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British Standard in Design

Machine Design

What if?
No standard for nuts and bolts sizes Every keyboard have different orientation of keys Bulbs do not fit into their lamps Credits card are of differed sizes.

What is Standard?
A Standard tells manufacturers how their products and services can be safe and of a certain quality. For Example: . It may state certain colors that need to be used for things to be safe and ensure that they are seen at night, or it may state a specific way of making a product well in the factory.

What is BS?
British Standard are the principles of standardization made by the British Standards Institution (BSI) in its role as the UK National Standards Body (NSB). The principles include the development, publication, maintenance and application of British Standards and related standardization documents, together with the UKs participation in European and international standardization.

Context and Purpose

Standards are to provide a reliable basis for expectations can be made regarding specific characteristics of a product, service or process. The purposes of British Standards include:
facilitating trade, particularly in reducing technical barriers and artificial obstacles to international trade; providing a framework for achieving economies and efficiencies; enhancing consumer protection and confidence.

Stages in Standardization
New Work UK Standardization Drafting and Consensus Building Drafting Draft for Public Comment


Approval of publication


Development of Final Text


All British Standards have the defining characteristics of:
developed by balanced and broadly representative standing committees and they reach agreement by consensus; are signed after open consultation; are periodically review as for their continuing validity.

What is Kitemark?
When you see a product with a Kitemark on it, this means BSI has independently tested and confirmed that the product complies with the relevant standard. The manufacturer pays for this service and their product is tested and assessed at regular intervals.

What is CE marking?
CE marking is designed to remove European trade barriers. This gives the product manufactures permission to sold their item in Europe. It indicates that the product complies with the European Standards but It is NOT a European safety or quality mark.

Some products carry both a Kitemark and CE marking. This indicates that BSI has independently tested them against the appropriate standard.

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