PhpkdRU9iLiving in Hope

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 3 November 2009

 By : Marco
 What is hope?
 The “gift” of hope

 Why living in hope?

 Realizing hope

 Conquering your EXAM with hope

 Hope:
“to look forward to with desire and
reasonable confidence” (
 Catholic Hope:
 Starts with DESIRE.
 It is DIFFICULT to obtain.

 It is possible, desire for something

that is REAL.
 Supplied by the GRACE of God.
 1 of 3 virtues of a human.
 And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and
the greatest of these is love. (1 Cor 13:13)
 Why do we live as Catholic person?
 We have a hope: Desire for eternal happiness
 HEAVEN!! (CCC 1843)
 Placing trust in Christ's promises, F
therefore relying not on our own A L
strength (CCC 1817) I O


 God gives us hope through His promises
 Story of Abraham  promise of descendants (Gen 17)
 Story of Exodus  promise of entering the promised land
 Sermon on the mount  promise of great rewards (Mat 5)
 Ascension of Jesus  promise of Holy Spirit (Acts 1:6-11)
 Rom 5:1-5
 1
Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we have peace
with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
 2
through whom we have obtained access to this grace in
which we stand; and we boast in our hope of sharing the
glory of God.
 3
And not only that, but we also boast in our sufferings,
knowing that suffering produces endurance,
 4
and endurance produces character, and character
produces hope,
 5
and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has
been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that
has been given to us.
 Similar
to any other gifts, hope
 Faith.
 Sufferings.

 Endurance.

 Character.

 Hope.

 Hope does not disappoint.

 God has given this “Gift of Hope”  God cannot
back out His promise.
 We have to fulfill this, unwrap this gift!
 Realize our hope by taking “ACTION”!
 Importance for us
 Keeps us from discouragement
 Sustain during times of abandonment
 Opens our heart in expectation of eternal happiness
 Preserved from selfishness and led to joy that flows
from charity
 YES, WE CAN!!!
 I want to realize my hope
 Start thinking of what you are going to
wish for
 Pray for it and ask for direction

 Take “ACTION”!

 He will lead you to what

He wants you to be
 Struggling in realizing hope as proof that
we do really love God
 The path through the trials that awaits us
and will bring us to wonderful yet unseen
 Hang On Persevere Endure
 to continue to hope, although the outlook does
not warrant it (Gen 17:4-8)
 That sounds scary…
 I cannot do this
 Don’t go n fight it
 Placing our hope IN
the God who loves
us here and now,
and who will never
abandon us
 Rejoice in hope, YES WE CAN!!!
 Be patient & pray at all times (Rom
 Persevere, work to realize hope 
 Encourage each other (1 Thess 5:8-11)
 Hope Characteristic
 Desire, Difficult, Possible, Grace of God
 Hope is a gift
 God’s promise, Faith  Sufferings  Endurance 
Character  Hope that does not disappoint
 Purpose of hope
 Our role as Catholic
 Encourage us in difficult times
 Realizing hope
 “ACTION”! dude “ACTION”!
 Hope against hope: Hang On Persevere Endure
 Instead of Hope of this and that, Hope in Him
 Personal experience…

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