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Submitted by:

 Niwdelyn Eligoyo
 Liezel Curva

 Liezl Magistrado

Submitted to:

 Mr. Rodel Ortañez

We have surveyed the students from grades 9
and 10, of the Basic Education Department.
We would like to find out if there is a
significant difference between the amounts
of money spent in buying foods per school
day of the students. We get ten students
from Grade 9 and also 10 students from

(we use t-test)

“t-test result between the amount of money spent in buying foods
per school day of the students in grade 9 and grade 10”
STUDENT Grade 9 Grade 10
1 45 20
2 50 20
3 65 30
4 100 60
5 100 50
6 100 50
7 120 50
8 20 80
9 60 100
10 70 100
Total: Php. 730.00 Php. 560.00
1. Ho: There is no significant difference in the amount of money spent in buying foods per
school day of the students in grade 9 and grade 10.
Ha: There is a significant difference in the amount of money spent in buying foods per
school day of the students in grade 9 and grade 10.
2. Use the 5% level of significance
3. Use the t-tests for independent samples
4. Computation:

t = x1-x2

(n1-1)S12+ (n2-1) S22 n1+n2

n1+n2-2 n1n2

= 73-56
(10-1) (31.198) + (10-1) (29.514) 10+10
10+10-2 (10) (10)

= 17
280.782 + 265.626 20
18 400

= 17
546.408 20
18 400

= 17 17 17
(30.356) (0.05) = 1.5178 = 1.232

t = 13.799
5. Degree of freedom (df): n1 + n2 – 2 GRADE 9 GRADE 10
= 10 + 10 – 2
= 18

mean 73 56
6. Tabular Values or critical value
= 2.101
Standard 31.198
7. Reject the null hypothesis since the computed t value of
Deviation 29.514
13. 799 is greater than the critical value of 2.101 at 5%
level of significance with 18 degrees of freedom
T 13.799
Therefore, There is a significant difference in the amount
of money spent in buying foods per school day of the
students in grade 9 and grade 10. Degree of 18
CV 5% 2.101

Significance SIGNIFICANT
 Statement of the Condition or Situation:
Our research was to find if there is a significant difference
between the amounts of money spent in buying foods per school
day of the students in grade 9 and grade 10. We have found out
that the grade 9 students have higher food expenditures each
day, rather than in Grade 10 students.

 Probable Cause of the Conditions:

- Most of the respondents whose food expenditure is from 40
downward have their “baons”; they always have their packed
lunch and foods for snacks.

- Grade 10 students are more pre-occupied with things to do in

school that sometimes they forgot to take their snack or

- Grade 9 students were dismiss earlier than the Grade 10,


- Grade 10 students, are more concerned of their Physical body

that they avoid eating too much.
 Probable effects of the Condition:
- It will lead to poor diet, and health condition of the students if
they continue to skip meals.

-The academic performance of the students will be affected.

 Suggestion for continuance or remedied

- It was perceived therefore that students in Grade 9, has
higher food expenditures rather than the students in Grade 10.
And as Nutrition and Dietetics students, we recommend that
although these students were given a lot of money for their
foods, they must first think of their health. They must make a
healthy meal plan, and apply it
everyday, in that way they can now use their money wisely,
and be healthy.
 Problem:
- Is there a significant difference between the amount of
money spent in buying foods per school day of the students
in grade 9 and grade 10?

 Findings:
- For the t-test result between the amounts of money spent
in buying foods per school day of the students in grade 9
and grade 10, the T value of 13.799 with 18 degrees of
freedom, is higher than the critical value of 2.101 at 5%
level of significance.

 Conclusion:

- There is a significant difference between the amount of

money spent in buying foods per school day of the students
in grade 9 and grade 10.

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