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A talk on


Organized by MANTHANA (Thinkers’ Writer’s Forum)

VENUE: Keshava Shilpa Auditorium, BANGALORE

Dr. Shiva Subramanya

Retd. Chief Scientist and Chief Engineer,
Defense & Space Systems Group in US Space
research orgs. and VHP Pracharak, USA & Bharat Thursday, 5th January 2006
1. Citation of ‘Sethu’ in
CONTENTS Ramayana & Srimad-Bhagavatam
– Bhagawan Valmiki’s / Goswami Tulasidas’s
– Bhagawan Veda Vyasa / Sri Prabupada’s

2. Sri Rama’s Date of Birth:

as per Janma-Kundali and
Planets Configuration / Cosmology

3. NASA Digital Images of Sri Rama Sethu

4. Sethusamudram Ship Canal Project

(of Bharat Government)
– Shipping Channel may Damage
Sri Rama Sethu
– Physical Parameters; Ecological Concerns;
Fishing & Livelihood of large number of

November 7, 2009 2
Dr. Shiva Subramanya, VHP-Pracharak, Bharat / USA
Sri Rama / Sri Hanumanji’s Sethu:
As per Sage Valmiki’s Ramayana [Yuddha Kanda] Babandh Sagare Sethum Naloo
and Comment from Hugh Joseph [10-12-02] Vaanarasathamaha….

“ Nala (the chief architect/

Nara-devatvam apannah Sura-karya-cikirsay Engineer of the bridge) in five
Days completed the construction
Samudra-nigrahadini Cakre viryany atah param
Of the bund (bridge) extending
"When those simian troops had passed over the
Up to Lanka.”
sea by the grace of Nala's causeway, the king
Ordered them to camp on the shore which Ref: Verse 5-7, Ch 4, Yuddha
abounded in roots, fruits and water.” Kandam “Adhyatma Ramayana”
“Valmiki Ramayana” (Yuddha Kanda) By Swami Tapasyananda

Here's the account from the "Ramayana" of Sage Valmiki: NOTE:

At Rama's command, those lions among the monkeys entered the 1. The monkeys mentioned here as
mighty forest with alacrity in hundreds and thousands on every comprising Rama's army, were not
side and those leaders on the simian tribes, tearing up the ordinary monkeys. They were in
rocks, which in size they resembled, and the trees also fact greatly powerful demigods
dragged them to the sea and they covered the ocean with who appeared on this earth to
Sala, Ashvararna, (list of tree names).Those foremost assist the Lord in his pastime of
subduing this atheistic demon,
monkeys transported those trees, with or without roots,
bearing them like so many standards of Indra (the king of
heaven) and they heaped (list of tree names) here and 2. There are 4 ages, or yugas,
there. With the aid of mechanical devices, those powerful rotating through time like the 4
seasons: Satya, 1,728,000 yrs.
colossi dug up stones as big as elephants and rocks, and long; Treta 1,296,000 yrs. long;
the water suddenly spouted into the air only to fall Dwapar 864,000 yrs. long and Kali,
instantly. Thereafter those monkeys churned up the sea 432,000 years long.
by rushing into it on all sides pulling on the chains.

November 7, 2009 3
Dr. Shiva Subramanya, VHP-Pracharak, Bharat / USA
Sri Rama / Hanumanji’s Sethu: as per Srimad-Bhagavatam
[Sri Prabhupada, 1st Canto, Ch. 3, Text 24, 1972]
and Comment from Hugh Joseph [10-12-02]
 That immense causeway constructed by Nala in  That fortunate and valiant son of Vishvakarma
the bosom of the sea was built by the arms of (architect of the demigods), leader of the
those monkeys of formidable exploits and it monkeys, constructed a causeway worthy of
extended over a hundred leagues. his sire over the ocean and that bridge
Some brought trunks of trees and others set erected by Nala over the sea, the haunt of
them up; it was by hundreds and thousands whales, dazzling in its perfection and
that those monkeys, like unto giants, made use splendour, was like the constellation of Swathi
of reeds, logs and blossoming trees to construct in space. So difficult of construction, that was
that bridge, rushing hither and thither with ten leagues in width and a hundred in length
blocks of stone resembling mountains or the built by Nala.
peaks of crags, which, flung into the sea, fell
with a resounding crash.
 Those monkeys thereafter dived, swam and
shouted at the sight of that unimaginable
 The first day those monkeys resembling marvel that was almost inconceivable and
elephants, or immense energy, full of high caused one to tremble! And all beings beheld
spirits and exceedingly merry, erected fourteen that causeway thrown over the ocean and by
leagues of masonry. The second day, those
hundreds and thousands of kotis (millions),
highly active monkeys of formidable stature set those monkeys, full of valor, having built that
up twenty leagues. Bestirring themselves, those bridge over the immense repository of waters,
giants threw twenty-one leagues of structure
reached the opposite shore. "Vast, well-
over the ocean on the third day and on the constructed, magnificent with its wonderful
fourth, working feverishly, they built up twenty- paved floor, solidly cemented, that great
two leagues in extent. The fifth day, those causeway like unto a line traced on the waves,
monkeys, industrious workers, reached to
resembled the parting of a woman's hair.
twenty-three leagues distance from the further

November 7, 2009 4
Dr. Shiva Subramanya, VHP-Pracharak, Bharat / USA
Sri Rama’s Date of Birth: as per Janma-Kundali
and Planets Configuration / Cosmology
Many Researchers have Scientifically investigated more than
Just Rama's Date of Birth; The results have not just thrown up
Sri Rama's date of birth, but it has actually traced the entire
sequence of incidents throughout Ramayana.
For Example:

Pushkar Bhatnagar starts with tracing Rama's birth. Then he moves ahead in
the narrative. Valmiki Ramayana states Rama was 25-years-old when he went
to exile. When the planets configuration described at this point is fed into the
software, the date thrown up matches perfectly with Rama's age at that
juncture of his life: 25 years.

Again in the 13th year of Rama's exile, during a war with Kara and Dustan,
Valmiki describes a solar eclipse. The software proves that on that given
day there was indeed a solar eclipse (with Mars in the middle). This
solar eclipse and the particular planets configuration could be seen
from Panchavati (longitude and latitude plainly shown in the software).

The presence of Ramayana, Mahabharata and Vedas cannot be explained by the short period between the
decline of the Indus valley civilization and the Rig Vedic period. A civilization cannot suddenly burst into
advanced writing

November 7, 2009 5
Dr. Shiva Subramanya, VHP-Pracharak, Bharat / USA
Sri Rama’s Date of Birth: as per Janma-Kundali
and Planets Configuration / Cosmology (Contd…)
Hanuman saw eight constellations while flying to Lanka
[‘Sundara Kanda, Ramayana’, Sage Valmiki]:
Describes Hanuman crossing the sea and returning from Lanka to Rameshwaram. The
Sage gives details of Eight (8) Constellations [Usually, one can see not more than
6 constellations at a given point of time. But since Hanuman was flying across, and
it must have taken him approximately 4 hrs to get there, he could see 8 constellations
- in two hours one constellation would have moved out of sight and another
become visible. So, in a period of 4 hrs he saw 8 constellations!

Historicizing Sri Ram: Man or God

Sri Rama walked the earth in flesh and blood [Difference between Sage Valmiki Ramayana
& Sant Tulsi Ramayana - Sant Tulsidas looked up to Sri Rama, But Sage Valmiki was a
contemporary, has written Ram's life-history, as a biographer does - he's a contemporary
of Ram.

There's been a very strange development in the media and the people of India: We have started
seeing ancient India as something equivalent to the word 'Hindu'. The very word Hindu came into circulation
only after the advent of Islam in India. In Ramayana and the Vedas, there is no mention of the word
'Hindu'. At the most, there is only mention of terms like 'Aryavrat or 'Bharatvarsh' and residents here are
called as 'Aryans'. For centuries, Christians, Muslims, Sikhs have been living in this country and it's their
land as much as it is to a Hindu. Anything that has happened on this land in the past is their common
heritage. But, unfortunately, politicians with vested interests have divided the people on artificial religious
lines and making it appear that anything related to ancient India was perhaps related to Hindu, which is not
the case and should not be the case.

November 7, 2009 6
Dr. Shiva Subramanya, VHP-Pracharak, Bharat / USA
Authentic Digital Images of Sri Rama Sethu
From NASA Image eXchange <>
Ancient-Bridge = ‘Adam’s Bridge’ = Sri Rama Sethu
 More than 35 photographs were taken by
NASA Astronauts and Russian Cosmonauts  Sri Rama Sethu causeway must
during following period have been a major engineering feat
for its thin trace is still so clearly
 NASA’s Gemini XI Spacecraft in 1966 visible on the present day satellite
 8 NASA Space Shuttle Missions 1983-1994
[STS 6, 30, 33, 38, 44, 51, 51-B, 59]  It has resisted the relentless erosion
of the sea for millions of years and it
 International Space Station 2002-2005
attests to the great engineering skills
Expedition 6 [24.11.2002 - 04.05.2003]
of the ancient Indian people.
Expedition 10 [13.10.2004 - 24.04.2005)

Image Credits: NASA Johnson Space Center –

 It is the earliest and largest carbon-
Earth Sciences and Image Analysis fibre reinforced civil engineering
(NASA-JSC-ES&IA) <> structure known to man and should
be protected as a world heritage site.

November 7, 2009 7
Dr. Shiva Subramanya, VHP-Pracharak, Bharat / USA
Sri Rama Sethu (Adam’s Bridge)
– NASA Digital Images

NASA Gemini XI Spacecraft

(Sept. 12, 1966 - Sept. 15, 1966)

"This photograph from an altitude of

410 miles encompasses all of India,
an area of 12,50,000 square miles,"

GEORGE M. LOW, then the Deputy

Director, Manned Spacecraft Center,
NASA, notes. "Bombay is on the west
coast, directly left of the spacecraft's
can-shaped antenna New Delhi is just
below the horizon near the upper left.
Adam's Bridge between India and
Ceylon, at the right, is clearly visible.
A cloudless region surrounds the
entire subcontinent."
“Vande Bhaarata Maataram”

November 7, 2009 8
Dr. Shiva Subramanya, VHP-Pracharak, Bharat / USA
The historic bridge was built by Vanara
architect Nala without using any tools,
and is believed to be the most ancient,
longest and widest bridge in the world,
built in shortest time, just in 5 days
over the turbulent seas across ancient
India and Lanka.

The bridge's unique curvature and

composition by age revealed that the
first signs of human inhabitants in Sri
Lanka date back to about 17,50,000
years ago and the bridge's age is also
almost equivalent.

November 7, 2009 9
Dr. Shiva Subramanya, VHP-Pracharak, Bharat / USA
05.05.1989 STS030-72-94 NASA-JSC-ES&IA 24.11.1989 STS033-78-73 NASA-JSC-ES&IA

Bridge is made of Efforts are required to

chain of shoals, retrieve/salvage the bridge
18 mile (30 km) long. or whatever are remains of it.
The remains of bridge Naturally, experts are worried
are one of the most that the Sethusamudram canal
important archaeological project may destroy whatever
evidences available. that may remain of the bridge.

November 7, 2009 10
Dr. Shiva Subramanya, VHP-Pracharak, Bharat / USA
One of the Strategic concerns: Further, apart from the bridge
is the Safety & Security of itself, there are several other
Koodankulam Power Station, historic and religious artifacts
not far from the SSCP site, is in the area that may be
scheduled to produce over disturbed during the dredging
40% of Nuclear Fuel in India up the process for the canal.
in next 5 years

November 7, 2009 11
Dr. Shiva Subramanya, VHP-Pracharak, Bharat / USA
Sri Rama
Latest Image
from ISS

Feb. 23, 2003 International Space Station Expedition 6

November 7, 2009 12
Dr. Shiva Subramanya, VHP-Pracharak, Bharat / USA
Ship Canal Project (SSCP)
Links Southeastern coast of India, Palk
Bay & the Gulf of Mannar
 Initiated after being cleared by the
Indian Environment Ministry and Cabinet

 Economically and Environmentally
sensitive & used for regional shipping.
 The canal will save 20 hr. of ship journey
and considerable amount of fuel.
 This 360 km long and 300 m wide
shipping canal will provide a
continuous navigable route.
It will Cut through ‘Adam’s Bridge’ [Sri Rama Sethu] May be about
400 Meters wide (with Lining; >900m if two-way traffic is needed?);
A natural chain of shoals to avoid circumnavigating Sri Lanka; The proposed
canal will pass 20 km away from the Shingle Island and 6 km from the Van Tivu

November 7, 2009 13
Dr. Shiva Subramanya, VHP-Pracharak, Bharat / USA
Ship Canal Project (SSCP)

Second Highest Marine Biodiversity

on the Earth will be Destroyed for ever.

According to one estimate, SSCP dredging

may displace around 9.7 million m3 bulk
of rock, shoal and sediments, making the
water column highly turbid till the project
is completed. Turbidity (suspension of clay
and mud in water column) is one such
factor. This could be fatal to an ecosystem.

Busy Continuous Navigation in this region will offset and trigger devastating
ecological imbalance. Palk Bay is already on the verge of ‘Jivânikhâtanam’, a
process that will entomb/endanger marine organisms. Affects lives of millions
of fishermen and many endangered organisms (fishes, coral reefs, sea
horses, algae and other marine plant) in subtropical, shallow Gulf of Mannar.
Study of geological, biological, physical and chemical oceanographic
parameters is essential.

November 7, 2009 14
Dr. Shiva Subramanya, VHP-Pracharak, Bharat / USA
 Sri Rama’ Date of Birth, as per Janma-Kundali,
with corresponding Planets Configuration
(Cosmological Parameters) are surprisingly leading
to same conclusions.

 Sri Rama Sethu related arguments are now more

than ever re-affirmed by re-discoveries from the
USA-NASA Digital Image Analysis stretching from
Gemini XI to ISS Expeditions and as well as other
foreign Space Missions.

 Sethusamudram Ship Canal Project (SSCP) may

damage part of the Sri Rama Sethu remnants for sure.

November 7, 2009 15
Dr. Shiva Subramanya, VHP-Pracharak, Bharat / USA

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