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Global Trends In Advertising

ByDisha Khanna (19) Geetika Shah (23) Ranjana Chakravorty(44) Trapti Singh(55)

Global trends in advertising

Investment in online display advertising showed strong growth in 2013. Native advertising, known by a number of other names including organic advertising or, sometimes, sponsored content, was a big buzzword in 2013 and this looks set to continue in 2014. Statistics therefore reveal that the growing trend of advertising is leaning heavily on Internet as they are more effective and efficient for surely it saves on a lot of time

Global trends in advertising

The growth in use of the Facebook Exchange (FBX) in 2013 has led to experimentation in the form of Sponsored Stories and Suggested Posts, which relate to the users interests and activities on the platform. Video was huge in 2013, especially for YouTube . Changes are being made in the way that marketers advertise via video. New formats such as shoppable video were being tested by Google last year, and platforms such as WireWax and Kiosked are gaining momentum. Interactive video ads, containing games, surveys, or simply social sharing buttons will all feature in 2014, using ever more unique ways of engaging with consumers.

Global trends in advertising

Micro-targeting and micro-messaging are also set to be buzzwords in 2014. These are forms of targeting which take advantage of a multitude of datasets beyond demographic, combining these with consumer attitudes and behaviours to target like-minded people motivated by similar things. Improved cleansing and segmentation of data, and increased targeting options from Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are allowing advertisers to target the user in intelligent ways, increasing clickthrough rates and conversions. An increasing focus on mobile marketing strategy. 60% of businesses are now implementing strategies for integrating mobile into their broader marketing campaigns. As 4G is rolled out across mobile networks, using mobiles for, and while, shopping is becoming an increasingly enjoyable experience. Research from eBay showed that purchases from the site were more likely to be made via a tablet than any other device. Before mobile advertising becomes a standard part of every marketing strategy, we will first see an effort to optimise websites for mobile.

Growth of Internet
Originally the Internet served to interconnect laboratories engaged in government research, and since 1994 it has been expanded to serve millions of users and a multitude of purposes in all parts of the world. Internet is changing all the time. Two things, in our opinion, have marked it's evolution recently: the social web and mobile technology Statistics therefore reveal that the growing trend of advertising is leaning heavily on Internet as they aremore effective and efficient for surely it saves on a lot of time

Growth of Internet
Internet allows the customization of the advertisements both encompassing content and posted websites Internet has thus added new dimensions to advertising. It is a common belief that what sees more, sells more and Internet has just made advertisements visible to the common eye

Impact of Online Advertising

The actual impact of advertising is hard to track and quantify for both mass media and the Internet, although interactive technology presents new possibilities for the entire advertising industry. In the case of mass media, there are companies that measure the size of the audience per commercial message, for instance Nielson TV and radio ratings, and efforts are underway to further evaluate the economic impacts of advertising by correlating advertising and an increase in sales. Refined measures and methods are being proposed for the Internet. Proctor & Gamble, for example, limits payment for its ads on the Yahoo! search engine to the number of people who actually request more information by clicking on their advertisement rather than paying based on the number of Yahoo! customers to whom its advertisement is presented on their search pages.

Global Ad Trends:
After several false starts, mobile advertising has now truly taken off and is forecast to account for 37% of all growth in global ad expenditure this year, and 31% in 2014, according to a recent report by ZenithOptimedia. However, it is growing extremely rapidly: 77% growth in 2013, followed by 56% in 2014 and 48% in 2015, ZenithOptimedia forecasts. By 2015, mobile ad spend is expected to total $33.1 billion and to account for 6% of total ad expenditure.

Growth by Medium
Internet advertising is forecast to overtake newspapers for the first time, in 2013, and then exceed the combined total of newspaper and magazine advertising in 2015. The Internet (desktop and mobile) is expected to be the biggest contributor by far of new ad dollars to the global market. Between 2012 and 2015, it is forecast to account for 66% of the growth in total expenditure.

The next biggest growth driver is television, which is forecast to contribute 36% of growth.


Guerrilla Marketing is an advertising strategy that focuses on low-cost unconventional marketing tactics that yield maximum results. Its an unconventional system of promotions that relies on time, energy and imagination.

Types :

Ambient marketing allows a business to create brand recognition without necessarily pushing their products.

Presence marketing is about making the business name recognizable and familiar by being visible daily.
Grassroots marketing is about winning customers one-by-one rather than on a very large scale. A successful grassroots campaign is all about building relationships and emphasizing the personal connection. Wild postings is overwhelming areas with plastered multiple copies of a poster for a movie, concert, or product. Undercover / Buzz Marketing is said to be one of the more devious ways of marketing to the masses. Undercover marketing / buzz marketing is all about selling something to someone who has no idea theyve just witnessed a sales pitch. Alternative marketing may be best defined as publicity that looks to be completely separate from the company. Experiential marketing aims to give you an experience rather than send you a one-way message. Experiential marketing lets you interact with the product and associate your immediate emotional responses with that brand. Interactive marketing refers to the evolving trend in marketing whereby marketing has moved from a transaction-based effort to a conversation.


Essential elements of a niche marketing strategy


Set clear goals and objectives

Does niche marketing match up with the resources, capabilities and preferences

Five Stages to Fully Address the Niche Opportunity

Strategic Planning Define Mission and Objectives Strategies and Action

Monitoring Key Projects/Objectives Organizational Realignment

When individuals assemble there is a collective intelligence inherent in the organization of the group. One of the most popular models in mass coordination and mobilization is the trend known as a flash mob which uses ordinary channels of communication to collaborate and coordinate without the general public or authorities knowing about it beforehand.

5 Steps to run a Flash Mob:

Set a clear and achievable goal Determine Flash Mob action Know the Location

Keep it simple and time it out Keep it a mystery


Viral marketing is the act of promoting information or products that other customers are compelled to give to other friends, colleagues and family.
Viral marketing is simply the spread of an idea that helps market your business or cause.

Buzz Advertising
Buzz marketing is a viral marketing technique that attempts to make each encounter with a consumer appear to be a unique spontaneous personal exchange of information

Experiential Advertising
Experiential marketing- "event marketing", "live marketing" or "participation marketing," is a marketing strategy that directly engages consumers and invites and encourages consumers to participate in the evolution of a brand.

Social Media Advertising

Social Media PlatformsFacebook Twitter Pinterest Google+ LinkedIn Vine

A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is it is what consumers tell each other it is. Scott Cook

Effectiveness of Advertising In Prompting Social Interaction with Brands

Reasons Users Interact Socially With Brands

show support


Offer opinions and comments


Share Information


Access Offers


Stay Current


Source: Burstmedia, Figures in percentage

Other forms of Online Ads

Blogs A blog can be an effective way to bridge the space between product and consumer via entertaining and educational content. A blog is a passive marketing tool, accessible to anyone visiting your Web site.

Search engine marketing SEM is a form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages(SERPs) through optimization and advertising. SEM may use search engine optimization(SEO), that adjusts or rewrites website content to achieve a higher ranking in search engine results pages or use pay per click listings. Eg- Google Search Ads
Banner Ads Online banner ads are also improving as Google makes it easier for advertisers to craft good banner ads. In efforts to get even more people on the Google Display Network boat, Google offers many tools and resources to help advertisers create banner ads with ease. Mobile Ads Mobile ads are ads that appear on smartphones, tablets, and any other mobile device. Many social media platforms, websites, and apps offer their own unique mobile ad options. E-Mail Marketing Email ads are advertisements sent to users via web mail. Email ads can be used to notify subscribers of certain promotions, discounts, or new features, among other uses.

Social Visibility and Brand Interaction on the rise

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