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IFBW- Roadshow 2014
Vineet Khandelwal
Karan Sharma
April 2014
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The Vision : Extracting Money from Whats wasted

Giving the customer an opportunity to:

Extract MORE MONEY from paddy waste.

Generating free energy from paddy waste

Eliminate the cost of exhaust treatment

Making most of everything in paddy.

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Is that a reality??
Process Husk Input
Direct burning 1.00 12000
Gasification 0.23 12100
Cost of Installation of a gasifier plant INR 30,00,000
Cost Saving by using husk gasifier in a year for a 4tph plant INR 1,95,00,000
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Want More?
The waste water after parboiling of rice is a pain to get
rid off.

Also the exhaust of the factory needs to be treated
before letting into the air.

Why not earn money from there too??

Its possible with the use of a Photo Bioreactor

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The Process
*Sewage here does not include human waste. It only
includes the waste water generated by the plant.
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Key parameters of PBR
Since algae grow optimally at 25C to 30 C, the temperature of the exhaust
gas must be cooled.
About 90% of CO
will be absorbed by the algae in the process.
The energy from high temperature exhaust gas can utilized before letting it to
Output from PBR will be about 20-30 kg/day of algal biomass (for 1 m
Exhaust gases).
Algal Biomass can be either converted into biodiesel or can be sold as
Algal Biodiesel: with the 40% conversion rate, we can produce about 4000
liters of diesel per year.
Algal biomass: The average output will be about 10,800 kg of biomass per
The company using this product can claim carbon credits (ranges from 4 to 10
Euro per ton of CO
This system can be integrated to any machines irrespective of size and
exhaust gas output.

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Energy Balance for a typical 4 Ton Per Hour(TPH) Rice Mill
Important Data:

1. 20% by weight of paddy is rice husk. Thus for a 4 Tph plant, per hour husk
generation = 800 Kg
2. For parboiling 1 Ton of paddy, 0.3 Ton of steam is required.
3. 50% of worlds paddy undergoes parboiling.
4. A typical rice mill runs for 20 hours a day and 350 days a year. Thus considering 4
Tph capacity, 80 Tonnes of paddy is milled everyday

Energy consumed per day to operate a rice mill 20x350kwh = 7000kwh = 25200 MJ
Energy required to parboil 50%(40 Tonnes) of paddy 31000 MJ.
Total Energy required = 56200 MJ
1 m
of biogas 6kWh energy.
1 m
of biogas 2 kg husk.
Energy generated per hour by gasification of husk = 6kWh*800/2 = 8640 MJ
Total energy generated per day for 20 hours of operation = 20*8640 = 172800 MJ

This clearly is very high compared to requirement. Thus we can not only generate more
energy but can also save a lot of rice husk and sell it directly in the market.

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Why Buhler??
Safest way to enter new market via peoples heart.

There is no development on the large scale.

Buhler has the potential to develop this technology and be more economical
than any competitor in the market.

Large customer base and this can be extended to any of our customer who
produces waste (and that is everyone!!!)

The reliability on brand is high and this will only make it higher.

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Action Plan : Integration of PBR and Gasifier in a Rice Mill

Acquire technology of gasification and manufacture equipment for the same.
Improve the technology to gain a USP and also try to gain a patent to avoid
competitors copying the idea.
Target our present customers and install a pilot plant ASAP to encourage
more customers to follow.

Photo Bioreactor:

Initially collaborate with a small scale industry for technology and equipment
and in the due course improve the technology and gain self sufficiency in
manufacturing of the equipment.

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Hurdles and Plan B
If the development of gasification technology consumes more time, initially,
Buhler can be involved in system integration, develop a customer base and
then introduce the equipment in the market.

If we are unable to secure a patent or a USP, the product can be copied easily
by competitors.

More details on the calculations of the photo bio-reactor are yet to be done,
thus, requires some technological know how before we become self sufficient
in design and manufacture of the same.
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