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Mengukuhkan ingatan pelajar tentang konsep dan isi pelajaran penting yang telah dipelajari.

Menambahkan keyakinan pelajar dalam menghadapi peperiksaan. Mengawal disiplin pelajar.

Persediaan terakhir pelajar

terhadap teknik-teknik menjawab,

sebelum mereka menduduki

setiap kertas peperiksaan.

Ulangkaji dan Soalan Ramalan.

Memberi motivasi.

Pengisian masa secara berkesan Mengawal disiplin, cth:pergaduhan, lepak dan vandalism Memastikan pelajar datang awal

Mengesan ketidakhadiran lebih awal untuk tindakan selanjutnya Menerima restu daripada guru-guru. Masuk kelas peperiksaan lebih teratur @ berdisiplin

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Guru-Guru Penggubal Soalan Sekolah-Sekolah Menengah Zon B SMK St. Mary Pn. Zahariah bt. Sabang SMK Tunku Abd. Pn. Patricia Ruwen Rahman SMK (A) Matang, En. Mohd. Najib b Yusof SMK (A) SHOAW SMK Seri Setia Cik Nadhirah bt. Ramli Pn. Lili Linggong

SMK Batu Kawa, SMK Batu Lintang,

Pn. Lee Lian Moi Pn. Kee Hui Siang

Pn. Syuhada bt. Anang Pn. Lola Nolin Sidem Pn. Zaphida bt. Fauzi

SMK Green Road, 9. SMK Jalan Arang, 10. SMK Matang Hilir,


11 .
12 13 14 15 16 17

Guru Guru Penggubal Soalan Sekolah-Sekolah Menengah Zon B SMK Petra Jaya, Pn. Zaarah bt. Kuching Suhaili SMK Santubong, Pn. Fashilah Hipni Kuching SMK Sg. Maong, Kuching Pn. Veronica Noyem SMK St. Thomas, Pn. Aida bt. Bandan Kuching SMK Matang Jaya, Encik Ronald Jaya Kuching Lemada SMK Matang Jaya, Cik Malati bte. Hj. Ali Kuching SMK Matang Jaya, Encik Mohd. Taha b. Kuching Abol

1. Dijalankan selama 40 minit sebelum peperiksaan bermula. 2. Pelajar-pelajar dibahagikan kepada 2 kumpulan dan guru subjek akan memberikan Suntikan Akhir dengan persembahan Power Point.

1. Teknik Menjawab Soalan

2. Kandungan disusun dengan

cukup padat, lengkap, ringkas dan berkesan.

3. Soalan Ramalan PMR dengan

membuat analisis yang teliti terhadap soalan-soalan PMR tahun sebelumnya.

Chapter 3 Matter 3.3 The Concept of Density Chapter 4 The Variety of Resources on Earth: 4.2 Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

Diagram below shows a measuring cylinder containing water and a rock.

What is the value of the cork? A. 35 cm B. 25 cm C. 20 cm D D. 10 cm

Which of the following uses the concept of density to float and sink? I II III A submarine A helicopter A ferry B. II only D. I, II and III

A. I only A C. I and II only

Table below shows four types of liquid and their respective density. Liquid Density (g/cm)


0.7 1.1 2.5

Which liquid floats in water but sinks in alcohol? (Density: water=1 g/cm, alcohol=0.8 g/cm) A. P C. R A B. Q D. S

Diagram below shows four submarines.

Which of the submarines, K, L, M and N, will float on the surface of the water? A. K C. M D B. L D. N

Diagram below shows a cup of ice water.

What is shown by the experiment? A. Ice has lower mass than water B. Ice is lighter than water C C. Ice is less dense than water D. The volume of ice is larger than the volume of water

Diagram below shows a method of separating a certain mixture.

This method can be used to obtain A salt from a salt solution. A. B. water from a salt solution. C. sand from a mixture of sand and sugar. D. sugar from a mixture of sand and sugar.

Which of the following methods is the most suitable to separate a mixture of flour and sand?

What is it called if a substance can pulled into a wire? A. Brittle B. Malleable C. C Ductile D. Strong

Which of the following are not the particles in a compound?

The following are the attributes of a certain natural resources.

Has shiny surface Good conductor of electricity Ductile

What is the resource? A. Carbon B. Wood C. C Iron D. Sulphur

S, T, U and V are the steps to separate a mixture of sand and salt. S T U Evaporate the salt solution Add water to the mixture of sand and water Stir the mixture until all the salt dissolves in the water

Filter the mixture

Which of the following gives the correct sequence of the steps to separate the mixture? A. STUV B. TUVS B C. TVUS D. UVST

Diagram below shows a plasticine ball, T and a plasticine boat, U, of the same mass.

The experiment is carried out to determine the ability of each object to float or sink in water.

Observation shows that

A. T is heavier than U B. U is heavier than T C. T has more volume than U D D. U has more volume than T

The Concept of Density Diagram below shows four substances in a measuring cylinder.

(i) What s liquid Z? Mercury ____________________________________________________________ [1 mark] (i) State one reason for the answer in 1(i). Mercury is denser than iron ____________________________________________________________ [1 mark] (i) Why does kerosene float on water? Kerosene is less dense than water ____________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(iv) The density of iron is 7.9 g/cm. Calculate the volume of 5.1 gramme of iron. Density= mass volume volume = 5.1 g 7.9 g/cm = 0.65 cm. [2 marks] (v) Explain why oil fire at sea able to spread although it is surrounded by water. ____________________________________________________________ Oil is less dense than water and will float on top of the water. This enable ____________________________________________________________ the fire to spread on the oil layer. ____________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

Elements, Compounds & Mixtures

1. The following table shows the particles in some substances.

Based on the diagram, (i) Name the substances in the diagram which are made up of only one type of atom. Oxygen, Iron ____________________________________________________________ [2 marks] (ii) Name the substances in the diagram which are made up of more than one type of atom. Carbon dioxide, Water ____________________________________________________________ [2 marks]

(iii) Identify the substances in the diagram which are elements. Oxygen, iron ____________________________________________________________ [2 marks] (iv) Identify the substances in the diagram which are compounds. Carbon dioxide, Water ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ [2 marks] (v) Classify the substances in the diagram into metals and non metals. Iron (i) metal: ____________________________________________________ Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, Water (ii) non-metal: ________________________________________________ [2 marks]


Chapter 5 The Air Around Us 5.5 Air Pollution Chapter 6 Sources of Energy 6.2 Renewable & Non-Renewable Energy Sources

Which of the following chemicals causes the depletion of the ozone layer ?
A. B. C C. D. Flourocarbon Carbon dioxide Chloroflourocarbon Hydrogen chloride

Which of the following pollutants is NOT matched correctly with its sources ?
Pollutants A. Carbon dioxide Sources Combustion of fuel


Carbon monoxide

Cigarette s smoke
Exhaust from vehicles Air conditioners

C. Lead

D. D

Which of the following sources of energy is non - renewable ?

A. Wave

B. Wind C . Hydro D . Nuclear energy

Diagram below shows the classification of energy .



Which of the following are the examples of P ?

A. Biomass and hydroelectric B. Biomass and geothermal C. Hydroelectric and geothermal D . Biomass , hydroelectric and geothermal D

Which of the following is related to the information given below ?

Non-renewable sources Can be used to produce plastics, synthetic fabrics and grease .

A. Natural gas
B Petroleum B. C. Smoke D. Coal

Jane prepared two jam sandwiches and put them into two different jars to investigate the composition of atmospheric air . Diagram 1.1 shows the situation by which the two jam sandwiches were placed .

Diagram below shows the conditions of two sandwiches after two days .

(a) Write two observations for Jane s experiment . Jam sandwich x remained unchanged after two days. i]___________________________________________________ Jam sandwich y contains black mould after two days. ii] __________________________________________________ [2 marks] (b) Give one inference to support your answer in (a). Jam sandwich Y which is exposed to the air has been inhabited by ____________________________________________________ microorganisms in the air. ____________________________________________________ [1 mark]

( c ) From the results shown in Diagram 1.2 Jane came to the

conclusion that there are microorganisms in the air. . [i] Other than microoorganisms , state one other substance that can be found in the air . Dust / water vapour [ 1 mark] [ii] Suggest how you can demonstrate that the substance which you have stated in (c)(i) is found in the air .
A strip of cellophane tape is stuck to a glass slide with its sticky side facing up/out. It is left indoor or outdoor for a few days. Dust is seen on the sticky side of the tape .

[2 marks]

Diagram below shows several sources of energy that are commonly applied in generating electrical energy.

(a) What are the sources of energy in Diagram above that are renewable ? Q and S ___________________________________________________ [ 1 mark] (b) What are the sources of energy in Diagram above that are non renewable ? R ____________________________________________________ [1 mark ] ( c) State one disadvantage of a renewable and a non renewable sources for the generating of electricity . i. Renewable source
Renewable source of energy involves a high costs of setting up the equipment for generating energy .

ii . Non renewable source

Non renewable source of energy will eventually be used up one day and are limited.

[2 marks]


Chapter 7 Heat 7.2 Effect of Heat Flow on Matter

Diagram below shows an experiment which is set up to investigate the transfer of heat through a copper rod.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan satu eksperimen yang disediakan bagi menyiasat pemindahan haba melalui rod kuprum.

Which thumbtack will be the first to fall off? Paku tekan manakah yang akan jatuh paling awal? A P B Q C R D D S

What happens to the mercury in a mercury thermometer when thermometer is placed in a beaker of ice? Apakah yang berlaku kepada merkuri suatu termometer merkuri apabila termometer tersebut diletakkan ke dalam satu bikar mengandungi ais?

A The mercury freezes Merkuri membeku B The mercury expands Merkuri mengembang C The mercury contracts C Merkuri mengecut D The mercury evaporates Merkuri tersejat

Diagram below shows an experiment conducted to study the transfer of heat through a solid. Rajah menunjukkan satu eksperimen yang dijalankan untuk mengkaji pemindahan haba melalui pepejal.

If the thumbtack stuck to rod X drops the fastest, what is rod X made of? Jika paku tekan yang melekat pada rod X jatuh paling cepat, apakah bahan yang membuat rod X? A Copper A Kuprum B Glass Kaca C Plastics Plastik D Wood Kayu

Which of the following explain the expansion of iron when it is heated? Antara yang berikut, yang manakah menerangkan tentang pengembangan besi apabila ia dipanaskan? I The size of the atoms increases Saiz atom meningkat II The atom contain low kinetic energy Atom mengandungi tenaga kinetik rendah III The space between the atoms increases Ruangan antara atom meningkat IV The atoms receive energy and vibrate faster Atom menerima tenaga dan bergetar sangat laju A I and II B I and IV C II and III D D III and IV

Diagram below shows the arrangement of apparatus in an experiment carried out to study the expansion of gases. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan susunan radas untuk satu eksperimen yang dijalankan untuk mengkaji pengembangan gas.

What inference can you make from the experiment shown above? Apakah inferens yang boleh anda buat daripada eksperimen yang ditunjukkan di atas? A The gas expands when it is cooled Gas akan mengembang apabila disejukkan B The gas in the round-bottomed flask decreases in volume Gas yang terkandung di dalam kelalang itu mengalami pengurangan isi padu C Heat energy from the hand is transferred to the gas in the round-bottomed flask. C Tenaga haba daripada tapak tangan telah dipindahkan ke udara yang terkandung di dalam kelalang itu D The round-bottomed flask gains heat energy from the hand and so it becomes warmer Kelalang itu memperolehi tenaga haba daripada tapak tangan dan menjadi lebih panas

7 (a) Diagram 7.1 shows an apparatus set-up to study the conductivity of heat by different materials. Rajah 7.1 menunjukkan satu
susunan alat radas untuk mengkaji kekonduksian haba oleh bahan-bahan yang berbeza.

Diagram 7.1 / Rajah 7.1

The time taken for each thumbtack to drop is shown in Diagram 7.2. Masa yang diambil
untuk setiap paku tekan jatuh ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 7.2.

Diagram 7.2 / Rajah 7.2

(a)(i) Based on Diagram 7.2, record the time taken for each thumbtack to drop in Table 7.1. Berdasarkan Rajah 7.2, rekodkan masa
yang diambil oleh setiap paku tekan jatuh di dalam Jadual 7.1.

Type of rod / Jenis rod Copper / Kuprum

Glass / Kaca Iron / Besi Aluminium / Aluminium

Time (s) / Masa (s)

15 60 45


Table 7.1 / Table 7.1 [2 marks/markah]

(a)(ii) Compare the conductivity of heat between aluminium rod and iron rod.
Bandingkan kekonduksian haba antara rod aluminium dan rod besi. Aluminium rod conducts heat better than iron rod. Rod aluminium mengkonduksikan haba lebih baik daripada rod besi.

(a)(iii) State one hypothesis that can be made from this study. Nyatakan satu
hipothesis yang boleh dibuat daripada kajian ini.

Different materials conduct heat different rates. Bahan berbeza mengalirkan

pada kadar yang berbeza.


[1 mark/markah]

(b) State the variables involved in this study. Nyatakan pembolehubah yang terlibat dalam
kajian ini. Manipulated variable
Pembolehubah dimanipulasi

Type of rods Jenis rod Time taken for thumbtack to drop Masa yang diambil untuk paku tekan jatuh

Responding variable
Pembolehubah bergerak balas

[2 marks/markah]

7(b) Diagram 7.3 shows four situations, S, T, U and W. Rajah 7.3 menunjukkan empat situasi,
S, T, U dan W.

Diagram 7.3 / Rajah 7.3

7(b) Classify all the situations in Diagram 7.3 into three ways of heat flow by completing Table 7.2. Kelaskan semua situasi
dalam Rajah 7.3 kepada tiga cara pengaliran haba dengan melengkapkan Jadual 7.2.



Perolakan S W

Table 7.2 / Jadual 7.2 [4 marks/markah]


Chapter 1 The World Through Our Senses 1.8 Sound and Hearing 1.9 Stimuli and Responses in Plants

Which the following are true about sound? I Sound can be absorbed II Sound can be reflected III Sound can refracted IV Sound travels faster in air than in water

A A I and II only B I and III only

C II and IV D I, II and III only

Diagram above shows the growth of a few germinating seeds. What inference can you form from the result? A The radicles shows positive phototropism. B The radicles show negative hydrotropoism C the radicles are attracted more by water than C by gravity D gravity has no effects on young radicles

3. Diagram below shows a response of a plant.

Why is the response important? A It helps to support the plant B B It helps the plant to protect itself C It helps to produce new plants D It helps the plant to grow

Diagram below shows structure X of a climber plant.

Which of the following shows the correct name and type of response of structure X?
Structure X A B C C D Tendrils Clasping roots Tendrils Clasping roots Response Nastic movement Thigmotropism Thigmotropism Nastic movement

The following describes a kind of tropism in plants.

Helps shoots to get enough sunlight for making food Shoots grow towards the stimulus, while roots grow away from the stimulus

What is the tropism stated above? A Phototropism B Geotropism C Thigmotropism D Hydrotropism

Section B. 1. .

Diagram 4 Diagram 4 shows the cross-section of the human ear.

(a) Name the parts labelled J, K, L and N J: Eardrum K: Ossicles L: Semicircular canal N: Eustachian tube (b) Name the parts of the ear which are not involved in the hearing mechanism. Eustachian tube and semicircular canal. (c) Which part is involved in balancing the air pressure at both sides of the eardrum? Eustachian tube

i) What will happen if the part labelled K is damaged? Deafness

ii) Give one reason for your answer in c(i). Because if P is damaged, sound waves will be too weak to stimulate the receptors in the cochlea.


Chapter 2 Nutrition 2.3 Human Digestive System 2.4 Absorption Of Digested Food

Which enzyme is wrongly matched with its function ? A. Renin ----- digests carbohydrates into glucose A B. Protease ------ digests proteins into peptones C. Amylase ------ digests starch into maltose D. Lipase ------ digests fats into fatty acids and glycerol

Diagram below shows a food test carried out on food sample R. At the end of the test, a brick-red precipitate is formed. Rajah dibawah menunjukkan satu ujian makanan yang dijalankan ke atas satu sampel makanan X. Pada akhir ujian, mendakan merah bata terbentuk. Food sample R Sample makanan R + Water Millons Reagent Air Reagen Millon Bunsen Burner Penunu bunsen Which of the following foods contains the same class of food in the tested food sample? Antara makanan yang berikut, manakah yang mengandungi kelas makanan yang sama seperti yang terdapat dalam sampel makanan yang diuji? A Honey Madu B Butter Mentega C Potato Kentang D Red Meat D Daging merah

Which classes of food are digested by the selected digestive organs ?

Mouth A Starch Stomach Fats Small intestine Proteins


Fats Starch

Starch Proteins

Proteins Fats

Which is not an end product of digestion in the human body ?

A. Glycerol B. Glucose C. Amino acids D Cellulose D.

Which digestive organ secretes the correct enzyme ?



Mouth Stomach Pancreas Small intestine

Lipase Protease Salivary amylase Pancreatic amylase

1. (a) Diagram 1.1 shows the apparatus set-up to study the absorption of

digested food in two boiling tubes, L and M. Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk mengkaji penyerapan makanan di dalam dua tabung didih, L dan M.

Diagram 1.1 Rajah 1.1

i) Write the organ in the human digestive system that is represented by the Visking tube. Tuliskan organ di dalam sistem pencernaan manusia yang diwakili oleh Visking tiub. SMALL INTESTINE _______________________
[1 mark]

(ii) State one step to increase the efficiency of absorption of digested food in Diagram 1.1. Nyatakan satu langkah untuk menambah kecekapan penyerapan makanan dalam Rajah 1.1. Increase the temperature of distilled water to body temperature // 37 c
[1 mark]

(iii)Compare the absorption of food in boiling tube L and boiling tube M. Bandingkan penyerapan makanan dalam tabung didih L dan tabung didih M. Absorption of food accurs in boiling tube M but not in boiling tube L
[1 mark]

(b) Diagram 5.2 shows the apparatus set-up to study the action of saliva on starch solution. Rajah 5.2menunjukkan susunan radas untuk mengkaji tindakan air liur terhadap larutan kanji.

Diagram 1.2 Rajah 1.2 After 30 minutes, the mixture in the test tube is tested with Iodine solution and Benedicts solution. The results of the experiment is shown in Table 1. Selepas 30 minit, campuran dalam tabung uji diuji dengan larutan iodin dan larutan Benedict. Keputusan eksperimen adalah seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Jadual 5.

Test tube Tabung uji R

Iodine test Ujian Iodin

The brown colour of iodine solution remain the same Warna perang larutan iodin tidak berubah A blue-black solution is formed Satu larutan biru hitam terbentuk

Benedicts test Ujian Benedict

A brick-red precipitate is formed Satu mendakan merah bata terbentuk The blue colour of Benedicts solution remain the same. Warna biru larutan Benedict tidak berubah

Table 1 Based on the results shown in Table 1, state why there is glucose in test tube R after 30 minutes. Berdasarkan keputusan ujikaji dalam Jadual 5, nyatakan mengapa terdapat glukosa di dalam tabung uji R selepas 30 minit.
Starch has been digested ............................................................................................. (1 mark )

(c) Diagram 1.3 shows a structure found in the small intestine. Rajah 1.3 menunjukkan struktur yang terdapat di dalam usus kecil.

Diagram 1.3 Rajah 1.3 (i) Name the structure shown in Diagram 1.3. Namakan struktur yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 1.3 Villi // villus _____________ [1 mark] (ii) State how the small intestine is adapted for the absorption of digested food. Nyatakan bagaimana usus kecil diadaptasi untuk penyerapan makanan yang dicernakan. (The inner surface) of the small intestine is highly folded [1 mark] (iii) Give one reason for the answer in 5(c)(ii). Beri satu sebab bagi jawapan dalam5(c)(ii). The villi will increase the surface area of the small intestine [1 mark]


Chapter 3 Biodiversity 3.1 Organisms and Their Classification Chapter 4 Interdependence Among Living Organisms and Environment 4.4 Photosynthesis

Which class of animals does the Pangolin and the Platypus belong to? Kelas haiwan yang manakah yang dimiliki oleh tenggiling dan platipus? A Fish Ikan B Amphibians Amfibia C Reptiles Reptilia D D Mammals Mamalia

Why are salamanders classified as amphibians? Mengapakah salamanders dikelaskan sebagai amfibia?
A They breathe through their skin and lungs A Mereka bernafas melalui kulit dan peparu B They give birth to their young Mereka melahirkan anak C They produce one offspring at a time Mereka menghasilkan satu keturunan pada satu masa D Their young live on land Anak mereka tinggal di darat

Which group of animals are cold-blooded and breathe using their gills? Kumpulan haiwan yang manakah adalah berdarah sejuk dan bernafas menggunakan insang?
A Fish A Ikan B Reptiles Reptilia C Amphibians Amfibia D Birds Burung

The following information shows the characteristics of a plant. Maklumat berikut menunjukkan ciri-ciri pada sejenis tumbuhan Woody stem Batang berkayu Green leaves Daun hijau

Cone Kon
Which plant has these characteristics? Tumbuhan yang manakah mempunyai ciri-ciri tersebut? A Lalang Lalang B B Conifer Tingkatan 2 Konifer Penyenggaraan dan Kesinambungan Hidup C Bougainvillea Biodiversiti Bunga kertas Sederhana D Balsam plant B m/s 84 Pokok keembung

Why is it important to maintain biodiversity? Mengapakah adalah penting untuk mengekalkan biodiversiti? I As forest reserve for flora and fauna Sebagai hutan simpanan untuk flora and fauna II As preservation and protection area of wildlife Sebagai kawasan pemeliharaan dan perlindungan hidupan liar III Animals can be put in more zoos around the world Haiwan-haiwan boleh diletakkan dalam lebih banyak zoo di seluruh dunia IV Provide educational and research studies for the public on flora and fauna Menyediakan kawasan pembelajaran dan penyelidikan flora and fauna bagi orang awan A I and II only A

I dan II sahaja B II and IV only II dan IV sahaja C I, II and III only I, II and III sahaja D I, II and IV only I, II dan IV sahaja

Diagram 2 shows the classification of plants Rajah di bawah menunjukkan pengelasan tumbuhan

Flowering plants Tumbuhan berbunga

M Non-flowering plant/ Tumbuhan tak berbunga

Monocotyledon Monokotiledon

N Dicotyledons/ Dikotiledon

Mosses Lumut

O Conifers/ Konifer

Ferns Paku-pakis

Diagram 2/ Rajah 2 (a) What are M, N and O? Apakah M, N dan O?


Five plants are described in Table below Lima tumbuhan diterangkan dalam Jadual below

Plant Tumbuhan

Description Keterangan


Produces cones and has fine needle-like leaves Menghasilkan kon-kon dan mempunyai daun halus berbentuk jarum Produces spores and grows in moist places Menghasilkan spora dan hidup di tempat lembap Has a big yellow flowers and network veins Mempunyai bunga berwarna kuning yabng besar dan urat jejala Has many small white flowers and parallel veins Mempunyai banyak bunga berwarna putih kecil dan urat selari Has no true leaves or roots Tidak mempunyai daun atau akar yang benar

Complete the classification in Diagram 2 by using the given letters. Lengkapkan pengelasan dalam Rajah 2 dengan menggunakan huruf-huruf yang diberikan.


Flowering plants Tumbuhan berbunga

M Non-flowering plant/ Tumbuhan tak berbunga

Monocotyledon Monokotiledon

N Dicotyledons/ Dikotiledon

Mosses Lumut

O Conifers/ Konifer

Ferns Paku-pakis

Example: Contoh:
J (i)_________

Example: Contoh:
I (ii)________

Example: Contoh:
K (iii)____

Example: contoh:
G (iv)_____

Example: Contoh:
H (v)______

Diagram 2/ Rajah 2


Chapter 5 Water and Solution 5.4 : Solution and Solubility 5.6 Water Purification

Diagram below shows the preparation of sugar solution. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan penyediaan larutan gula.

Which of the following are the solvent, solution and solute? Antara yang berikut, yang manakah pelarut, larutan dan zat terlarut?

solvent/ / pelarut

Solution / larutan

Solute / zat terlarut

Sugar / gula Sugar syrup / air gula Sugar / gula Sugar syrup / air gula

Sugar syrup / air gula Water / air Sugar / gula Water / air Water / air Water / air Sugar syrup / air gula Sugar / gula

What happens when a very little solute dissolves in a solvent? Apakah yang berlaku apabila sedikit zat terlarut larut dalam pelarut?


A dilute solution is formed Larutan cair terbentuk A saturated solution is formed Larutan tepu terbentuk A concentrated solution is formed Larutan pekat terbentuk A milky suspension is formed Ampaian putih terbentuk

Diagram below shows two water purification methods, J and K. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan dua kaedah pembersihan air, J dan K.

J A B C D D To removes dissolves minerals / menyingkirkan mineral terlarut To remove colour / menyingkirkan warna To reduce acidity / mengurangkan keasidan To remove insoluble solids / menyingkirkan pepejal tak larut

K To kill microorganism / membunuh mikroorganisma To remove impurities / menyingkirkan bendasing To remove odour / menyingkirkan bau To kill microorganism / membunuh mikroorganisma

The water produced by which purification method contains microorganisms? Air yang dihasilkan daripada kaedah pembersihan manakah yang mengandungi mikroorganisma? A Boiling Pendidihan Distillation Penyulingan Chlorination Pengklorinan Filtration Penurasan

Diagram below shows a water purification method. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan kaedah pembersihan air.

Which of the following is contained in X? Antara yang berikut, yang manakah terkandung dalam X? A Distilled water / Air suling A B Red ink / Dakwat merah C Microorganisms / Mikroorganisma D Salt solution / Larutan garam

An investigation is carried out by two students, Samira and Jason, to study the time taken for 20g of salt to dissolve in 50 ml of water at different temperatures. The result of the investigation are recorded in Table 1.

Temperature of water (oC)

30 40

Time taken for 20g of salt to dissolve (s)

Samira 30 25 Jason 40 35

60 70 80

15 10 5

25 20 15

(a) State two reasons to explain why there is a difference in the time taken to dissolve 20 g of salt when it is carried out at the same temperature. [ 2 marks]

i- size of salt particles ii different rates of stirring

(b) State the variables involved in this experiment [3 marks] (i) manipulated variable : (ii) responding variable : (iii) fixed variable :

(i) manipulated variable : temperature of water (ii) responding variable : time taken (iii) fixed variable : mass of salt, volume of water
(c) What inference could be made from the investigation [1 mark]

Time taken for the salt to dissolve is faster because the temperature of water increases

(d) Using the data in Table 1, draw a straight line graph to show the relationship between the time taken for 20 g of salt to dissolve and the temperature of water in the investigation carried out by Samira.

[2 marks]

(e) Based on the line graph in (d) , predict the time taken for 20 g of salt to dissolve in 50 ml of water whose temperature is 35oC. [1 mark]

27.5 s
(f) What can you conclude from this investigation?[ 1 mark]

Solubility of a solute increases with the increase in temperature of the solvent

FORM 2 Chapter 8 Support and Movement 8.2 Support System in Plants Chapter 10 Simple Machine 10.1 : Levers

Diagram shows a plant known as hydrilla that is commonly found in Malaysian rivers. Rajah menunjukkan sebatang pokok dikenali sebagai hydrilla yang banyak dijumpai di dalam sungai di Malaysia.

What is the support system found in this plant? Apakah sistem sokongan yang dijumpai pada pokok ini? A B C D D Woody tissue Tisu berkayu Clasping roots Akar cengkam Turgidity of cell Kesegahan sel Water buoyancy Daya apungan air

Diagram shows a chopping knife is used to cut a cucumber into halves. Rajah menunjukkan pisau pemotong digunakan untuk memotong timun kepada dua bahagian. What is X, Y and Z? Apakah X, Y dan Z?
X A Fulcrum Fulkrum Effort Daya Y Load Beban Z


Load Beban
Load Beban Effort Daya

Fulcrum Fulkrum
Effort Daya Load Beban

Effort Daya
Fulcrum Fulkrum Fulcrum Fulkrum

Diagram below shows a balanced lever system. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan satu sistem tuas yang seimbang.

What is the load of K? Berapakah beban K? A 10 N A B 100 N C 150 N D 300 N

Load x Distance of load = Effort x Distance of effort

50 N x 1.0 m = K x 5.0 m K = 50 N x 1.0 m 5.0 m = 10 N

Diagram shows the cross section of stems of plant X and Y. Rajah menunjukkan keratan rentas batang bagi tumbuhan X dan Y.

Which of the following is true about plant X and Y? Berikut yang benar tentang tumbuhan X dan Y?
Plant X Tumbuhan X A B C D Durian tree Mango tree Angsana tree Mangrove tree Plant Y Tumbuhan Y Bamboo tree Water lily Maize plant Papaya tree

Diagram show two human activities R and S. Rajah menunjukkan dua aktiviti manusia R dan S.

What are the class of lever of the devices used by those people? Apakah kelas tuas bagi alatan yang digunakan oleh individu tersebut?
R A B First class Third class S Second class Second class


Third class
Second class

First class
First class

Diagram shows four plants P, Q, R and S. Rajah menunjukkan empat jenis tumbuhan P, Q, R dan S.

(a) Based on your observation, name the support system for each of the plant P, Q, R and S. Berdasarkan pemerhatian anda, namakan sistem sokongan bagi setiap tumbuhan P, Q, R dan S. Buoyancy of water P : ....... Thorns Q: .... Woody plant R : Tendrils S : [4 marks]

(b) Classify all the support system in plant above into two group by completing the table below. Kelaskan semua sistem sokongan tumbuhan di atas kepada dua kumpulan dengan melengkapkan jadual di bawah.
Support system in land plants
Thorns, Woody plant, Tendrils

Support system in aquatic plant

Buoyancy of water

[4 marks]

FORM 3 Chapter 2 Blood Circulation and Transport 2.1 : Transport System in Human 2.2 Human Blood 2.3 Transport System in Plants

Table below shows the blood group of four individuals. Jadual di bawah menunjukkan kumpulan darah empat individu.

Individual/ Individu Ali Ben Raju Ray

Blood group/ Kumpulan darah A B AB O

Lin belongs to B blood group. She needs a blood transfusion in a surgery. Which of the following individual(s) can donate blood to him?
A B C C D Ben only / Ben sahaja Ben and Raju only / Ben dan Raju sahaja Ben and Rey only / Ben dan Rey sahaja Ben, Raju and Rey only / Ben, Raju dan Rey sahaja

Blood transports a variety of substances such as oxygen, digested food, urea, carbon dioxide and hormones. Substances are excanged between the blood and the cells of the body through the Darah mengangkut pelbagai jenis bahan, terutama oksigen, makanan tercerna, urea, karbon dioksida dan hormon. Pertukaran bahan-bahan ini antara darah dengan sel-sel badan adalah melalui A B B walls of the heart dinding jantung

walls of the capillaries dinding kapilari

thick muscular walls of the arteries dinding arteri yang tebal dan berotot walls of the veins dinding vena

Which of the following statements is true about transpiration in plants? Pernyataan yang manakah yang benar mengenai transpirasi pada tumbuhan? A. The rate of transpiration in plants increases when the humidity are increases Kadar transpirasi pada tumbuhan meningkat apabila kelambapan udara meningkat B. Transpiration helps in the absorption of water and minerals. Transpirasi membantu dalam penyerapan air dan mineral. C. Transpiration is a process by which water is lost in the form of water vapour from the surface of a plant into the air by absorption. Transpirasi ialah suatu proses kehilangan air dalam bentuk wap air dari permukaan tumbuhan ke udara secara penyerapan. D. Epidermal cells secrete a waxy cuticle covering the outer surface of the leaf that will increase water loss during transpiration. Sel epidermis merembeskan kutikel berlilin yang menyaluti permukaan luar daun untuk meningkatkan kehilangan air semasa transpirasi.

Rajah 1(a) menunjukkan satu gegelang kulit yang lengkap termasuk floem dikeluarkan. Rajah 1(b) menunjukkan pemerhatian selepas satu minggu. Diagram 1(a) shows that a complete ring of bark with the phloem is removed. Diagram 1(b) show the observation after three weeks.

Nyatakan satu pemerhatian dan satu inferens berdasarkan rajah 1(a) dan 1(b). State one observation and inference based on diagram 1(b) Pemerhatian/observation: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________ Inferens/inference: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________

Nyatakan fungsi floem/ State the function of the phloem. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________ Rajah 1(c) menunjukkan susunan radas untuk mengkaji system pengangkutan air didalam tumbuhan. Diagram 1(c) shows the apparatus set up to study the transport of water in a plant.

Tandakan ( /) pada bahagian batang pokok ini yang akan diwarnakan merah. Tick (/) the part of the stem which will be stained red.

Berikan satu sebab bagi jawapan anda di C(i). Give a reason for your answer in c(i) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________ Namakan bahagian yang anda telah tandakan di C(i) Name the part that you have ticked in C(i). __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________

Rajah 1(d) menunjukkan penyediaan radas untuk mengkaji factor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar transpirasi. Diagram 1(d) shows the apparatus set up to study the factors that affect the rate of transpiration.

Jadual 1 menunjukkan kedudukan gelembung udara bagi empat keaadaan. Table 1 shows the positions of tha air bubbles under four conditions.

Ramalkan kedudukan gelembung udara apabila pokok itu diletakkan di dalam bilik yang gelap dan dibawah kipas yang pegun. Predict the position of the air bubbles when the tree is kept in a dark room and under a stationary fan. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________________

Nyatakan definisi secara operasi bagi kadar transpirasi. State the operational definition for the rate of transpiration. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________

FORM 3 Chapter 1 Respiration 1.1 Human Breathing Mechanism Chapter 3 Excretion 3.3. Excretion in Plants

Diagram below shows a section of the human respiratory system. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan sebahagian daripada sistem respirasi manusia.

Which of the following represents P, Q, R and S? Manakah di antara berikut menunjukkan P,Q, R dan S? A. P Trachea Trakea Trachea Trakea Bronchus Bronkus Alveolus Alveolus Q Alveolus Alveolus Bronchus Bronkus Alveolus Alveolus Trachea Trakea R Bronchus Bronkus Alveolus Alveolus Bronchiole Bronkiol Bronchus Bronkus S Bronchiole Bronkiol Bronchiole Bronkiol Trachea Trakea Bronchiole Bronkiol

C. D.

Diagram below shows a model of the respiratory system. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan model sistem pernafasan.
Y-shaped glass tube Tiub kaca berbentuk Y Glass jar Serkup kaca Balloo n Belon Rubber sheet Kepingan getah

Which of the following would occur when the rubber sheet is pushed upwards? Antara berikut, yang manakah akan berlaku apabila kepingan getah ditolak ke atas? Pressure inside the glass jar Tekanan dalam serkup kaca Increase Meningkat Increase Meningkat Decrease Menurun Decrease Menurun Size of the balloons Saiz belon Increase Meningkat Decrease Menurun Increase Meningkat Decrease Menurun


Diagram below shows the passage of air through the human respiratory system while exhaling. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan laluan bagi udara melalui sistem respirasi manusia semasa menghembus nafas. Alveolus Nose



Which of the following represents P, Q and R? Antara berikut, yang manakah mewakili P, Q dan R?
P Trachea Trakea Bronchiole Bronkiol Bronchus Bronkus Bronchiole Bronkiol Q Bronchus Bronkus Trachea Trakea Trachea Trakea Bronchus Bronkus R Bronchiole Bronkiol Bronchus Bronkus Bronchiole Bronkiol Trachea Trakea

A. B.


Which of the following are ecretory products of plants? Manakah antara berikut merupakan hasil perkumuhan tumbuhan? A. Resin, opium, quinine Resin, opium, kuinin B. Resin, opium, glucose Resin, opium, glukosa C. Opium, quinine, glucose Opium, kuinin, glukosa

D. Resin, opium, quinine, glucose Resin, opium, kuinin, glukosa

Which ecretory products is correctly matched to its usage? Hasil perkumuhan yang manakah dipadankan betul dengan kegunaanya?

B. C. D.

Excretory products Hasil perkumuhan Latex Lateks Oil Minyak Tannin Tanin Gum Gam

Use Kegunaan Make tyres Membuat tayar Make ink Membuat dakwat Make medicine Membuat ubat Make varnish Membuat varnis

Diagram 3 shows a model of the respiratory system. Rajah 3 menunjukkan model Sistem Respirasi.
Y-shaped glass tube Tiub kaca berbentuk Y Balloo n Belon

Glass jar Serkup kaca

Rubber sheet Kepingan getah

Which structures are represented by : Bahagian yang manakah diwakili oleh :

Y-shaped glass tube Tiub kaca berbentuk Y

Rubber sheet Kepingan getah Balloons Belon Glass jar Balang kaca

Trachea / Trakea : _____________________________ Diaphragm / Diafragma : _____________________________ Lungs / Peparu : _____________________________ Thoracic cavity / Rongga : _____________________________ toraks

What will happen when the rubber sheet is pulled down? Apakah yang akan berlaku apabila kepingan getah ditarik ke bawah? The balloon is inflated / Belon menjadi besar _________________________________________________________________ Name the breathing process that takes place when the rubber sheet is pulled down. Namakan proses pernafasan yang berlaku apabila kepingan getah ditarik ke bawah. Inhalation / Tarikan nafas _________________________________________________________________ _ What will happen when the rubber sheet is pushed up? Apakah yang akan berlaku apabila kepingan getah ditolak ke atas?

The balloon is deflated / Belon menjadi kempis _________________________________________________________________

Name the breathing process that takes place when the rubber sheet is pushed up. Namakan proses pernafasan yang berlaku apabila kepingan getah ditolak ke atas. Exhalation / Hembusan nafas _________________________________________________________________

FORM 3 Chapter 4 Reproduction 4.1 Understanding Sexual and Asexual Reproduction 4.12 Vegetative Reproduction in Plants

Diagram below shows a type of reproduction method. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan sejenis kaedah pembiakan.

Which of the following organisms undergoes the same reproduction method as the organism shown?
Antara organisma yang berikut, manakah menjalani kaedah pembiakan yang sama dengan organisma yang ditunjukkan? A B B Fungi Kulat Hydra Hidra C D Euglena Euglena Starfish Tapak sulaiman

Which of the following species do not carry out internal fertilisation? Antara spesies yang berikut, manakah tidak menjalani persenyawaan dalam?


Birds C Burung D Reptiles D Reptilia

Mammals Mamalia Amphibians Amfibia

Which of the following statements is not true about the asexual reproduction process? Antara pernyataan yang berikut, manakah tidak benar tentang proses pembiakan aseks? A. It occurs in simple organism. Ia berlaku pada organisma ringkas. B Gametes and fertilisation are involved. B. Gamet dan persenyawaan yang terlibat. C. Offspring is produced by a single parent. Anak dihasilkan melalui satu induk. D. Offspring possesses same characteristics as its parent. Anak mempunyai ciri-ciri yang sama dengan induknya.

Diagram below shows new plants growing at the leaf margin. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan anak pokok tumbuh pada tepi daun.

Which of the following plants has the same reproduction method as the plant shown? Antara tumbuhan yang berikut, manakah mempunyai kaedah pembiakan yang sama dengan tumbuhan yang ditunjukkan? A Grass Rumput B Begonia B Begonia C Daffodil Dafodil D Turmeric Kunyit

FORM 3 Chapter 6 Land and Its Resources 6.4 Calcium Compounds 6.5 Natural Resources and Their Importance

Diagram below shows the apparatus set-up to investigate the properties of substance Z.

What is substance Z? A. A Calcium carbonate B. Potassium manganate (VII) C. Magnesium oxide D. Lead(II) sulphide

Which element is found in limestone? A. Hydrogen B. B Carbon C. Sulphur D. Iron

Calcium carbonate can be found in A. clay B. quartz C. C egg shells D. woody stem

When some animals bones are added into dilute hydrochloric acid, what are the products formed? A. Calcium oxide and water B. Calcium carbonate and oxygen C. C Calcium chloride, carbon dioxide and water D. Calcium chloride, calcium hydroxide and water

Which of the following is not correctly matched?

Substance Use
A Sand Used to make glassware

B Quartz C Flint D D Clay

Mixed with cement to make concrete Used to light gas stoves Used as a heat insulator

A student used the apparatus set-up shown in the diagram below to heat calcium carbonate and zinc carbonate.

(a) What is the function of the lime water in this experiment?

to detect the presence of carbon dioxide gas. (1 mark) (b) State the variables for this experiment. Manipulated variable : Types of carbonate salts. Responding variable : Time taken for lime water to turn chalky. Controlled variable : Mass of carbonate salts, temperature of heating, volume of lime water.

(3 marks)

(c) State your observation for this experiment. Lime water turns cloudy (1 mark)
(d) Write the word equation for the reaction which occurs when calcium carbonate is heated. Calcium carbonate calcium oxide + carbon dioxide (1 mark)

FORM 3 Chapter 7 Electricity 8 Generation of Electricity

The following graphs show the relationship between current, I and voltage, V of a device. Which graph obeys Ohms Law?
Graf-graf berikut menunjukkan hubungan antara arus, I dan voltan, V dalam suatu alat. Graf manakah yang mematuhi Hukum Ohm?

Diagram below shows an electric circuit. The crocodile clip is moved slowly from P to Q.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan satu litar elektrik. Klip buaya digerakkan dengan perlahan dari P ke Q.

Which of the following is the correct observation?

Antara berikut, pemerhatian manakah yang betul?

Ammeter reading
Bacaan ammeter

Brightness of bulb
Kecerahan mentol


Decreases/ menurun Decreases/ menurun Increases/ menaik Increases/ menaik

Dimmer/ semakin malap Brighter/ semakin cerah Dimmer/ semakin malap Brighter/ semakin cerah

Electrical energy is transmitted at high voltage through the National Grid Network.
Tenaga elektrik dihantar dalam voltan yang tinggi melalui Rangkaian Grid Nasional .

Which of the followings is true about the above statement?

Manakah antara berikut benar mengenai pernyataan di atas?

A. To increase the current/ Menaikkan arus B. To prevent the loss of energy/ Mengelakkan kehilangan tenaga C. To reduce the loss of energy/ Mengurangkan kehilangan tenaga D. To increase the amount of energy/ Menaikkan jumlah tenaga

Diagram below shows the transmission and distribution system of electrical energy.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan sistem penghantaran dan pengagihan tenaga elektrik. Power station 11kV




Which of the following is true about transformers K, L and M?

Manakah antara berikut benar mengenai transformer K, L dan M?

M Step-up/ injak naik

A Step-down/ injak turun Step-down/ injak turun

B Step-down/ injak turun

C D Step-up/ injak naik Step-up/ injak naik

Step-up/ injak naik

Step-up/ injak naik

Step-down/ injak turun Step-down/ injak turun Step-up/ injak naik Step-down/ injak turun

(a) Diagram 8.1 shows two circuits P and Q that have different numbers of bulbs.
Rajah 8.1 menunjukkan dua litar P dan Q yang mempunyai jumlah mentol yang berbeza.

The brightness of bulbs in the two circuits is observed. State one inference about the brightness of the bulbs.
Kecerahan mentol dalam dua litar tersebut diperhatikan. Nyatakan satu inferens mengenai kecerahan mentol-mentol tersebut.

Bulbs in circuit P are brighter because there are less number of bulbs compared to circuit Q.

(b)Diagram 8.2 shows an electrical circuit set up to study the relationship between the length of nichrome wire and current flow.
Rajah 8.2 menunjukkan satu susunan litar elektrik untuk mengkaji hubungan antara panjang wayar nikrom dan arus yang mengalir.

The steps of experiment are as follows:

Langkah-langkah eksperimen adalah seperti berikut:

1. The crocodile clip is touched on the nicrome wire at length of 10 cm.

Klip buaya disentuh pada wayar nikrom pada kepanjangan 10 cm.

2. The ammeter reading is recorded.

Bacaan ammeter direkodkan.

3. Steps 1 and 2 are repeated by increasing the length of nichrome wire at 20 cm, 30 cm and 40 cm.
Langkah 1 dan 2 diulang dengan menambah kepanjangan wayar nikrom kepada 20 cm, 30 cm dan 40 cm.

The result are shown in Table 8.3.

Keputusannya ditunjukkan dalam Jadual 8.3.

Diagram 8.3 shows the ammeter reading when the length of nichrome wire is 40 cm.
Rajah 8.3 menunjukkan bacaan ammeter apabila panjang wayar nikrom 40 cm.

Based on Table 8.3 and Diagram 8.4:

Berdasarkan Jadual 8.3 dan Rajah 8.4:

(i) Record the ammeter reading in Table 8.3.

Rekod bacaan ammeter dalam Jadual 8.3.

(i) State the relationship between the length of nichrome wire and current.
Nyatakan hubungan antara panjang wayar nikrom dan arus.

The longer the length of nichrome wire, the lower the current flow in the circuit.
Semakin panjang wayar nikrom, semakin rendah arus yang mengalir dalam litar.

(iii) State the manipulated variable of the experiment.

Nyatakan pembolehubah dimanipulasi dalam eksperimen tersebut.

The length of nichrome wire

Panjang wayar nikrom.

(iv) Define operationally the current.

Definisikan arus secara operasi.

Operatinal definition of the current is the reading of ammeter.

Definisi secara operasi bagi arus adalah bacaan ammeter.

FORM 3 Chapter 7 Electricity 7.8 Magnetism 7.9 Electromagnetism

Diagram below shows the pattern of magnetic fields around two bar magnets.

Which of the following is correct about the poles of P,Q, R and S?


Q South

R South

S North


South South

North North

North South

South North


Based diagram above, which statement is correct when the flow of current is reversed? A The lines of the magnetic force is clockwise B B The lines of the magnetic force is anticlockwise C The lines of the magnetic force are closer to one another D The number of lines of the magnetic force becomes increases

The strength of an electromagnet can be increased by I increasing the amount of current flowing through the coil II increasing the number of coils III increasing the resistance in the current Iv passing a plastic ruler through the coil in the solenoid A A B C D I and II I and IV II and III III and IV

Diagram below shows four positions of the compasses P, Q, R and S. They are placed near a solenoid that is wound around an iron rod.

Diagram 4 Which of the following shows the correct direction of the compass needle? A P and R C Q and S B B P and S D Q and R

Which of the following diagrams show the correct pattern of the magnetic field formed?


1. (a) Mark () to the correct object s which is attracted to a magnet Iron nail Glass rod (b) Diagram 1 shows an experiment to investigate the magnetic field around a bar magnet. Diagram 2 shows the position of the compass pointer when the compass is placed at different position. X: North

Y: South Diagram 1 Diagram 2

(i) Name the correct pole in X and Y on Diagram 2 above.

(ii) What forms a magnetic field?

Magnetic lines of force .

(iii) State the relationship between the direction of the compass needle and the direction of the

magnetic field. The direction of the compass needle is in the same direction as the magnetic field. .. (c) State one reason why must we prevent a magnet from falling to the ground. The magnet will loses its strength . (d) Name the rule that can be applied to determine the direction of the magnetic field around a wire carrying electric current. Right-hand grip rule

FORM 3 Chapter 9 Stars and Galaxies 9.1 The Sun 9.2 Stars and Galaxies in The Universe Chapter 10 Space Exploration 10.1 Development in The Field of Astronomy and Space Exploration

Diagram below shows the birth and the death of a star. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan kelahiran dan kematian satu bintang. Nebula Nebula

Medium-sized star Bintang bersaiz sederhana

Q White Dwarf Kerdil Putih

What is Q? Apakah Q?
A Neutron Star Bintang Neutron Red Giant Raksasa Merah

C Supernova Supernova D D Supergiant Superraksasa

Diagram below shows the atmosphere of the Sun. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan atmosfera bagi Matahari.

What is R? Apakah R?
A B B Photosphere Fotosfera Chromosphere Kromosfera C D Corona Korona Core Teras

The following information is on the characteristics of the layers of the Suns atmospheres. Maklumat berikut adalah mengenai ciri-ciri lapisan atmosfera Matahari. Layer Lapisan P Q R Characteristics Ciri-ciri A layer of reddish pink colour Lapisan merah jambu kemerahan The outermost layer Lapisan paling luar Seen from the Earth as bright lighted surface Dilihat dari Bumi sebagai permukaan bercahaya terang

Which of the folllowing diagram shows correctly the layers of P, Q and R? Antara rajah yang berikut yang manakah menunjukkan lapisan P, Q dan R dengan betul?

Which of the following satellites are use to locate resources on Earth? Antara satelit-satelit berikut, yang manakah digunakan untuk mengesan sumber-sumber di Bumi? A Military Satellites Satelit Ketenteraan B Navigation Satellites Satelit Pelayaran C Environmental Satellites C Satelit Persekitaran D Weather Satellites Satelit Cuaca

The following information is about a device used in the space. Maklumat berikut adalah mengenai sejenis peralatan yang digunakan di angkasa lepas. Gathers information and takes photographs of outer space Mengumpul maklumat dan mengambil gambar angkasa lepas Gathers data to facilitate the study of weather conditions Mengumpul data untuk membantu kajian mengenai keadaaan cuaca

What is this device? Apakah peralatan ini?

A A Satellite Satelit Spaceship Kapal Angkasa C Telescope Telescope Space station Stesen angkasa


Diagram 1 shows parts of the Sun Rajah 1 menunjukkan bahagian-bahagian Matahari. Corona/Korona Photosphere/Fotosfera



Based on Diagram 1, name the parts P, Q and R using the following words: Berdasarkan Rajah 1, namakan bahagian P, Q dan R dengan menggunakan perkataan berikut: Corona/Korona Core/Teras Photosphere/Fotosfera


Draw lines to match each labeling part with its characteristics. Lukiskan garisan untuk memadankan setiap bahagian yang berlabel dengan ciricirinya. Part Bahagian (a) P (b) Q Characteristics Ciri-ciri (i) Nuclear fusion takes place Pelakuran nuklear berlaku (ii) Visible only during solar eclipse Hanya dapat dilihat semasa gerhana matahari (iii) Gives out most of Suns light Mengeluarkan cahaya matahari

(c) R

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