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Learning Objectives
Meaning & Definition
Selection process
Organizations point of view
Employees point of view
Steps in induction programme

Meaning & Definition
Selection is the process of picking
individuals ( out of the pool of job
applicants) with requisite
qualifications and competence to fill
jobs in the organization.
A formal definition of selection is:
It is the process of differentiating
between applicants in order to
identify ( and hire) those with a
greater likelihood of success in a job.
Selection process

1. Preliminary screening
2. Selection tests
3. Employment interview
4. Reference and Background Analysis
5. Selection Decision
6. Physical Examination
7. Job offer
8. Employment Contract
9. Evaluation

Preliminary Screening

The number of applications normally
received against any advertised vacancy
are usually more.
This creates the problem of selecting the
right persons.
Moreover, conducting tests and interviews
for all the candidates may not be always
feasible and cost-efficient.
To obviate such problems, most of the
organizations sort out unsuitable
candidates before going ahead with the
selection process.
Preliminary Screening (Cont.)
Example: for the post of a
stenographer, a particular
organization may define their
rejection standards as below:
1. Those who are having shorthand
speed below 100 words per minute
and types speed below 40 words per
2. Those who are not having any
working experience,
3. Those who are above 35 years age.

Reference and Background

Organization ask for references from
the applicants in the application
Such references are preferred from
earlier employers and
schools/colleges/universities who
have some acquaintance with the

Reference and Background
Organization try to verify candidates
from the references either over
phone, through correspondence or
through personal visits.
Most of the organizations send a brief
questionnaire to such references
along with a confidential note,
requesting them to furnish such
After selection of employees, the first step
is to orient them to organizational life.
Induction or Orientation programme of an
organization is a process to guide and
counsel the employees to familiarize them
with the job and the organization.
This process helps an organization to clarify
the terms and conditions of employment,
specific job requirements and also to
inculcate confidence in the minds of new
1. To introduce new employees with the
organizational environment, exposing them
to the mission, history and traditions of the
organization, its achievement and future
challenges, its personnel policy and
expectations from the new employees.
2. To create a positive attitude in the minds
of the new employees.
3. To create proper awareness in the new
employees ,enabling them to understand
the business of the organization.
Objectives (Cont.)
4. To provide opportunity to interact
with other fellow employees and also
with other managerial employees of
the organization.

Organizations point of view
1. History, Mission, objectives and
philosophy of the organization
2. Its product, production process,
operations involved, state of
3. Its past achievement, present status
and future growth plan.
4. Structure of the organization and
functions of different organization.
Organizations point of view( Cont.)
5. Delegation of authority and function
of different departments.
6. Personnel policies, other
miscellaneous policies, practices and
7. Job description and responsibilities.
8. Expectations from new employees
Employees point of view
1. Job responsibilities
2. Office procedures
3. Grievance handling procedures
4. Salary and perks
5. Service rules govering hours of work,
6. Rules covering probation, confirmation,
promotion opportunities, transfer, etc.
7. Retirement benefits
Employees point of view( Cont.)
8. Employee services and welfare
9. employees participation in small
group activities, question schemes
10. Performance evaluation.
Steps in induction programme
1. General orientation
2. Specific orientation
3. Follow-up orientation
After the initial programme is over,
employee is put to a specific job, for
which he has been selected.
Most of the organizations put new
employees on probation for a
specified period after which they are
confirmed or made permanent,
provided they match the
organizational requirement.
Placement (Cont.)
Placement is defined as assigning
employees jobs for which they have
been identified as suitable based on
the selection techniques.

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