Int Nano Elec

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YSD 11.


Prof. Yosi Shacham-Diamand Department of Physical Electronics Tel-Aviv University, Ramat-Aviv, 69978 Talk to be found at\~yosish Delivered by Yoram Shapira

Introduction to Nano bio technologies, TAU 30 Oct. 2001

Micro and Nano technologies - status

Micro technologies 1/1,000,000 of a meter Devices dimensions today in the Microelectronics industry ~0.18 mm The dimensions will reach 0.1 mm in 2010 ~1000 million devices on a chip

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Nano technologies 1/1,000,000,000 of a meter 1000 Billion devices on a chip Atomic scale devices Not in production... yet.

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Materials Characterization
109 1012 107 1010 10

30T 160G 6nm

2n 20n 200n
Design Rule [m]

108 106
550 20M 0.18mm 4nm

103 101

2 20

4 10 10

10 10
T/Die mips


0.03 3K 10mm 200nm

1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030

Year Year

Courtesy Yoram Shapira, TAU

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Top-down evolution of Micro-System Technologies

Semiconductor microelectronics, (1960 -),

180B$ (@2000), 17% CAGR

Micro-ElectroMechanical Systems (1985 - ) mElectro-Opto Mechanical Systems (1980 - ) m-Biom-Chem (1995 - )

Micro-System-Technology (MST) - System on a chip - Integrated electronics, MEMS, mBio, mChemistry & mElectro-optics

MEMS Market and Industry Studies

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Projected Growth of Worldwide MEMS Market
14 12 10 China Singapore Australia Taiwan Switzerland
Universities/Federal Labs Companies

Sales ($B)


Scandinavia 6
4 2 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 SPC Study UK France USA Germany Japan 0 100 200 300 SPC and ATIP Studies


Number of Organizations


dominated by traditional defense contractors In FY97 there were 95 U.S. companies active in MEMS In FY97 15 U.S. companies represented 90% of the market In FY98 U.S. MEMS program supported 50 small businesses

MEMS Market and Industry Studies

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Source: Research & Development (July 1998)

There are two ways to build a house...


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Bottom -up

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There are two ways to make tools... Topdown

Bottom -up

Towards Nanotechnology: merging of science & technology disciplines

Source: Rohrer, 1995

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solid -state technology;



chemistry; increasing complexity

macromolecules; biology

1940 2020 1960 1980 2000

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Micro-technology - Similar to painting & carving - just on a much smaller scale

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Add layers of paint or other matter remove excess matter

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Structure of microchips
Interconnect network - 6-7 layers of metallization

Active device layer ( 1-2 mm)

Silicon substrate (600-800 mm)

Chip vertical cross section

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Multi-level metallization

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Top down approach

Develop micron scale disciplines: Mechanical, biological, chemical and integrate them on a chip with microelectronics Build a system on a chip Keep miniaturizing it - the evolutionary methodology

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What can we put on a silicon chip ?

MEMS - Micro Electro Mechanical Systems MEOMS - Micro Electro Optical Mechanical Systems Micro-biological systems Micro-Chemistry, and Microelectronics..

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Nanotechnology on Si: MEMS, pollen and red blood cells

a grain of pollen

Drive gear chain and linkages coagulated red blood cells

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,, , , ,


)Micro Systems Technologies (MST

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, , .
? ( )System on a chip-SOC - . , , ( ,)ACTUATION , . ,

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, ( .1 - ?
.2 , - , . .3 - . .4 - , .5 - - .6 - ,. .7

()IC , , . :

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(, )..

Single crystal Bulk Micro-machining

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Wafer Surface
Cavity Cantilevers

Nozzle Bridge Trench


Non-crystalline Bulk Micromachining

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Cavity Cantilevers Bridge Nozzle



Surface Micromachining

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Absorber structure Resist Mask membrane

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Deep UV
Mold Insert



Mold cavity


Mold Filling

Resist structure

Plastic mold material


Mold Separation
Plastic structure Metal

Source: IMM (Mainz Institute for Microtechnology)


Galvanoformung, Abformung

Wafer-to-Wafer Bonding
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Mass wafer

Create etch stops and gap in back

Device wafer

Mass wafer

Fuse silicon

Sensing elements and interconnections Process top and etch mass

Built-in overacceleration stops

Etch beam and bond Pyrex

Air gap for squeeze film damping

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MEMS - Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems

Thicker films deeper etches fewer steps Multiple Processing Cycles

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Removal of underlying materials to release mechanical structures










Special probing, sectioning and handling procedures to protect released parts

Encapsulate some parts of device but expose others

Test more than just electrical functions

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Wrist Communicator
Antenna LNA Mixer LNA Mixer Baseband Electronics VCO VCO
Transmission [dB]

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Receiver Block Diagram

0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60

Transistor Electronics
RF Filter (ceramic)

Xstal Osc.
IF Filter (SAW)

IF Filter (Xstal)

Electr ode Micromechanical Filter

Coupling Spring

358 359 360 361


Resonators Anc

Frequency [kHz]

Single-Chip Version Board-Level Implementation
Off-chip high-Q mechanical components present bottlenecks to miniaturization replace them with mmechanical versions Univ. of Michigan
MEMS for Signal Processing

Wrist Communicator

, ,

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, ,

Highlights of the Rockwell MEMS Tunable Capacitor
Single Crystal Silicon Superior Mechanical Properties High Aspect Ratio (20 to 1) Higher Linearity Large Tuning Ratio

(> 6.5 to 1)
SEM micrograph showing the high aspect ratio feature of the MEM tunable cap.

Wrist Communicator
(200 x 700 mm)

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Sixth-Order Bandpass Filter in MEMS Technology

Coupling Springs

Balanced Electrodes

Balanced Electrodes Resonators

Univ. of Michigan
MEMS for Signal Processing

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Micro Airborne Sensor/Communicator

MEMS Microphone MEMS Actuator

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MEMS Uncooled IR Sensor

MEMS Structural Material

MEMS Optical Communicator

MEMS Mass Data Storage

Inertial Measurement Unit

Whip Antenna

MEMS-Based Power Generation & Energy Conversion

40 mm

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Lancet width = 170 mm

Needle width = 150 mm

- ...

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- ( )INTERFACE , , , . - .

1989: Atomic manipulation by STM IBM logo 35 Xenon atoms

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The enabling tool STM (Scanning Tunneling Microscope)

Can be used not only to image a surface with atomic resolution, but also to manipulate individual atoms and molecules.

IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose

What is Nanotechnology ?

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The classic talk, There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom was given by Richard Feynman on December 29th 1959 at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) Why cannot we write the entire 24 volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica on the head of a pin? Biology is not simply writing information; it is doing something about it. A biological system can be exceedingly small.

I want to build a billion tiny factories, models of each other, which are manufacturing simultaneously,drilling holes, stamping parts, and so on.

What is Nanotechnology ?

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With the tools of the nanotechnology trade becoming better defined, the ability to create new materials and devices by placing every atom and molecule in the right place is moving closer to reality. Ralph C. Merckle, Xerox Nanotechnology: An art and science that has evolved to arrange conditions so that atoms spontaneously assemble into particular molecular structures. New terms such as self assembly, molecular machines, represent a new bottom up approach: building structures from atoms and molecules.

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Molecular engineering: An approach to the development of general capabilities for molecular manipulation K. Eric Drexler,
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 78, No. 9 pp. 5275-5278, September 1981 Chemistry section

Biochemical systems exhibit a "microtechnology" quite different from ours: they are not built down from the macroscopic level but up from the atomic. Biochemical microtechnology provides a beachhead at the molecular level from which to develop new molecular systems by providing a variety of "tools and "devices" to use and to copy.

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Table 1. Comparison of macroscopic and microscopic components Technology Function Molecular example(s) Struts, beams, Transmit force, hold Microtubules, cellulose, mineral casings positions structures Cables Transmit tension Collagen Fasteners, glue Connect parts Intermolecular forces Solenoids, Conformation-changing proteins, Move things actuators actin/myosin Motors Turn shafts Flagellar motor Drive shafts Transmit torque Bacterial flagella Bearings Support moving parts Sigma bonds Containers Hold fluids Vesicles Pipes Carry fluids Various tubular structures Pumps Move fluids Flagella, membrane proteins RNA moved by fixed ribosome (partial Conveyor belts Move components analog) Clamps Hold workpieces Enzymatic binding sites Tools Modify workpieces Metallic complexes, functional groups Production lines Construct devices Enzyme systems, ribosomes Numerical control Store and read programs Genetic system systems

What is Nanotechnology ?

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Molecular technology has obvious application to the storage and processing of information Molecular devices can interact directly with the ultimate molecular components of the cell and thus serve as probes in studying processes within the cell

There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom

Richard Feynman 29/12/1959

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I am not afraid to consider the final question as to whether, ultimately---in the great future---we can arrange the atoms the way we want; the very atoms, all the way down! The principles of physics do not speak against the possibility of maneuvering things atom by atom.

a development which I think cannot be avoided.

Development of the ability to design protein molecules will make possible the construction of molecular machines. These machines can build secondgeneration machines able to perform extremely general synthesis of threedimensional molecular structures, thus permitting construction of devices and materials to complex atomic specifications. This capability has implications for technology in general and in particular for computation and characterization, manipulation, and repair of biological materials
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What is Nanotechnology ?

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Wet nanotechnology: Similar to living cell technology: assembly of carbon based molecules in a liquid environment

Dry nanotechnology: Technology of organic and inorganic molecules in air or vacuum environment

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Large scale industrial nanotechnology

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Develop new techniques to produce food, medicine, etc. Build machines, materials, and devices with the ultimate finesse that life has always used: atom by atom, on the same nanometer scale as the machinery in living cells Energy production. Replace / complement microelectronics as leading enabling technology

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Nano self-replicated machines

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