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Unit 1 Module 2

Hydrological cycle
Continuous movement of water through the atmosphere, over land
and beneath the surface
Rivers and streams are dynamic systems that
continually adjust to natural and human-caused
Running water is the most important geologic
agent modifying Earths land surface and is a
source of fresh water for industry, agriculture,
and domestic use
Management of erosion and flooding requires
considerable effort and cost
3 5/5/2014 Desmond Mohammed
Importance of Rivers
Provide water and nutrients for agriculture
Provide habitat to diverse flora and fauna
Provide routes for commerce
Provide recreation
Provide electricity

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The Action of Rivers
Rivers are the most widespread agents of denudation
and deposition.
The amount of erosion, transportation and deposition
of the river is dependent on the energy of the river
which in turn is dependent on:
The gradient of the slope
The volume of water
The shape of the channel
Generally, the volume of the river increases from the
source to the mouth. Exceptions may be such as when
the river passes through a hot desert.

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Concepts associated with fluvial processes and landforms
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Stream velocity is the speed of the water in the stream. Units are distance per
time (e.g., meters per second or feet per second). Stream velocity is greatest in
midstream near the surface and is slowest along the stream bed and banks
due to friction.

Factors influencing river velocity
1. Shape of the river channel
The shape of a channels cross-section affects the amount of friction that the river
has to overcome and hence the river velocity
Deep narrow channels and wide shallow ones are less efficient in transporting
both water and load than deep wide channels of semi-circular shape
Channel efficiency can be measured by the hydraulic radius:
Hydraulic Radius = Cross-sectional area (CA)
Wetted Perimeter

The larger the hydraulic radius, the more efficient the channel shape as less
energy is needed to overcome friction

7 5/5/2014 Desmond Mohammed
Example 1:
CA = 10m
WP = 12m
HR = = 0.8

Example 2:
CA = 10m
WP = 9m
HR = = 1.1

The channel in Example 2 is more efficient than the one in Example 1
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2. Gradient of the river channel
A river flowing down a steep slope has greater velocity than one
that flows down a gentle slope

3. Roughness of the river channel
The presence of resistance in the form of boulders or
unevenness in the river bed interferes with the river flow, thus
reducing the velocity re: Mannings equation
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Mannings Equation
Q = (AR

Q = discharge
A = cross sectional area
R = hydraulic radius
S = channel slope
N = coefficient of bed
Some e.g. of Mannings n

Mountain stream, rocky bed
0.04 0.05

Alluvial channel (large dunes)
0.02 0.035

Alluvial channel (small ripples)
0.014 0.024
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Stream Discharge
Stream discharge is the quantity (volume) of water
passing by a given point in a certain amount of time. It
is calculated as Q = V * A, where V is the stream
velocity and A is the stream's cross-sectional area.
Units of discharge are volume per time (e.g., m
/sec or
million gallons per day, mgpd).

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At low velocity, especially if the stream bed is smooth,
streams may exhibit laminar flow in which all of the
water molecules flow in parallel paths. At higher
velocities turbulence is introduced into the flow
(turbulent flow). The water molecules don't follow
parallel paths.
Streams carry dissolved ions as dissolved load, fine
clay and silt particles as suspended load, and coarse
sands and gravels as bed load. Fine particles will only
remain suspended if flow is turbulent. In laminar flow,
suspended particles will slowly settle to the bed.

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Laminar vs. Turbulent Flow
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Sediment Transport
Hjulstrom's Diagram plots two curves representing 1) the minimum
stream velocity required to erode sediments of varying sizes from the
stream bed, and 2) the minimum velocity required to continue to
transport sediments of varying sizes. Notice that for coarser sediments
(sand and gravel) it takes just a little higher velocity to initially erode
particles than it takes to continue to transport them. For small particles
(clay and silt) considerably higer velocities are required for erosion
than for transportation because these finer particles have cohesion
resulting from electrostatic attractions. Think of how sticky wet mud

14 5/5/2014 Desmond Mohammed
The Hjulstrom Curve
15 5/5/2014 Desmond Mohammed
Sediment Transport (continued)
You should note the following:
Sand is easily transported at lower velocities.
More velocity is needed to pick up material than to carry it
in suspension.
In times of highest discharge, velocity increases, as does
The division between Transportation and deposition is
small. This means that only a small decrease in velocity
leads to sedimentation.
Competence is the maximum size of material a river can
Capacity is the total load actually transported.

16 5/5/2014 Desmond Mohammed
Competence and Capacity
Stream competence refers to the heaviest particles a stream can
erode and therefore transport. Stream competence depends on
stream velocity (as shown on the Hjulstrom diagram above). The
faster the current, the heavier the particle that will be
Stream capacity is the maximum amount of solid load (bed and
suspended) a stream can carry. It depends on both the discharge
and the velocity (since velocity affects the competence and
therefore the range of particle sizes that may be transported).
As stream velocity and discharge increase so do competence and
capacity. But it is not a linear relationship (e.g., doubling velocity
and discharge do not simply double competence and capacity).
Competence varies as approximately the sixth power of velocity.
For example, doubling the velocity results in a 64 times increase
in the competence.

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Competence and Capacity
Capacity varies as the discharge squared or cubed. So
tripling the discharge results in a 9 to 27 times increase
in the capacity.
Therefore, most of the work of streams is
accomplished during floods when stream velocity and
discharge (and therefore competence and capacity) are
many times their level during low flow regimes. This
work is in the form of bed scouring (erosion),
sediment transport (bed and suspended loads), and
sediment deposition.

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Variations in a river flow (regimes)

The regime of a river is expected to have a seasonal
pattern of discharge during the year. This is due to
factors such as climate, local geology and human
interaction. Equatorial rivers have regular regimes but
in the UK where seasons exist one or two peaks may be

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Variations in a river flow (regimes)

Simple regimes

These show times of high water levels followed by
lower levels. They exist as a result of a glacier melt,
Snowmelt, or seasonal rainfalls such as monsoons.

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Variations in a river flow (regimes)

Complex regimes

If a river has more than one period of high water levels
and/or low water levels, a more complex regime
results. It is more common on large rivers that flow
through a variety of relief and receive their water
supply from large tributaries, for example, The Rhine.

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The Significance of Base Level

Base level is the lowest level to which any stream
can erode
Sea level is taken to be the ultimate base level, but
the rising of the sea or subsidence of land over
geologic time make this concept a relative one
Local base levels may control erosion and
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