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In what ways does your media

product use, develop or

challenge forms and
conventions of real media

Genre (Thriller)
Our film is a mix between a teen drama and a
thriller. Our film follows both the conventions
of a thriller and a drama. The film contains an
enigma where it is unclear whether the
therapist is doing his job for the well being of
Hugh or for his personal gain. Later on the
enigma is solved matching convention where
we see the villain receive an email informing
him that is client, whom he helped throughout
the film quit the game keeping him at number
one. We also set our film in an urban setting
the conventional location for a thriller film.

It is at this point where the thriller convention of enigma/mystery is
solved. The viewer learns at this point that the therapist is in fact the
main addict. He is only helping Hugh for his personal gain in keeping him
top of the leader board.
Genre (Drama)
In terms of drama our film agrees to the
conventions. There is a strong theme of social
interaction throughout. The film also explores real
life problems and situations with the main
character having a conflict with his girlfriend. With
this the main character experiences hardships and
as a result sees a therapist to get his life back on
track. Further, the ending of the film is a happy
one. The main character reunites with his girlfriend
and ends his addiction.

This is an example of the drama convention in our film of reconciliation. This
specific part spells the end of Hugh's game addiction and battle with his
girlfriend (Gemma).
During our film we used a variety of
camera shots to emphasise the
setting and situation. We used many
close ups in order to show the facial
expressions of the characters which
related to the drama aspect of the
film. In terms of editing we used shot
reverse shot to clearly show
character dialogue and interaction.
Here are a few examples.

This is an example of shot reverse shot a commonly used edit in
films to enhance interaction between characters.
We used this in our film as the it was a heated scene of dialogue
which was of high importance in relation to the story line.
This also presents conflict another drama convention
Costume and Props
This still shows the therapist in our film. We made sure his
costume matched that of therapist with the props. He wore a shirt
with the clipboard to portray this. However, we also wanted him to
across as on edge and laid back so his costume is not completely
My role in the film
As director of the film I made sure that the
cameraman took the correct shots of a
specific scene
As our film consisted of social difficulties I
thought it be very important to incorporate
close ups and establishing shots to set the
scene and to focus on characters expressions
It was also important to ensure the characters
were high on emotion especially during
dialogue in order to create a dramatic feel to
the film.

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