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Scope and Importance of

Industrial Psychology
Why do people work?
First, work offers a person a sense of identity and status,
telling them and others who and what they are. Work
contributes to self-esteem and can satisfy the drive for
fulfillment and accomplishment for meaning and purpose
in life.
Second, a job brings social rewards, meeting the need for
belonging to a group and providing the security that comes
from becoming an accepted and valued member of a team
or community. Work furnishes opportunities to form
friendship and meet types of people with whom we might
otherwise not come in contact. Work can prevent us from
being lonely.
Work can be good for us, but it can also be harmful to our
health. Physical hazards and a job can contribute to a persons
level of anxiety or frustration.
Choosing the most appropriate career and selecting the right
kind of job may be the most important decision you as a
students will ever have to made, Perhaps, you can already
begin to understand why this course may be among the most
personally relevant courses of your college life. Regardless of
the type of work you pursue, your future will be influenced by
industrial psychology, the branch of psychology that deals
with the world of work.
Scope and Importance of
Industrial Psychology
Definition and Method of
Industrial Psychology
application of the methods, facts and principles of
the science of behavior and mental processes to
people at work.
A science that deals only with the observable fact
that which can be seen, heard, touched, measured
and recorder. It relies on verifiable observation,
experimentation and experience, not opinions,
intuitions or prejudices. Objective in its approaches
and results.
Definition and Method of
Industrial Psychology
Industrial psychology, in its methods and procedures
attempts to be just as scientific as biology, chemistry.
Industrial psychologists observe behavior of people at
work in the best time-honored traditions of science-
objectively, dispassionately and systematically.
For Example. Industrial psychologists observe overt
behavior-movements, and speech. They are aspects of
human existence that can be objectively seen, heard,
measured and recorded.
Definition and Method of
Industrial Psychology
This is how industrial psychologists function. They
observe behavior of the worker on an assembly line,
the secretary at a desk or the executive at a meeting
under well-controlled and systematic conditions.
They record persons behavioral responses the
number of parts produced each hour, the number of
word time per minute, the quantity and quality of
decisions made. They vary conditions under which
the job is performed and look for any resulting
differences in performance.

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