Organizing The Body of Speech

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Organizing The Body of Speech - boost the confidence

- improve the ability to deliver message fluently - the process begin by determining the main points

The evidence of the specific purpose The main points may be easy to project from specific purpose even if the main points are not stated clearly in it. Not all main points are easy to settle.

I. Number of Main Points

By having too many points can make the audience have trouble to sort them out. List all the main points, then categorize them.

II. Strategic Order of Main Points

Chronological order

- A method of speech organization in which the main points follow a time pattern.
- Used in speeches explaining a process or demonstrating how to do something.

Spatial order - A method of speech organization in which the main points follow a directional pattern. Causal order - A method of speech organization in which the main points show a cause-effect relationship. Problem-solution order - A method of speech organization in which the first main point deals with the existence of a problem and the second main point presents a solution to the problem. Topical order - A method of speech organization in which the main points divide the topic into logical and consistent subtopics.

A word or phrases that connects the ideas of a speech and indicates the relationship between them. There are four types of speech connectives such as transition, internal previews, internal summaries and signposts. i) Transition A word or phrase that indicates when a speaker has finished one thought and is moving on the another. For example : Now that we have a clear understanding of the problem, let me share the solution with you.

ii) Internal previews A statement in the body of the speech that lets the audience knows what the speaker is going to discuss next. For example I will focus on three solutions instituting tighter government regulation of credit bureaus , holding credit bureaus financially responsible for their error, and giving individuals easier access to their credit reports

iii) Internal summaries

A statement in the body of the speech that summarizes the speakers preceding point or points

For example : Lets pause for a moment to summarize what we have found so far.

iv) Signposts A very brief statement that indicates where a speaker is in the speech or that focuses attention on key ideas. For example The first cause of this problem is inefficient agricultural production. The second cause is recurrent drought in the affected countries. The final cause is mismanagement of variable food resources by local countries.

The planning of the body of speech begins when determine the main point that cans emphasis to clear and convincing. We can organise main points in various ways, depending on the topic, purpose, and audience. Chronological order follows a time pattern, whereas spatial order follows a directional pattern. Supporting materials are the backup ideas for the main points. Connectives help tie a speech together will make speech more unified and coherent.

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