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How to choose your perfect translation partner

a 4 Steps guide

- Your Translation
Crimson Interactive Inc. Japan | Taiwan | China | U.S.A. | Germany | Turkey | Brazil | Russia | Korea
Step 1: Choosing the Type of Translation Partner
No r el i abi l i t y or qual i t y guar ant ee

Lower/no cost of Translation
Sometimes there is no surety of Subject Area Expertise and Technical
Additional review by specialist may be needed

More Affordable than Translation Companies
Cannot offer a robust Quality Management System that a translation
company can

Quantity is more focused upon than quality
Since they deal with many languages, focus may be lost

Limited Language focus more focus and expertise in that language
Quality is primary focus not quantity
Crimson Interactive Inc. Japan | Taiwan | China | U.S.A. | Germany | Turkey | Brazil | Russia | Korea
Step 2: Check Translation Staffs professional and academic
Qual i t y of t r ansl at i on depends on t he t r ansl at or ' s exper t i se

Choose compani es t hat have t r ansl at or s f r om r eput ed Uni ver si t i es f or your t ar get
l anguage and domai n

Check f or compani es t hat have t r ansl at or s wi t h member shi ps t o var i ous exper t
associ at i ons/ counci l s

Tr ansl at or s past exper i ence i s t he key t o mi ni mi ze r i sks of t r ansl at i on

Most Websi t es
have Dedi cat ed
Sect i ons f or t hi s
i nf ormat i on.

You must make
sure t o l ook at i t
caref ul l y
Crimson Interactive Inc. Japan | Taiwan | China | U.S.A. | Germany | Turkey | Brazil | Russia | Korea
Step 3: Find out if the company has all the services you need
I t i s easi er t o r el y on a company t hat cat er s t o al l your t r ansl at i on needs as a

Eg 1: Tr ansl at i on + Pr oof r eadi ng + Edi t i ng done by t he same t eam can enhance t he
qual i t y and al so r educe t he hassl es of f i ndi ng mul t i pl e par t ner s

Eg 2: Tr ansl at i on al ong wi t h publ i shi ng/ submi ssi on assi st ance can ease out t he
pr essur e of mul t i pl e deadl i nes and co- or di nat i on

Crimson Interactive Inc. Japan | Taiwan | China | U.S.A. | Germany | Turkey | Brazil | Russia | Korea

Step 4: Check the Quality Assurance the company is certified with
Keep your document safe!

Most t r ansl at i on compani es ar e I SO cer t i f i ed f or Qual i t y Management Syst em

Ther e ar e onl y a handf ul of compani es t hat al so have ( I SMS) I nf or mat i on Secur i t y
Management Syst em Cer t i f i cat i ons as wel l

Al so, you must check f or val i d t r ansl at i on cer t i f i cat es t hat a company i s abl e t o
pr ovi de i n case t he pur pose of your document demands one

Crimson Interactive Inc. Japan | Taiwan | China | U.S.A. | Germany | Turkey | Brazil | Russia | Korea
Characteristics to look for in Translation Companies
I n- House Tr ansl at i on
Hi r i ng I ndi vi dual Tempor ar y Tr ansl at or
Aut omat ed Comput er Tr ansl at i on
Hi ghl y Exper i enced St af f
Subj ect Ar ea Exper t Tr ansl at or Panel s
Nat i ve- Speaki ng Tr ansl at or Base
Qual i t y Assur ance and Cer t i f i cat i ons
St r ong Pr oj ect Management Teams
Compet i t i ve and Real i st i c Pr i ci ng
Crimson Interactive Inc. Japan | Taiwan | China | U.S.A. | Germany | Turkey | Brazil | Russia | Korea
Questions you must ask a prospective Translation Partner
What is the average experience of your translators in my subject area?

What is the average experience of your translators in my language pair?

What is the minimum eligibility for one to be a translator with your company?

Can you share the translators profile to be handling my assignment ?

Do you provide certificate of translation?

How do you ensure confidentiality of my document?

Can you share case study for similar assignment like mine?

Can I ask questions after getting the translation?

Thank- You

- Your Translation

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