar%in *or this )rodu"t.

&he traditional "ost s stem under"osts the Aon%Ai*es and re)orts a hi%her )rodu"t mar%in *or this )rodu"t.


)i!!erences Between ABC and Traditiona$ +rod#ct Costs

&here are three reasons wh the re)orted )rodu"t mar%ins *or the two "ostin% s stems di**er *rom one another.

&raditional "ostin% allo"ates all manu*a"turin% o#erhead to )rodu"ts. ABC "ostin% onl assi%ns manu*a"turin% o#erhead "osts "onsumed b )rodu"ts to those )rodu"ts.


)i!!erences Between ABC and Traditiona$ +rod#ct Costs

&here are three reasons wh the re)orted )rodu"t mar%ins *or the two "ostin% s stems di**er *rom one another. &raditional "ostin% allo"ates all manu*a"turin% o#erhead "osts usin% a #olume$related allo"ation base. ABC "ostin% also uses non$#olume related allo"ation bases.


)i!!erences Between ABC and Traditiona$ +rod#ct Costs

&here are three reasons wh the re)orted )rodu"t mar%ins *or the two "ostin% s stems di**er *rom one another. &raditional "ostin% disre%ards sellin% and administrati#e e,)enses be"ause the are assumed to be )eriod e,)enses. ABC "ostin% dire"tl tra"es shi))in% "osts to )rodu"ts and in"ludes nonmanu*a"turin% o#erhead "osts "aused b )rodu"ts in the a"ti#it "ost )ools that are assi%ned to )rodu"ts.


Targeting +rocess %&prove&ent

A"ti#it $based mana%ement is used in "onBun"tion with ABC to identi* areas that would bene*it *rom )ro"ess im)ro#ements. While the theor o* "onstraints a))roa"h dis"ussed in Cha)ter 8 is a )ower*ul tool *or tar%etin% im)ro#ement e**orts, a"ti#it rates "an also )ro#ide #aluable "lues on where to *o"us im)ro#ement e**orts. Ben"hmarkin% Ben"hmarkin% "an "an be be used used to to "om)are "om)are a"ti#it a"ti#it "ost "ost in*ormation in*ormation with with world$"lass world$"lass standards standards o* o* )er*orman"e )er*orman"e a"hie#ed a"hie#ed b b other other or%ani;ations. or%ani;ations.


Activity2Based Costing and ('terna$ /eporting

Most "om)anies do not use ABC *or e,ternal re)ortin% be"ause . . .
8. 8. 3,ternal 3,ternal re)orts re)orts are are less less detailed detailed than than internal internal re)orts. re)orts. (. (. It It ma ma be be di**i"ult di**i"ult to to make make "han%es "han%es to to the the "om)an "om)an =s =s a""ountin% a""ountin% s s stem. stem. .. .. ABC ABC does does not not "on*orm "on*orm to to GAAP. GAAP. /. /. Auditors Auditors ma ma be be sus)e"t sus)e"t o* o* the the subBe"ti#e subBe"ti#e allo"ation allo"ation )ro"ess )ro"ess based based on on inter#iews inter#iews with with em)lo em)lo ees. ees.


ABC Li&itations
Substantial resour"es re4uired to im)lement and maintain. Desire to *ull allo"ate all "osts to )rodu"ts. !esistan"e to un*amiliar numbers and re)orts. Potential misinter)retation o* un*amiliar numbers.

Does not "on*orm to GAAP. &wo "ostin% s stems ma be needed.

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