EIA of Northwind Bangui Bay Project

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Anjuli P.

ENS296 TV-1L
Outline of the Presentation
I. Description of the Project
II. Background on the EIA of the Project
III. Discussion of the EIA of the Project
Northwind Bangui Bay Project
Northwind Bangui Bay Project
Proponent: Northwind Power Development
Corporation (NWPDC)
The first wind farm in the Philippines and in the
ASEAN region
Location: Municipality of Bangui in the Province of
Ilocos Norte
Composed of 20 towers (70 metres high mounting
turbines each with blades 82 metres in diameter)
occupying an area of 9 kilometres by 100 metres
Bangui Bay, Ilocos Norte
Northwind Bangui Bay Project
Completed in two phases: 1
15 towers - 2005, addl 5
towers - mid-2008
Each wind turbine = max. capacity of 1.65 MW (total
of 33 MW for all 20 turbines)
A 57km transmission line connects the wind farm to
the Ilocos Norte Electric Cooperative (INEC) in Laoag
Background on the EIA of the
The wind farm was not required to undergo a full-
blown EIA
The project falls under Category II (Non-
Environmentally Critical Project in an
Environmentally Critical Area = typhoon prone area)
Windfarms/Wind projects (5 MW but 100 MW)
Project only required an Initial Environmental
Examination (IEE), thus an IEE Checklist was

Background on the EIA of the
Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) from
the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR) has been granted.
A marine ecosystem baseline study was made to
complement the IEE
This was done for the project to qualify for the
Prototype Carbon Fund of the World Bank
EIA was done by Gaia South, Inc., Environmental

EIA of the Project
1. IEE for the Substation/Transmission Line
2. IEE for the Wind Farm
3. Marine Ecosystem Baseline Study

Overview of the IEE Checklist
Checklist of Requirements for Wind Energy Projects
I. IEE Proper
A. General Information
B. Project Description
Project components, land ownership, description of
location of project, project specifications, land use,
barangays where turbines will be installed, manpower and
employment, construction schedule

Overview of the IEE Checklist
C. Description of Existing Environment
Physical environment (topography, geology, land sliding,
flooding, soil type, erosion, river systems, creeks, cyclones,
typhoons, tornado, volcanoes, earthquake, lightning
Present use of water bodies
Biological environment (vegetation, wildlife, fishery
resources, watershed, forest reservation area, forest
Socio-cultural and economic environment (settlements,
household, families, population size, houses, source of
livelihood, dialects, indigenous people)

Overview of the IEE Checklist
Leading illnesses
Cause of mortality
Local organizations
Social infrastructures
D. Impact Assessment and Mitigation
1. Pre-construction/Construction Period (project activities
affecting the physical environment, biological environment,
socio-cultural environment)
2. Operation and Maintenance Period
E. Environmental Management Plan
F. Environmental Monitoring Plan
Substation and Transmission Line
Project Objective:
To transmit generated power by the 25.5MW Wind
Farm to the local cooperative INEC at Laoag
To reinforce the Northern Paft of Ilocos Norte's
transmission system and thereby eradicate poor
power electrical quality.

Project Cost: US$3.4 million
Substation and Transmission Line
Approximately 57 km. 69KV transmission line will
be overbuilt to the existing 13.8KV transmission
line utilizing INEC's existing right of way
Power generated from the wind turbines are
delivered through underground cables to the
substation. From the substation, the power
(voltage) is transformed from medium tension
voltage 13.8KV to high tension voltage 69KV
suitable for direct connection to the 69KV overhead
transmission line.
Substation and Transmission Line
Manpower Employment
During the pre-constrmction/construction period
80/80 - Wind Power Project
20/60 - Transmission Line & Substation
During the operation and maintenance period
62 - NorthWind Bangui Bay Wind Project
Substation and Transmission Line
Location: Municipalities of Pasuquin, Burgos and
Bangui, Ilocos Norte
Barangays to be traversed by the 57km transmission line:
Brgy. Suyo, Bangui, Brgys. Saoit, Ablan, Bayog, Bobon,
Paayas, all of Burgos, Ilocos Norte; and Brgys. Davila,
Dilavo, Caruan, Sulongan, Estancia, Susugaen, Salpad,
Sulbec, PobIacion 4, Tabungao, Dadaeman, Ngabangab,
and Carusipan, all of the Municipalitie of Pasuquin,
llocos Norte thru the existing power post of INEC
Traverses land use such as: agricultural, commercial,
residential and open spaces.
Around 622 pieces of poles transmission towers will be
Transmission Line
Description of the Existing Environment
I. Physical Environment
Elevation of the area: < 100 meters above sea level
Terrain is level and flat (0-3% slope)
General geology of the area: Mixed area
Area is frequently visited by typhoons (Typhoons are
coming from South East and is weakened by the
mountain area)
Nearest earthquake, fault zone or volcano, etc. in the
area: West Ilocos Fault System (approximately 2km.

Description of the Existing Environment
Has incidences of lightning strikes at or near the site:
The transmission line and substation is equipped with
lightning arrestors
II. Biological Environment
There are existing trees and other types of vegetation
in the project area. The 69KV transmission line will be
overbuild to the existing 13.8KV line. As such it will
not require tree cutting or trimming
Birds and other forms of wildlife found in the area:
The transmission line will serve as resting area for

Description of the Existing Environment
III. Socio-Cultural and Economic Environment
Existing settlements in the area: The transmission line
is stretching from Suyo, Bangui to Laoag substation
Number of households/families, legitimate land
owners, tenants, caretakers, squatters; Total
population of the barangay(s) covered by the project;
Average family size: The transmission line is
traversing all typical areas in Ilocos Norte
Sources of livelihood: farming, fishing, backyard and
poultry and piggery, vending/buy and sell, sari-sari
store, employees, barbers, drivers, professionals

Description of the Existing Environment
Social infrastructures in the barangay: Schools, Roads,
Police Station/Outpost/Hospitals/Churches/Chapels,
Health Centers/Clinics, Communications (radio, TV,
mail, newspaper), Community Center,
Transportation, Others (basketball court, water
supply system)

Impact Assessment and Mitigation
I. Pre-Construction/Construction Period
(Project Activities Affecting the Physical Environment)
Minimal excavation works for the electrical poles
Ave. depth of excavation: Approx. 2.5-3m
Slope modification/ground leveling: Substation will
be leveled
Mitigation/Enhancement measures: Sprinkling of water to
minimize dust
Impact Assessment and Mitigation
Temporary quarters/barracks and a field office be
provided for construction workers: Minimal impact
due to domestic waste
Mitigation/Enhancement measures Coordination with
LGU re: disposal
(Project Activities Affecting the Socio-Cultural
Locals to be hired during the construction (positive
Mitigation/Enhancement measures: It is the Contractors
policy to prioritize local hiring
Impact Assessment and Mitigation
There will be an increase in economic activity in the
area/rise in associated projects (positive impact)
Mitigation/Enhancement measures: Increase in economic
activities will be due to local hiring, local purchase of goods
and services and generation of small scale business
Increase in traffic or disrupt traffic in major routes due
to entry/exit of construction equipment: Limited
increase in traffic due to transportation of equipment
Mitigation/Enhancement measures: Coordination with
LGU in connection with the arrival of equipment
Impact Assessment and Mitigation
Team formed for the proper responsibilities in
repairing damaged poles/towers resulting from
natural (typhoons, earthquakes) or man-made
calamities (Minimal impact)
Mitigation/Enhancement measures: INEC, the local
utilities will service the transmission line. INEC has the full
capability to such task
Increase in economic activity or rise in associated
projects (Positive impact)
Mitigation/Enhancement measures: The transmission line
will improve the electrical infrastructure and attract
Impact Assessment and Mitigation
Findings/Observations/Remarks of
DENR on EIA inspection
1. No significant flora and fauna to be affected in the
area. Further, the project does not yield significant
adverse effect with the environment, provided that
adequate and proper mitigating measures shall be
2. The establishment of the project will contribute o
the development not only in llocos Norte and
other adjacent provinces but within the Philippines
as a whole;
3. No forest land an shall be traversed by the
transmission line and route.
Project Objective:
To generate a total of 60 MW electricity from wind
power (in three phases)

Project Location:
The identified project site is located along the
underdeveloped foreshore area of Barangays
Baruyen, Taguiporo, Manayon, Masikil and Abaca,
all at Bangui, Ilocos Norte.

Total Project Cost US$ 25 Million Phase I
Manpower Employment
During the pre-construction/construction period -
During the operation and maintenance period - 62
Description of the Existing Environment
I. Physical Environment
Elevation of the area: <100 meters above sea level
(Brgys. Baruyen to Abaca)
Terrain flat or level (0-3% slope)
General geology of the area: Black core, beach sand
No flooding, no excessive soil erosion
Area traverse part of Banban river
Area frequently visited by typhoons (Typhoons
coming from South East and is weakened by the
mountain area)

Description of the Existing Environment
Nearest earthquake, fault zone or volcano, etc. in the
area: The Wind Turbine Generators (WTG) are designed
to withstand the effects of an intensity 10 earthquake in
the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale. The expected
earthquake intensity in the area is about 7
Present uses of the water bodies affected by the project
site: fishing, pebble picking (at Brgy. Baruyen only) (the
turbines occupy a small area and will not affect fishing
and pebble picking)
Description of the Existing Environment
II. Biological Environment
Sea birds found in the area (Haliastur indus)
Fishery resources in the water bodies found near or in
the project area: At the coastal area
Forest resources in the project area important to the
community: sea birds only
Brahminy kite (Haliastur indus)
Description of the Existing Environment
III. Socio-Cultural and Economic Environment
No existing settlements
Total population of the barangay(s) covered by the
project: Baruyen 1,328; Taguiporo 523; Manayon -
932; Masikil 737; Abaca 1,457
Sources of livelihood: Fishing, pebble picking
How many of total popn reached elementary level:
Abaca 199, Baruyen 271, Taguiporo 84, Masikil 44
High school level:
Banguo Natl High School - 1,091; Bangui School of
Fisheries - 517
Description of the Existing Environment
Dialects: Ilocano
Social infrastructures: Schools, Roads, Churches/
Chapels, Health Centers/Clinics, Communications
(radio, TV, mail, newspaper), Community Center,
Transportation, Others (basketball court, water
supply system)
Impact Assessment and Mitigation
I. Pre-Construction/Construction Period
(Project Activities Affecting the Physical Environment)
No land clearing: Of the 808,630 square meters
bounded by the project, only the tower foundation
area, underground cables and access roads are cleared
Stockpiling of soil, sand and gravel materials: minimal
impact due to temporary excavation works
Drilling, hammering, boring activities: Short-term
impact, noise emission
Mitigation/Enhancement measures: Avoid operation of
high noise emitting heavy equipment at nighttime
Impact Assessment and Mitigation
Earthmoving activities e.g. excavation works, cut and
fill, etc.: Excavation for wind turbine generators
foundation and underground cables at the foreshore
Ave. depth of excavation: Low dust emission
Mitigation/Enhancement measures: Sprinkling of water to
minimize dust
Provision of temporary quarters or barracks and a
field office for construction workers: Minimal impact
due to domestic waste
Mitigation/Enhancement measures: Coordination with
LGU re: disposal
Impact Assessment and Mitigation
Partial topsoil removal and replacement (because its
foreshore land)
All weather road will be constructed (access road).
Mitigation/Enhancement measures: Existing access road to
be used. Equipment will be barged to site
(Project Activities Affecting the Biological Environment)
No impact (on ecological areas)
(Project Activities Affecting the Socio-Cultural
Locals to be hired during the construction.
Mitigation/Enhancement measures: It is the Cooperatives
policy to prioritize local hiring
Impact Assessment and Mitigation
No impact on existing public trails or routes.
Mitigation/Enhancement measures: Access for fishing
activities and pebble picking will be maintained. Public will
be allowed continued access to project area
There will be increase in economic activity in the
area/rise in associated projects (positive impact).
Mitigation/Enhancement measures: Increase in economic
activities will be due to local hiring, local purchase of goods
and services and generation of small scale business
No impact on traffic in major routes due to entry or
exit of construction equipment
Mitigation/Enhancement measures: Transport of heavy
equipment will be by sea
Impact Assessment and Mitigation
II. Operation and Maintenance
(Project Activities Affecting the Physical
No decrease in the aesthetic value of the area.
Mitigation/Enhancement measures: Positive impact as the
project most likely will be considered as a tourist attraction
Mitigation/Enhancement measures: Wind towers and tall
structures are provided with lightning arresters
Project has significant noise emissions: Nighttime
noise level theoretically may reach up to 45dBA at
distance up to 200 meters from the row of turbines
Impact Assessment and Mitigation
due to rotation of blades and mechanical noise of
Mitigation/Enhancement measures: Use of modern
turbines with low sound emissions. The turbines are placed
close to the sea, and as such the background noise will
mask the turbine noise
(Project Activities Affecting the Biological Environment)
Hazards to wildlife due to rotation of wind turbine
blades: Possible bird deaths, however very minimal
(study is included as an attachment)
Mitigation/Enhancement measures: Blades will be colored
white for visibility
Impact Assessment and Mitigation
Possible blockage of wildlife passageways: Ilocos
Region not a significant part of the eastern migratory
flyaway of the Philippine jurisdiction
(Project Activities Affecting the Socio-Cultural
No interference with other utilities: No
communication lines/cell sites near the project area.
Mitigation/Enhancement measures: Modern blades are
reinforced with fiber glass which absorbs electromagnetic
Impact Assessment and Mitigation
Creation of significant increase in the existing popn
area (positive impact).
Mitigation/Enhancement measures: Only tourist/transient
visitors are expected initially. Business/industries will
locate in the area may attract migrant workers.
Prevailing land value in the area increase with the
project (positive impact).
Mitigation/Enhancement measures: Increase in land value
is a natural market consequences when projects are

Impact Assessment and Mitigation
Hazards to humans due to accidental failure of the
wind turbines : Occurrence of accidents is unlikely.
There is no record of such accidents in wind projects
in 37 countries.
Mitigation/Enhancement measures: Towers are designed to
withstand storms, typhoons and earthquakes of 10
magnitude. Blades will automatically reorient to stop
rotation at wind speeds from 30 m/sec and up
Increase in economic activity or rise in associated
projects: Positive impact. The project is expected to
attract tourists and other investors in the area
Mitigation/Enhancement measures: Need LGU initiatives

Impact Assessment and Mitigation

Findings/Observations/Remarks of
DENR on EIA inspection
1. Observed that there are no indications of
landslide prone area. Excessive soil erosion is
unlikely to occur since the shoreline moves
seasonally, while run-off during rainy days will
drain off to the sea;
2. No existing timber type of trees in the proposed
project area, only few seabirds (Haliastur indus)
were noticed during the time of inspection.
Findings/Observations/Remarks of
DENR on EIA inspection
1. It will create dust or air pollution;
2. Increases level of noise due to drillings,
hammering; boring and earthmoving activities,
3. Possible effects on traversing/migrating birds.
Findings/Observations/Remarks of
DENR on EIA inspection
1. Existing access road to the vicinities of the
proposed project site may be improved where
public may be allowed access;
2. The project is expected to attract tourists and
other investors in the area;
3. It creates job opportunities especially to members
of nearby community who are to be hired during
the construction phase and eventually during
operations of the project;
Findings/Observations/Remarks of
DENR on EIA inspection
4. There will be an increase of economic activities
due to local hiring, local purchases of foods and
other services,
5. Promotes other businesses in the Municipality of
Bangui and nearby areas.
1. A separate Initial Environmental Examination
(IEE) Report including its mandatory
requirements is expected to be proposed and
submitted for the construction of Center/Office,
Sub-station and Transmission Lines;
Findings/Observations/Remarks of
DENR on EIA inspection
2. The project proponent is advised to acquire sand
and gravel quarrying permit from the agency
concerned with corresponding ECC from the
3. Sprinkling of water to stockpile of soil, sand and
gravel materials in the- project area should be
maintained to minimize dust;
4. The project proponent is advised to furnish this
Office copy of Locational Viability and
Engineering Geological and Geohazard
Assessment Report (EGGAR);

Findings/Observations/Remarks of
DENR on EIA inspection
5. The project proponent shall comply with all the
mitigating measures that have been identified in
their IEE report under consideration; and
6. The proponent shall not allow his conveyances
for the transport of illegally cut lumber, mines
and quarry resources and other DENR
controlled/regulated products without the
necessary permit therefrom.

Marine Ecosystem Baseline Study
Assessment carried out within the 9-kilometer stretch
of Bangui Bay covering 5 communities of Bangui.
Additional study sites: 2 barangays in Burgos, llocos
Norte as reference sites.
1. Broad area survey through Manta Tow
2. Survey of validated reef areas through the Line
Intercept Transect (LIT)
3. Fish population recorded through market survey and
actual field observation
The substratum of the subtidal zone of the proposed
project site within Bangui was dominated by abiotic
components such as sand and rocks
In the 2 Burgos sites considerable live hard coral cover
was observed in Brgy. Nagsurot and Brgy.
No coral reef area within the project site in Bangui. In
the Burgos area however, live coral cover in the area
can be considered fair
Macroalgae accounts to more than 60% of the total
benthic cover of the area in in Brgy. Capurpuraoan,
More species of fish observed in Burgos area as
compared to Bangui area. In the Bangui area, a total
of 26 species were observed
In contrast to Bangui, more species of fish (total of 43
species) were observed in the market of Bangui. Of
these, 2 are not strictly marine species (milkfish and
Tilapia) and at least 5 are not commonly targeted or
The reef fishes being sold in the market are mainly
from nearby Pagudpud town.

Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas)
1. Environmental Management Plan/Environmental
Monitoring Plan?

1. Northwind Power Development Corporation. (2004).NorthWind
Bangui Bay Project Phase I: Initial Environmental Examination
Checklist. Metro Manila: Northwind Power Development
2. Northwind Power Development Corporation. (2004). Marine
Ecosystem Baseline Study for the NorthWind Project Municipality of
Bangui, Province of Ilocos Norte. Metro Manila: Northwind Power
Development Corporation.
3. 4.2 Public Engagement and Local Benefit Sharing in the Northwind
Bangui Bay Project, Philippines. (n.d.). Governance for
Sustainability. Retrieved January 7, 2014, from
4. Environmental Impact Assessment. (n.d.). Environmental Impact
Assessment. Retrieved January 9, 2014, from

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