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As the people started to ask questions and search for significant truth in life Philosophy started Philos love

e sophia wisdom

- all objects has a scientific explanation - oldest Philosophy in Western World (Thales, Democritus, Epicurus, and Lucritus)

THOMAS HOBBES - gives a picture in nature as he so it man - war of everyone against everyone - mans brutish tendencies could be suppressed through education JEAN JACQUEZ ROUSSEAU - everything is good as it comes from the hands of nature

1. Growth 2. Student Activity 3. Individualism


HERBERT SPENCER - nature is influenced by an absolute living. - learning is derived from experience.

- reality exists in the idea - reality is composed or thought related to mind and idea and that matter is mere by product of its working. - world exists independent of the mind and that this world can be ascertained through perception of the mind which determines its organization and form as well as the human knowledge.


- physical or material is a collection of thoughts and ideas. - the existence depends upon the perceiving of the mind. - creative mind, creates idea to be objects and real.

- relationship of nature to the physical environment. - source of knowledge is the physical environment and learning occurs through contrast with it. - knowledge is acquired by forming images of sensory experiences and associations then made among the images. - materialistic - investigating objects as to the truth of its essence to come up with the organization of its idea. - it paves way to discovery as an attribute of truth.

Realism according to...

ST. THOMAS AQUINAS - matter did not co-exist with God. - God is the creator of all matters. - mind is like a mirror that reflects every matter in the world that are provided by God. - mind is the recipient while the world is impression agent.

RENE DESCARTES - the world is real and senses are not deceived.
BARUCH SPINOZA - there is only one substance and is identical with God as perfect being. - thoughts and extension

JOHN LOCKE - Tabularasa - experience is the source of knowledge - sensation and reasons are avenues of learning. IMMANUEL KENT - sensory experiences and perception are representation of the external world.

- Charles Sanders Pierce - Pragmaticos/Practical - responsiveness of truth to human bent. - truth is tested and evaluated after its result. - method of solving or evaluating intellectual problems and theory about the kind of knowledge we are capable of acquiring. - knowledge is descriptive and experimental.


- individual existence determines existence. - freedom of choice and rejects destiny - becoming what is his choice. - acknowledges human differences - responsibility of actions
DIFFERENT PRINCIPLES OF EXISTENCIALISM KIERGUARD Man is a subjective thinker and comprehends himself not as an abstraction but as an ethically engaged subject.


NIETZSHE Nature is beyond good and evil, men are unequal, morality is an invention of the weak to limit and defer the strong. Power is the supreme virtue, supreme desire of man. Aristocracy is the wisest form of government.

JEAN PAUL SARTRE Man is aware of his freedom, knows himself and is responsible for his actions and commitment. Human existence is a failure hence we are motivated of living by our infinite struggle but we have a finite life.

GABRIEL MARCEL Existence precedes after essence.

MARTIN HEIDEGGER - Man as a social being - world he shares with others

THREE FUNDAMENTAL FEATURES OF MAN 1. factuality 2. existentiality 3. falleness/ forfeiture

EXISTENSIALISM DEFINED Epistemology - universe has no purpose; only man has a purpose - individual is responsible for his own actions Metaphysics - worlds of existence - existence precedes after essence Axiology - highest morality is recognition of freedom - lowest morality is subjection of individual consciousness to standards or principles that are pre ordained.

COMMON DISCOURSE 1. Existence precedes essence. 2. An individual has no essential nature, no self-identity, he creates himself by his own free choice. 3. Truth is subjective; passion comes from the innermost state of the individual. 4. The universe has no rational direction or design. It is meaningless and absurd. 5. The universe does not provide moral values. 6. Individual actions are virtually unpredictable. 7. Individuals possess complete freedom of the will. 8. Individuals have to make certain choices.

Epistemology (Greek episteme, knowledge; logos,

theory), branch of philosophy that addresses the philosophical problems surrounding the theory of knowledge.

Metaphysics, branch of philosophy concerned with

the nature of ultimate reality. Metaphysics is customarily divided into ontology, which deals with the question of how many fundamentally distinct sorts of entities compose the universe, and metaphysics proper, which is concerned with describing the most general traits of reality.

Axiology study of values: the study of the nature,

types, and governing criteria of values and value judgments.

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