FIDSNS e Psycops

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Do you remember this?

Is BARC being brought under the defence ministry? If that

happens, there'll be a lot of restrictions. I have doubts if the
explosion was successful. That place is full of idiots, including
Chidu . I know them inside out. I'm sure those morons aren't
capable of anything. Must have exploded some RDX and are
now claiming to have exploded the bomb for political gains.
Biku is jumping about here and newspapers report some VECC
scientists have contributed to the nuclear tests. He has asked
for special security. The clown has got two bodyguards.
Security has been tightened at the institute.
A sample of data stolen from BARC, released by Milworm: A Pakistani Hacker Group

The fifth dimension
e-psyc ops
The internet Psychological War

By:- P. Chacko Joseph
Frontier India Defence & Strategic News Service

Cyber Space is now is now taken for granted.
E-mail and chat are no longer primary internet traffic
drivers, but its research and information that prompts
people to log on to the net more often.

A 32 % active users of the internet in India used the
internet as the primary source for information and
research in 2006, up from just 20 per cent in 2001.

Internet And Mobile Association of India, 2006

Internet Psychology Warfare
Relevant to India?
Examples of cyber warfare on India
Internet web page defaced after the BARC web server was hacked by
milworm a pakistani hacker group soon after the 1998 Shakti Nuclear

Defence Journal of Pakistan maligning Indian Defence research projects.

BBC and western media documenting internal social, economic
and military problems. IAF dwindling pilots issue was brought out by BBC.

Pakistani and Chinese use of wikipedia and other sources to change the
history of wars and relations with India.

Indian web sites including "Frontier India Journal" getting hacked by
Pakistani hackers.

Examples of cyber warfare on India
Psychological manipulation through the media including internet by Indian
import lobby and foreign subversive groups.

Pakistani, communist and terrorist groups using social networking sites like
"Orkut" to defame India and to promote themselves.

Pakistanis using internet to promote mis-information against India on
kashmir .

Indian Army website on Jammu and Kashmir was hacked in 2000 back by
Pakistani hackers. They had floated false information about human rights
violations by the Indian defence forces on the Army's websites. Pakistan
Hacker Club and MoS were responsible.

In a cyber attack in 2000, suspected to be the handiwork of Pakistans ISI,
the homepage of 70-year-old Indian Statistical Institute was hacked here in
an abortive bid to erase vital data. "Our organization's name is ISI. And no
other organisation can exist with this name."

IN 2006

5200 Indian websites were attacked

The Internet has a global-reach. It is a
cost-effective platform for dissemination
of a message, rumor, lie and inside

Psychological operations or PSYOPS is an
indirect use of information warfare methods
to deceive, shape and influence the behavior
and attitude of the targeted audience.

Common cyber war practices
Telecommunication disruption

Denial of Service attacks

Propaganda and defamation
Some basic examples

Self-serving news items, commissioned

Terrorist merge raw brutality with digital

Internet allows terrorist to disseminate
information to a larger audience which was
once the monopoly of state and trans
national news channels.
Indian Internet warfare examples
Operation Vijay: During Operation Vijay, India responded pro-
actively to Pakistans disinformation campaign. Indian Armys official
website and some additional Kargil-based websites were quickly
spruced up to disseminate the truth about Kargil. As Pakistan
continued to deny its Armys role in Kargil, Indian websites quietly
uploaded scanned images of identity cards, ration cards and mess
bills recovered from captured Pakistani soldiers.
In 2003 pro-Indian hackers had launched a "cyber revenge" by
spreading the Yaha worm aimed Distributed Denial of Service
attacks (DDoS).
Aero Nautical Development website on LCA updates
Indian official Cyber Warriors

Indian Computer Emergency Response
Team (CERT-In)
Indian un official e-Warriors
Age Profile: 14 36 years
Education : 10+2 to Post Graduates
Hangouts : Forums & Blogs
Reason : Defence and equipment news
(Refer Slide 4 E-mail and chat are no longer primary internet traffic drivers,
but its research and information that prompts people to log on to the net
more often.)

Web 2.0
Blogs, Forums and Amateur Websites
have become primary drivers of opinions.
Primary news sources are now
increasingly relying on the web 2.0 for
news and opinions.
Experts using web 2.0 to collect,
disseminate and debate.
This presentation was possible due to web
Wrapping it up
Psyc-ops is now an option before war and
The evolution of online PSYOPS is on its way
and is actively utilized by both adversaries, and
everyone in between.
As India grows in international stature, we need
to explain our foreign, economic and defence
policies directly to foreign audience. Internet is
the most efficient, cost effective and persuasive
medium available to us.
It Is Now UP To US

Thank You
(note: This presentation has been edited, this is not the full version of the total presentation)

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