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A J AY L A S I YA L R O L L : 111 3 3 3 1 0 1 5 B AT C H : 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 4

Introduction History Design Advantage Disadvantage Conclusion

SBSP is the concept of collecting solar power in space for use on earth.

Using an Solar Power Satellite or a Satellite Power System

Part of Solar Energy is lost on its way through the atmosphere. SBSP convert sunlight to microwaves outside the atmosphere ,avoiding the losses, and the downtime due to the Earths rotation.

The SBSP concept, originally known as satellite solar power system (SSPS), was first described in November 1968. Between 1978 and 1981, the Congress authorized the Department of Energy (DoE) and NASA to jointly investigate the concept. 1n 1997, NASA conducted its Fresh Look study to examine the modern state of SBSP feasibility.

In 1999, NASAs Space Solar Power Exploratory Research and Technology program (SERT) was initiated

SERT sandwich concept .NASA


Shown is the assembly of a microwave transmission antenna

SBSP essentially consists of three elements : A means of collecting solar power in space, for example via solar concentrators, solar cells or a heat engine A means of transmitting power to earth, for example via microwave or laser A means of receiving power on earth, for example via a microwave antenna (rectenna)

Two basic methods of conversion has been studied: Photovoltaic conversion uses semiconductor cells to directly convert photons into electrical power. Solar dynamics uses mirrors to concentrate light on a boiler.

Most analysis of SBSP have focused on a Photovoltaic conversion (commonly known as solar cells) The use of Solar dynamic could reduce mass per watt.

The SBSP concept is attractive because space has several major advantages over the Earths surface for the collection of solar power There is no air in space, so the collecting surfaces could receive much more intense sunlight. Consequently, collection in orbit is approximately 144% of the maximum attainable on Earths surface.

Orbiting satellites can be exposed to a consequently high degree of solar radiation, generally for 24 hours a day, whereas surface panels can collect for 12 hours per day at most. A collecting satellite could possibly direct power on demand to different surface locations based on geographical base load or peak load power needs. Elimination of Plant and Wildlife interference.

The SBSP concept also has a number of problems:
The large cost of launching a satellite into space Inaccessibility: Maintenance of an earth based solar panel is relatively simple, but performing maintenance on a solar panel in space incurs the extra cost of transporting a team of astronauts into space. Special debris is a major hazard to large object in space. The large size and corresponding cost of the receiving station on the ground.


SBSP requires enormous expenditure and man power and the concerns about the radiation and doubts about the efficiency and feasibility make us think twice about the feasibility of the project implementation. But it cant be ignored that SBSP offers energy from an unending source. All in all, the positive aspects of such a system appear to outweigh the negative ones. Given the incredible benefits, not to mention tremendous need, its a no-brainer that this needs to happen.


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