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Submitted To: Dr. Enid M.

Joseph School Of Business Studies S.H.I.A.T.S

Submitted By:
Jenifer Id no. 12mba004 Arijit Id no. 12mba010 Sharon Id no. 12mba064 Jobin Id no. 12mba007 1st semester MBA Joseph School Of Business Studies S.H.I.A.T.S

Leadership is the ability of a superior to influence the behavior of his subordinates and persuade them to follow a particular course of action. Leadership is also known as the ability of the manager to induce subordinates to work with confidence and zeal.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

A leader has got multidimensional traits in him which makes him appealing and effective in behavior. The following are the requisites to be present in a good leader. Intelligence, Emotional Stability, Understanding Human Behavior, Understanding the views of others, Motivating the Followers, Initiative and Creative Ability, Responsibly & Decision Making.

Leadership is:

Ability to influence others Influence is ability to convince others to do what you want Creating a way for people to contribute
Ideas, effort, resources Common goals

Contribute in form of:


Autocratic: Leader makes decisions without reference to anyone else, High degree of dependency on the leader, Can create de-motivation and alienation of staff. Democratic: May help motivation and involvement, Workers feel ownership of the firm and its ideas Improves the sharing of ideas and experiences within the business. Laissez-Faire: Let it be the leadership responsibilities are shared by all Can be very useful in businesses where creative ideas are important Can make coordination and decision making time-consuming and lacking in overall direction Relies on good interpersonal relations.

Leadership style is the manner and approach of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people. Leaders vary their styles. A leader is not strictly one or another style. Most leaders use all three styles; one style, however, becomes the dominate one. Positive Leaders use rewards (independence, education) to motivate employees. Negative Leaders use penalties with employees. These leaders act domineering and superior people. Negative penalties include: days off without pay, reprimanding in front of others, assigning unpleasant job tasks.


types of leaders:

Designated The person assigned to lead and


organize a designated core team, establish clear goals, and facilitate open communication and teamwork among team members. Situational Any team member who has the skills to manage the situation-at-hand.

a superior to influence the behavior of his subordinates and persuade them to follow a particular course of action. A leader posseses certain qualities: Intelligence, Emotional Stability, Understanding Human Behavior, Understanding the views of others, Motivating the Followers, Initiative and Creative Ability, Responsibly & Decision Making. The Secret Blend For Effective Leadership

Integrity Partnership Affirmation Perfecting the Blend

Keys to Leadership
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A Leader Plans A Leader Has a vision A leader shares the vision A Leader takes charge A leader inspires through example

To Build Human Relations

The six most important words: "I admit I made a mistake." The five most important words: "You did a good job." The four most important words: "What is your opinion." The three most important words: "If you please." The two most important words: "Thank you," The one most important word: "We" The least important word: "I"


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