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University of Khartoum

Dept. Electrical and Electronics Engineering 5th Year Seminar about:

Distributed Control Systems DCS! "resented #y: Ahmed Hayder Mohamed ElZaki 054010 Ahmed Adel Mahj oub Farah 054011 Hassan Mohammed Hassan Hamza 054031

Seminar Contents
DCS Overview HMI Concept Procontrol P13

DCS Overview
Presented By: Ahmed Adel Mahjoub Farah

The concept of automatic control includes accomplishing two ma or operations!

The transmission of signals The calculation of control actions

Historical #eview
The evolution concerns the heart of an" control s"stem which is how information flo$ and decision ma%ing advanced. Pneumatic Implementation

$lectron analogue implementation! Digital Implementation

Historical #eview (Cont&)

Pneumatic Implementation
Information flow was accomplished %" pneumatic transmission& Computation was done %" mechanical devices using %ellows' spring etc& There are two fundamental pro%lems with pneumatic implementation& The signals transmitted pneumaticall" (via air pressure) are slow& Mechanical computation devices must %e relativel" simple and tend to wear out *uic+l"&

Historical #eview (Cont&)

$lectron ,nalog Implementation
$lectrons are used as the medium of transmission& $lectrical signals to pressure signals converter ($-P transducers) and vice verse (P-$ transducers) are used& The primar" pro%lems in this t"pe are! analog signals are suscepti%le to contamination from stra" fields' and signal *ualit" tends to degrade over long transmission line&

Historical #eview (Cont&)

Digital Implementation
The transmission medium is still electron' %ut the signals are transmitted as %inar" num%ers&
The computational devices are digital computers&

Historical #eview (Cont&)

The DCS was introduced in 1./0& 1oth Hone"well and 2apanese electrical engineering firm 3o+ogawa introduced their own independentl" produced DCSs at roughl" the same time' with the TDC 4555 and C$6T7M s"stems' respectivel"&

Historical #eview (Cont&)

7S8%ased 1ristol also introduced their 7CS 3555 universal controller& 1aile" (now part of ,11) introduced the 6$T9O#: .5 s"stem

Control S"stem ,rchitecture

;ocal control Centrali<ed control

Control S"stem ,rchitecture

Centrali<ed control

Distri%uted control
Distri%uted control s"stem architecture offers the %est features of %oth local control and centrali<ed control& controllers are provided locall" to s"stems or groups of e*uipment& networ+ing is provided to one or more operator stations in a central location through a digital communication circuit&

, distri%uted control s"stem (DCS) refers to a control s"stem usuall" of a manufacturing s"stem' process or an" +ind of d"namic s"stem in which the controller elements are not central in location (li+e the %rain) %ut are distri%uted throughout the s"stem with each component su%8s"stem controlled %" one or more controllers& The entire s"stem of controllers are connected %" a networ+ for communication and monitoring&

The advantages of DCS s"stems

fle=i%ilit" in s"stem design& ease of e=pansion& relia%ilit"' and ease of maintenance& complete loss of the data highwa" will not cause complete loss of s"stem capa%ilit"& Input and output wiring runs are short and less vulnera%le& $ach local controller can function on its own upon loss of communication with the central controller&

The Disadvantages of DCS s"stems

6etwor+s used for communication ma" %ecome electronicall" compromised from outside the facilit"& Interconnection of controllers in different locations can produce ground loop and surge voltage pro%lems&

T"pes of distri%uted control s"stems

Plant distri%uted control s"stem (P8 DCS) Direct digital control (DDC) #emote terminal unit (#T7) %ased SC,D, Programma%le logic controller (P;C) %ased s"stems

DCS elements
Local Control Unit(LCU).
Data Acquisition Unit. Batch Sequencing Unit. Local Display. Bulk Memory Unit. General urpose Computer. Central !perator Display. Data "igh#ay. Local area $et#ork (LA$).

7ses and ,pplications

DCS Pharmaceutical $lectrical Traffic Oil #efining power plants manufacturing grids and electrical issignals a ver" %road term used in a variet" generation plants of industries' to monitor and control distri%uted e*uipment&

DCS in $lectrical Power >rids

DCS in $lectrical Power >rids (Cont&)

Su%stations are considered to %e the nodes in the electrical networ+&

DCS in $lectrical Power >rids (Cont&)

DCS in $lectrical Power >rids (Cont&)

Common used Controllers and terminals
RTUs (remote terminal units) CTs and VTs.etc IEDs (intelligent electronic devices)

HMI Concept
Presented By: Hassan Mohammed Hassan Hamza

HMI overview
?or applications where operators interact with machines' there is a natural need for a mechanism through which the operator can configure and monitor the machine& , &uman 'achine Interface (&'() t"picall" fulfills this need& The devices and instruments operators use to control process e*uipment have changed dramaticall" since the %eginning of the digital control s"stem age& Digital Displa"s have replaced 1ench 1oard Controls&

HMI overview (Cont&)

Digital Displa"s installed in a control room in a wa" that lac+s detailed planning to support the operator@s entire o%& Images of control stations Push %uttons& Chart recorders& Controller faceplate&&&&&

HMI overview (Cont&)

The digital displa" humanAmachine interface (HMI) has allowed a single operator to monitor and control thousands of process control loops from a single station& The advances in HMI technolog" using ine=pensive hardware' thin8clients' handheld computers' and cell phone technolog" have freed the operator from confinement to a particular location for control and information s"stems&

HMI Terminolog"
There is a distinct difference %etween User (nterface versus )perator (nterface or &uman 'achine (nterface &'(!. The term user interface is often used in the conte=t of (personal) computer s"stems and electronic devices& &'( is t"picall" local to one machine or piece of e*uipment' and is the interface method %etween the human and the e*uipment-machine&

HMI Terminolog" (Cont&)

Operator interface is the interface method %" which multiple e*uipment that are lin+ed %" a host control s"stem is accessed or controlled& The user interface of a mechanical system* a vehicle or an industrial installation is sometimes referred to as the human+ machine interface (&'()& &'( is a modification of the original term ''( (man8machine interface)&

HMI Terminolog" (Cont&)


HumanAMachine Interface! Computer hardware and software that allows operators to interface with the control s"stem Cathode #a" Tu%e HMI! The term is specificall" used where there is a transition from hand stations to the HMI Proprietar" HMI from DCS vendors that is optimi<ed for process control >raphical 7ser Interface! >eneral computer term for software that allows graphical interaction with the computer HMI %uilt on PC hardware and 9indows operating s"stem for general useB not specific to an" hardware or industr" Open HMI that incorporates information s"stems and controls Proprietar" HMI from P;C vendors that is optimi<ed for discrete controlB often connected as a remote P;C rac+

C-, &'(

DCS &'( .U(

)pen &'(

)pen &'( "/C &'(

Proprietar" HMI %ac+ground

1975-1985 - Hardware and software were insepara%le& - Control +e"%oards& - DCS vendors have different ideas and standards for their individual HMIs&

Proprietar" HMI %ac+ground

198 -1995
- Increased integration with other components in the s"stem& - The difficulties in communication %etween different HMI generations& - #edundanc" &

Proprietar" HMI %ac+ground

199 -!""1
8 latest generation of HMI from most DCS vendors is %ased on Microsoft windows& - 7se as much standard possi%le to reduce costs& hardware are

- Organi<ation of information and standards &

Man" people were ver" worried a%out operating potentiall" dangerous processes through a computer when the DCS first arrived on the scene& DCS vendors wor+ed hard on the technical issues of redundanc" and on selling the concept of the HMI to industries that li+ed the hand stations&

#edundanc" (Cont&)

$=amples of HMI Programs

WinCC 0inCC (9indows Control Center) is a PC8 %ased process visuali<ation s"stem of the compan" Siemens& The software was mar+eted %roadl" for the first time 1..C in the version 1&1 in the >erman8spea+ing countries&

$=amples of HMI Programs

InduSoft We Studio! InduSoft 9e% StudioD is a powerful collection of automation tools that provide all the automation %uilding %loc+s to develop HMIs' SC,D, s"stems and em%edded instrumentation solutions&

$=amples of HMI Programs

InTouc"# , program produced %" 9onderware compan"& Open and scala%le software architecture that ena%les user to connect to virtuall" an" automation s"stem' remote terminal unit (#T7)' intelligent electronic device (I$D)' programma%le logic controller (P;C)E

Procontrol P13
Presented By: Ahmed Hayder Mohamed #l$a%&

Procontrol P13
Procontrol P13 is a complete software and hardware collection Produced %" ,11 Can %e installed in fossil power plants' gas tur%ine and com%ined c"cle power plants' h"dro power plants' nuclear power plants' waste to energ" plants' industrial plants and ,C F DC high voltage distri%ution& DCS

Procontrol P13 S"stem ,rchitecture

Procontrol +e" functions

Plant Management Operations Control and I-O $ngineering

Procontrol +e" functions (Cont&)

Plant Management
The power generation %usiness must %e a%le to adapt *uic+l" to change& #educed time to decision and action is critical for improving availa%ilit" and productivit"&

Procontrol +e" functions (Cont&)

Plant Management
Information Management Plant Performance

Plant Management
Information Management

Information management functions are inherent to the s"stem G55=,& Historical process and %usiness data is collected from disparate sources and stored securel"&

Plant Management (Cont&)

Information Management

Intuitive Presentation ?le=i%le report generation and distri%ution Secure historical data storage and access

Plant Management (Cont&)

Information Management Plant Performance

Plant Management (Cont&)

Plant Performance
,11@s OPTIM,H range of products provides solutions covering!

Plant level optimi<ation #eporting ,nal"sis tools $nterprise level optimi<ation

Plant Management (Cont&)

Plant Performance OPTIM,H
OPTIM,H is integrated with the P#OCO6T#O; P13 s"stem& This permits fast and simple e=tension of the proven P#OCO6T#O; P13 functionalit"

Plant Management (Cont&)

Plant Performance OPTIM,H Products

OPTIM,H Data performance Kalidation Calculate performance data online pro%lems& and alert the $arl" detection of cali%ration user when deviations %etween the improve actual andtheir ,void unnecessar" trips and e=pected performance values arise& predictive maintenance&
Simulate Iwhat8ifJ scenarios& Predict plant performance&

Plant Management (Cont&)

Plant Performance OPTIM,H Products

OPTIM,H >T >as $mission Path Predictor Diagnosis Calculates the amount ofand emissions that Luantitativel" anal"<ing the fouling erosion effects in awill gas %e tur%ine& generated&
Differentiates %etween compressor fouling and tur%ine degradation

Informs the operator a%out emission violations ahead of time It serves as decision8support tool for diagnosis and

predictive maintenance&

Plant Management (Cont&)

Plant Performance OPTIM,H Products

OPTIM,H >T #emote Diagnosis Compressor 9ash (#eal8Time D1) Optimi<er assess the plant condition& continuousl" calculates the optimal washing schedule&
Luic+l" estimation compressor and detects of degradation or faults degradation and identif" corresponding corrective actions recover" after a compressor online wash&
raw data and transfers these data via Internet' in Stores usedthe %" operators and maintenance a compressed encr"pted format to a remote server&

managers to reduce costs&

Plant Management (Cont&)

Plant Performance OPTIM,H Products

OPTIM,H ;ifec"cle Optimi<er

7sed %" traders and plant managers to determine the optimal load distri%ution of their generating units (7nit Commitment)& addresses the influence of operating modes on the full cost of running a power plant& optimi<e the profits achieved %" selling energ"' fuel or emission credits (CO4' 6O=) and manage the lifec"cle of plant assets&

Procontrol +e" functions

Plant Management Operations Control and I-O $ngineering

Industrial IT G55=, Process Portal S"stem Interface

G55=, Process Portal s"stem interface e=tends %e"ond the realm of process control to provide rapid and consistent access to field devices' asset optimi<ation tools' information management s"stems' safet" s"stems' and applications&

Operations (cont&)
Process Portal provides accurate and timel" information that is critical for ma+ing the right decisions& Presenting relevant information 9ell 7nderstood and Kersatile Interaction Luic+ #esponse to Plant Conditions ,ccess to Distri%uted Information ,ddressing Mainstream Operator 6eeds

Procontrol +e" functions

Plant Management Operations Control and I-O $ngineering

Control and I-O

The Procontrol P13 Control and I-O Devices have %een designed for ma=imal ro%ustness allowing ver" high plant operation availa%ilit" and *ualit" of the control tas+s& Scala%le s"stem& Multiprocessor control modules& ,ll modules are e*uipped with self8supervision features for health diagnostic&

Control and I-O(cont&)

In&ut (odules

)ocal *us (odules

-ut&ut (odules

Intra+$lant (odules

$rocessin g (odules

$o%er Su&&l' (odules

Test , Simulation (odules

Control and I-O(cont&)

Power Suppl"
,ll Procontrol P13 devices are supplied with 4M KDC& The Koltage tolerance is 1.&0E35 KDC' allowing simple %atter" power suppl"& ,dditional voltage levels re*uired %" the devices li+e sta%ili<ed suppl" etc& are directl" generated on the devices themselves' %ased on the 4M KDC device suppl"&

Procontrol +e" functions

Plant Management Operations Control and I-O $ngineering

Procontrol P13 $ngineering tools are engineering' documentation and service s"stems for the Procontrol P13 power plant control s"stem& the engineering tools have access to all the modules of the inner control s"stem throughout the plant&

$ngineering (Cont&)
$ngineering8tools main tas+s
Data entr" for the input and maintenance of measurement and drive data& >enerating and editing function charts for IFC functions& ,llocation of hardware (assignment of functions) and downloading of programs& De%ugging of function programs& Printing of function charts as necessar"&

Procontrol main features

Data Transfer

Procontrol main features

Process Operator Station (POS)

)'S )perations and 'onitoring Services

1,C Data Transfer

-C-ecording F Calculating F -eporting Services

Procontrol main features

$ngineering' Documentation and Service ($DS)

Procontrol main features

Control Diagnostic S"stem (CDS)

Procontrol Software ,rchitecture

Procontrol #emote ,ccess

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