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How can I be ‘pratham’ in

getting a job of my choice?

Team L S Talent

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There is a Thai saying that experience is a comb which Nature
gives to man after he is bald.

Is there a way to learn with our hair intact?

‘pratham’ - for the future
Scope of this presentation

What are the different jobs available in my chosen field?

Which one suits my qualifications and temperament?

- If my Dream Company company comes to campus –

What will ensure my selection?

- What if my Dream company doesn’t come to campus?

How do I fix up an interview appointment with the dream
How do I clear that interview?

- the ‘pratham’ advantage

‘pratham’ - Jobs available at
managerial level
What are the different jobs available in my chosen field?
Which one suits my qualifications and temperament?

The best 5% of the jobs have a very high intellectual capacity and domain knowledge
requirement and/or are HO based & heavily strategy oriented – mostly Top 20 B School
Graduates get these jobs e.g. consultancy, research, strategic roles etc.

Out of the balance 95% of the jobs, 90% of Jobs require sales based
cognitive skill sets
Even an industry requiring high domain knowledge like Banking & Finance has maximum
jobs with above mentioned requirements
( Pl. check “ analysis of jobs in Banking & Finance” )

This leaves out less then 5% of jobs in support functions like HR, Admin, Operations, etc
which do not require any sales based cognitive skill sets.
Roles such as Marketing and Product management require at least some experience of sales
‘pratham’ - Jobs available at
managerial level contd.
What are the different jobs available in my chosen field?
Which one suits my qualifications and temperament?

Every Role has 2 requirements

Domain knowledge- industry

Cognitive skill sets – required for that particular role

‘pratham’ - Defining my
dream job

Every student should take a realistic view of his prior qualifications, whether or not he has prior
work experience and then from the available roles, he should identify the choice of roles he should
target and start preparing for them for avoiding future disappointment.

Ideally it should be like Tennis. Every one should try his hardest for the first serve ( dream job )
but he should also have a second serve ( the second choice) in his repertoire so that in case he
faults on the first serve he at least has the second serve to bank on. And he should prepare for the
second serve so well that he should have 99% chance of succeeding there.
Jobs creation – A Consumer
Durable company
 Task : to gain 10% market share by year end with 20% operating

 Goal : to start selling 20000 units per month by year end

 Which are the ways in which it can be achieved

 Dealers/Retail outlets : 5000 units

 Institutional Accounts : 4000 units
 Direct Sales Agents ( DSAs) : 4000 units
 Direct Sales Team : 3000 units
 Agents : 4000 units
Jobs – Sales &
S & D Jobs Dealer/ Event Sales Institutional Agency Direct DSA Total Package
Distributor worksite sales, Sales sales Sales
RWA sales Team

NSM 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 20L

Regional 5 5 5 5 5 5 30 10L

State Head/ 20 20 20 20 20 20 120 6L

Cluster Mgrs

SM/Asst. Mgrs 100 100 50 100 100 100 550 2.5L

On Company 0 200 0 0 500 0 700 1.25L

roll Executives

Non Company 2000 0 0 0 0 2000 4000 60k

Roll Executives
Jobs – support functions
Support Functions Marketing Product HR Admin Total
manager Manager

National Manager 1 1 1 1 4

Regional 0 0 5 5 10

State Head/ 5 5 25 25 60
Cluster Mgrs

SM/Asst. Mgrs 0 0 0 0 0

On Company 0 0 0 0 0
roll Executives

Non Company 0 0 0 0 0
Roll Executives
Jobs – comparison
Comparison Sales & Distribution Support Functions
National Manager 6 4
Regional 30 10
State Head/ 120 60
Cluster Mgrs
SM/Asst. Mgrs 550 0
On Company 700 0
roll Executives
Non Company 4000 0
Roll Executives
Total Jobs 5406 74
‘pratham’– Industry – behind the

Role Plays

Role Play 1: National Sales Manager & Regional Sales Manager

Role Play 2: Regional Sales Manager & State Sales Manager

Role Play 3: State Sales manager & Regional HR Manager

Learnings : The right person to call for an interview

‘pratham’– Fixing an interview

Role Play 1: Tele conference HR and fresh ( unprepared ) candidate

Learnings : Is HR the right person to call?

Role Play 2: Tele conference Senior Sales Manager and ( well

prepared ) candidate

Learnings : Students feedback

‘pratham’– Interview

Role Play 1: Interview HR, Sr. sales Manager & fresh ( unprepared )
Learnings : What was missing?

Role Play 2: Interview HR, Sr. sales Manager & well prepared
Learnings : What worked?
How to get my dream Job

Requirements :

Educational qualification

Domain Knowledge - Industry

Cognitive skills – Role based

Domain Knowledge - Industry

- Industry Background : Growth rate, Penetration, Pdt life cycle,

Level of involvement, Pdt. differentiation

- Customer buying behaviour : Who? - Target Segment

Demographics, psychographics, Who is the decision maker? Who is the influencer?

Where? - Where to find him? Where to advertise?

Home or office or market? Push or Pull ?

- Buying cycle of the product

How is the need triggered – Lead generation ( Push/Pull?)
Information Gathering – Query handling
Lead time – follow up to closure
Why is knowledge of buying cycle important?

- Place : Which channel to use?

Which is the most profitable channel? Dynamics of different channels
Cognitive skills which the role requires ( HOW? )

Cognitive Skills required for different roles at Junior Managerial Level

:- Handling end customer
- Retail
-- Individuals
-- Group of individuals ( Event, RWA, Worksite )
- Institutional
- B2B
:- Handling Distribution Channel
- Dealers/Distributors
- Agent
- Direct Sales Team
- Alternate channels
--Tele call channel – customer pays thru credit card
-- Web based sales

What are the right sales pitches? Which all different ways customer/partner can
react? What is the best win-win response for each reaction?

Sharing best practices

How to gain Domain & Cognitive Knowledge

Domain : Self study

: Talking to experienced people ( comb sharing)
dealer/agent/Direct sales person

Sharing best practices : A team of 5-10 students handling

one industry & it’s different products and sharing the
learnings with others
“ OutLiers” – a Book by Malcolm Gladwell

Cognitive : Ground level experience :

Next 5 Year plan – Get experience of 4 roles
Institutional Sales,
Dealer – Distributor sales
DSA/Agency – Sales
Direct Sales Team Management
“ 7 Habits of highly effective people “ Steven R Covey
How to gain Domain & Cognitive Knowledge
Can a student get it right now ?
Can a student arrange it himself?
HR - self training at placement consultants office
Finance - opening a Demat account for Rs. 2000, doing daily trading and then
self training at small subbroker, advising his customers on investments
Sales - any where
IT - small software companies
IB – small export houses
Sales & Distribution – Easy or difficult?

Who is the best sales guy?

Can an MBA do better sales?

555 lighter – what is the product substitute? Analysing the need!!

Sales : A process which needs continuous improvement of each step

How many ways a customer/partner/subordinate can react?

Can a WIN-WIN response to each reaction be devised?

High Growth Industries
Industry Exp CAGR

Broadband Penetration to go up from 6% to 20% by

DTH 9% to 30% by 2012

Health Insurance 2% to 20% by 2015

Auto repair & service industry 70000 Cr. Industry by 2015

Solar Power Needless to add anything

Diagnostics services 13900 Cr. Industry by 2015

* Other growth industries - Logistics & supply chain and web based services
Other important factors
 Best Teacher – desire to seek ground level experience : No experience ever goes waste

 How to enjoy what we do – working at full potential

 Direction vs distance – Quality of cup and quality of coffee

Manager vs Leader
Winning vs winning fairly

 Difference between successful and unsuccessful people

 Best Managing tool – understanding human psychology

pratham’ Advantage
 Courses Offered
Dealer – Distributor Management
Institutional Account Management
Agency Team Management
DSA Management

Broadband, DTH, Demat Account, Health Insurance

Tata Communications, Sun Direct, IDBI Capital, Oriental
‘pratham’ Advantage

Course details
Duration : 3.5 Months
No. of Indoor sessions (real life simulation- role plays ):
No. of outdoor sessions ( real life experience ) : 25
‘Domain Knowledge’ – on live projects 24 sessions
‘Cognitive Skills’ – on live projects 21 sessions
Thank you

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