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Evaluation of Beginning Teacher Turnover Rate at Roanoke Valley Early College

Weldon City Schools Beginning Teacher program (WCSBT) collaborates with the NE Collaborative. WCS relies heavily on Teach for America (TFAs) to fulfill teaching positions. In addition to district professional development, Beginning Teachers are provided specially designed monthly professional developments. Each Beginning Teacher is assigned a mentor. Mentors are required to meet with each mentee weekly.



Weldon could also initiate some social events for beginning teachers, just as TFA does so that the teachers are encouraged to explore what this area does have to offer them. Everything is not just about professional development, its about developing the whole person, which in turn develops the teacher.
Also, don't overwhelm first year teachers with teaching for the first time...and KUDs, curriculum maps, honors portfolios, UNPAID "mandatory" monthly Saturday PDs, etc. Allow us to focus on teaching, so we feel more successful and less like we're just trying to keep our heads above water. Also, teachers at RVEC should have to observe teachers in other schools, because they need to understand that RVEC has the best and the brightest, and they do not experience the same thing as teachers outside of RVEC experience. Professional Development during paid time, or paying teachers for the extra time that they put into professional development. Weldon tends to hire a lot of TFA and they do not tend to stay because this area offers them nothing in comparison to where the teachers originate.

Teacher Response(s)

Retention of Beginning Teachers at Roanoke Valley Early College (RVEC) were the focus of this study.

-Professional Development was not actually geared toward the area that you were dealing with, not just generalizations. High school teachers and middle school teachers should not be having the same professional development as elementary teachers.
-Making BT meetings/workshops meaningful. The Saturdays with NTSP especially are usually pointless.

Over the last five years, teacher retention fluctuated tremendously at RVEC. The rationale to explain the influx of teachers is the heavy reliance upon TFAs. It is imperative to take the time and listen to teachers. The concerns they have are valid and deserves to be heard by those who can effect change.

A survey conducted provided additional insight as to the benefits of the the current WCSBT workshop. The survey asked the following questions:
-How helpful were the Beginning Teacher workshops? -How often do you meet with your mentor (Face to Face)? -How satisfied are you with your mentor? -How many times did you observe a veteran teacher conducting instruction? -To what extent did you find observing veteran teachers helpful? -A supportive Beginning Teacher Program would influence you to remain in Weldon City Schools? -If you were not obligated to complete 2 years at Weldon City Schools, would you return for a 3rd year?

Grande Sullivan, C. (2004). How to mentor in the midst of change. Alexandria, VA: ASCD Heller, D. (2004) Teachers wanted: attracting and retaining good teachers. Alexandria, VA: ASCD Mallory, W. & Allen, T. (2007). Teacher retention in a teacher resiliency-building rural school. The Rural Educator, 28(2), 19-27 Scherer, M. (2003). Keeping good teachers. Alexandria, VA: ASCD Teacher Turnover Report: Annual Report on the Reasons Teachers Leave 2011-2012 Teacher Survey

Teacher Response(s)
-Mentors should come from the age group taught by the BTs; having a former elementary school teacher as a mentor is unhelpful -Each teacher would have an assigned mentor, not just a generalized mentor for the entire school. English teachers are not great help for math teachers. Elementary teachers are not great help for high school teachers, etc.


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