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Training Employees

Lecture 7 Read unit 7 of your Text

Unit Objectives
1. Discuss how to link training programs to organizational needs. 2. Explain how to assess the need for training. 3. Explain how to assess employees readiness for training. 4. Describe how to plan an effective training program. 5. Compare widely used training methods. Summarize how to implement a successful training program. 6. Evaluate the success of a training program. 7. Describe training methods for employee orientation and diversity management

New employees come equipped with most of the knowledge and skills needed to start work. Others may require extensive training and development before they are ready to make any contribution to the organisation Training: an organizations planned efforts to help employees acquire job-related knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors, with the goal of applying these on the job. Training can benefit the organization when it is linked to organizational needs and when it motivates employees.

Training Linked to Organizational Needs

The nature of the modern business environment makes training important. Rapid change requires that employees continually learn new skills. Growing reliance on teamwork creates a demand for the ability to solve problems in teams, an ability that often requires formal training

Importance of Training
Increases employees knowledge of foreign competitors and cultures. Provides the skills required to work with new technology. Helps employees understand how to work effectively in teams. Ensures that the companys culture emphasises innovation, creativity and learning. Ensures employment security by providing new ways for employees to contribute to the company. Prepares employees to accept each other and work more effectively together, particularly in a diverse workforce.

Instructional Design
An effective training program is designed to teach skills and behaviors that will help the organization achieve its goals. HR professionals approach training through a model called the instructional design. Instructional design: a process of systematically developing training to meet specified needs This systematic approach needs to be followed in a chronological way so that all the pieces of training jigsaw fit together .

Stages of Instructional Design

Conducting Needs Assessment

Needs assessment: the process of evaluating the organization, individual employees, and employees tasks to determine what kinds of training, if any, are necessary. Needs assessment answers three questions:
1. 2. 3. Organization What is the context in which training will occur? Person Who needs training? Task What subjects should the training cover?

Organization Analysis
Organization analysis: a process for determining the appropriateness of training by evaluating the characteristics of the organization. The organization analysis looks at training needs in the light of:
the organizations strategy, resources available for training, and managements support for training activities. Climate for training

Person Analysis
Person analysis helps to identify who needs training. Person analysis involves: Determining whether performance deficiencies result from a lack of knowledge, skill or ability (a training issue) or from a motivational or work-design problem Identifying who needs training Determining employees readiness for training.

Person Analysis- Assess whether

1. The performance problem is important and has the potential to cost the company a significant amount of money from lost productivity or lost customers. 2. Employees do not know how to perform effectively. Perhaps they received little or no previous training or the training was ineffective. 3. Employees cannot demonstrate the correct knowledge or behaviour. Perhaps they were trained but they infrequently or never used the training content (knowledge, skills etc.) on the job. 4. Performance expectations are clear (input) and there are no obstacles to performance, such as faulty tools or equipment

Assess whether (cont.)

5. There are positive consequences for good performance, while poor performance is not rewarded. For example, if employees are dissatisfied with their compensation, their peers or a union may encourage them to slow down their pace of work. 6. Employees receive timely, relevant, accurate, constructive and specific feedback about their performance. 7. Other solutions, such as job redesign or transferring employees to other jobs, are too expensive or unrealistic.

Task Analysis
Identifying the important tasks and knowledge, skills and behaviours that need to be emphasised in training, in order for employees to complete their tasks. Four steps: 1. Select the job to be analysed. 2. Develop a preliminary list of tasks performed on the job. 3. Validate or confirm the preliminary list of tasks. 4. Once the tasks are confirmed, identify the knowledge, skills or abilities necessary to successfully perform each task.

Learning Principles and Training

Trainee must be motivated to learn Trainee must be able to learn Learning must be reinforced Training must provide for practice of the material Material presented must be meaningful Material must be communicated effectively Training must transfer to the job

Readiness for Training

Readiness for training: a combination of employee characteristics and positive work environment that permit training. The necessary employee characteristics:
Ability to learn the subject matter Favorable attitudes toward the training Motivation to learn

A positive work environment encourages learning and avoids interfering with training.

What Managers Should Do to Support Training

Creating a learning environment

Employees need to:
Know why they should learn Use their own experiences as a basis for learning Have opportunities to practise Receive feedback Learn by observing and interacting with others Undergo a well coordinated and arranged training program

Planning the Training Program

Planning begins with establishing objectives for the training program. Based on those objectives, the planner decides: Who will provide the training What topics the training will cover What training methods to use How to evaluate the training

Characteristics of Effective Training Objectives

They include a statement of:
What the employee is expected to do The quality or level of acceptable performance The conditions under which the employee is to apply what he or she learned

They include measurable performance standards. They identify the resources needed to carry out the desired performance or outcome.

In house or contracted out

Many organisations use outside experts to develop and instruct training courses Community colleges/university often work with industry players to provide training The cost of purchasing training from contractors vary substantially In general it is mush costlier to purchase specialize training that is tailored to organization's unique need than to attend a seminar that teaches general skills and knowledge

Categories of Training Methods

Training methods
Classroom Instruction Action Learning Audiovisual Training

Team Training

ComputerBased Training

Training Methods
Experiential Programs On-the-Job Training

Behavior Modeling
Business Games & Case Studies


Current applications of computer-based training can extend its benefits E-learning: involves receiving training via the Internet or the organizations intranet. E-learning uses electronic networks for delivering and sharing information, and it offers tools and information for helping trainees improve performance ( e.g. USP law courses) Training involves links to other online information resources.

Current applications of computer-based training can extend its benefits: Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS): provide access to skills training, information, and expert advice when a problem occurs on the job e.g. Microsoft As employees need to learn new skills, they can use the EPSS, which gives them access to the particular information they need.
e.g., detailed instructions on how to perform an unfamiliar task.

Characteristics of Effective On-the-Job Training (OJT

This process is useful fro training newly hired employees, upgrading the skills of experienced employees and when new technology is introduced The basic philosophy of OJT is that employees learn through observing peers or managers performing the job and trying to imitate it Regardless of the specific type, OJT program include the following characteristics: 1.The organization should specify who is accountable for conducting OJT.

Characteristics of Effective On-the-Job Training (OJT) (continued)

2. The organization should review OJT practices at companies in similar industries. 3. Managers and peers should be trained in OJT principles. 4. Employees who conduct OJT should have access to lesson plans, checklists, procedure manuals, training manuals, learning contracts, and progress report forms. 5. Before conducting OJT with an employee, the organization should assess the employees level of basic skills.

Other Training Methods

Simulations: A training method that represents a reallife situation, with trainees making decisions resulting in outcomes that mirror what would happen on the job. the simulator needs to respond exactly like the equipment would under the conditions . Business Games and Case Studies: Case studies are detailed descriptions of a situation that trainees study and discuss Business games require trainees to gather information, analyze it and make decisions that influence the outcome of the game

Other Training Methods (continued)

Experiential programs: Participants learn concepts and apply them by simulating behaviors involved and analyzing the activity, connecting it with real-life situations. Adventure Learning: a teamwork and leadership training program based on the use of challenging, structured outdoor activities

One of the most important features of organizations today is teamwork. Experiential programs include team-building exercises like wall climbing and rafting to help build trust and cooperation among employees.

Implementing the Training Program: Principles of Learning

Employees are most likely to learn when training is linked to their current job experiences and tasks. Employees need a chance to demonstrate and practice what they have learned. Trainees need to understand whether or not they are succeeding. Well-designed training helps people remember the content. Written materials should have an appropriate reading level.

Ways That Training Helps Employees Learn

Measures of Training Success

Evaluation Methods: Transfer of Training

Transfer of training: on-the-job use of knowledge, skills, and behaviors learned in training. Can be measured by asking employees three questions about specific training tasks:
1. Do you perform the task? 2. How many times do you perform the task? 3. To what extent do you perform difficult and challenging learned tasks?

Evaluation Methods: Training Outcomes

Information such as facts, techniques, and procedures that trainees can recall after the training. Skills that trainees can demonstrate in tests or on the job. Trainee and supervisor satisfaction with the training program. Changes in attitude related to the content of the training. Improvements in individual, group, or company performance.

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