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Film Poster Analysis

Horror Poster

- Drag Me To Hell
The main image has been placed in the middle of the poster
across the rule of thirds taking up most of the space on the
film poster. This has been
done so that the audiences attention is attracted to the striking
image because it is the main selling point of the film. The
women looks as though she is being dragged down to hell by
the hands around her but she is putting up a fight, the
audience will link the flames rising up are coming from hell
because of the stereotype they have been given within the
past. This has been edited through the use of Photoshop to
create a dramatic image that the target audience will remember thus will go to see
the film. The idea of the devil coming out from the underworld reflects the horror
genre to the audience. The hands around her have been carefully made up through
use of make up and editing to create the dark and devil hands to reflect the horror
genre. The dark sky behind the women emphasize the darkness and importance of
the situation. Darkness is also a key fear factor in horror films as it creates the idea
of the unknown. The houses behind her add to the background effect of darkness
and her isolation. She is screaming within the main image to make it look as though
she is going to put up a fight but also to show her pain and resistance into the
darkness which is common is horror film posters because the audience then
sympathise with the main character. The editing of this image is dark and grey to
comply with the overall mise en scene and to fit in with the horror genre.
The masthead of this poster reads the title of the film Drag Me To Hell. The title
has been placed in the central column of the rule of thirds at the bottom of the
poster. This has been done as to not take attention away from the dramatic main
image which is the films main selling point, but still big enough to inform the viewer.
The typography chosen for this title is very effective due to the scratched out effect
it looks as though the fire is starting to burn the masthead away and bits have
flaked off. This certain typography has been chosen to convey the horror genre to
the audience as it gives the target audience the idea of the flames burning internally
and makes them feel uneased. The font is also quiet plain and gives a formal feel
whilst also suggesting reality within the masthead because it is a casual everyday
font therefore adding to the horror of the film. The masthead has chosen the word
Drag to show there will be a fight within the film but also as used the word Me to
make it personal for the audience which will make it eye catch for the readers
because they will feel like they are being spoken to directly. The word Hell
immediately tells the target audience that the film is of the horror genre as the
audience will automatically be making links to the devil which are conventions of
the horror genre. The colour of the typography is white which fits in with the colour
scheme but also it shows that innocence is being lost to hell/the flames.
The credits have been placed underneath the title with
the release date placed in a larger serif font in the colour
of orange/yellow. This has been done so the credits fade
into the fire and dont stand out against the masthead or
the main image because they are not the most important.
The release date is just, Coming soon this has been
placed into capital to stand out from the credits and to
entice the audience into wanting to know about when it
comes out. The release date is still in the orange/yellow
colour this is to connote danger and make the audience
fear for when the film comes out. The font complies with
the tagline font scheme which makes the poster come to
life and look more formal.
The credits contain the licensing logos as well as the
copyright logo in order for the companies involved to gain
recognition and also to comply with the law.
The tag line is placed on top of the masthead
near the bottom of the poster to make sure it
does not take any attention way from the
women's facial expression in the main image.
The tag line is telling the audience about the
women in the main image and how her life will
be changed. The lower case typography
makes the sentences look normal and as if this
happens everyday. This will make the audience
believe the film is real and it could happen to them, which will
help persuade people to buy tickets to the film. By telling the
audience the womens name it makes it even more real for the
audience because she has an average everyday name. The
short period of time its giving for all these bad events to happen
in common in horror films showing the audience this film is a
Horror/Thriller Poster

- Insidious
The film poster is complying with the rule of thirds by
placing the main image in the middle of the poster and
it takes up most of the space. This has been done so that
the audiences attention is attracted to the striking
image because it is the main selling point of the film. The
image is of a little boy which is common convention
used in horror films because children can see things
adults cannot because they have wide imaginations.
This is why children are targeted by evil spiritual beings
because they can be turned easily. The boy looks very
natural in the fact his hair is neat and he is wearing
a normal checked shirt which means the eyes are the most important within
the image. These have been edited through the use of Photoshop to create
a dramatic effect that will pull in the target audience and they will be in a
trace from the mysterious bright eyes. The suburban house in the
background makes the little boy look like he has a normal life. This is
contrasted by the dark black sky taking over the light blue showing a binary
opposition of darkness/evil taking over lightness/good. This links in with every
horror film because they all have this binary opposition at the start of the
film. This binary opposition is included in the boy who checked shirt is light at
the top near his face but darken as the shirt goes down. This is connoting
the boy is slowly turning evil and losing his innocent. The darkness is also a
key fear factor in horror films as it creates the idea of the unknown.
The masthead of this poster reads the title of the film Insidious. The title is in
capitals and has been placed in the central column of the rule of thirds
near the bottom of the poster. The masthead has been placed here to
make sure it does not take attention away from the main image which is
the posters main selling point, but has been typed in capitals and is big to
make sure it captures the audiences attention so they remember the name
of the horror film. The typography chosen is very basic to make sure its easy
for the target audience to understand, it looks very robotic which complied
with the childs eyes making him look as though he is being controlled by
someone else. The typography is slightly flaky as well to make it look as
though it is eroding/fading away. The masthead means something
proceeding gradually and subtly in a harmful way, which is exactly what
happens to the boy throughout the film. This telling of the storyline is
common in the mastheads of horror films to entice and scare the audience
but to also let the audience know what type of conventions the film will be
using so they can link it to other horror films they have seen and have liked
before. The colour of the typography is white to fit in with the typography
and colour scheme to give a professional and organised look to the poster
but to also to fit with the eyes and make them more important to the overall
The tag line has been placed underneath the
masthead, to firstly make sure it does not take
attention away from the main image and
secondly it will attract the audiences attention
because they will look at the masthead and be
attracted to the tag line underneath. The tag
line is telling the audience that this film is not
like most other horror genres where the house is
haunted. The tag line is telling us the child is
haunted which generates more fear because its inside the
child and is controlling it instead of being a house which you
can escape from. The capitals have been chosen to make
this header stand out to the target audience yet also fitting in
with the font and colour scheme used throughout.

The credits have been placed at the bottom of the poster
because they are not as important as everything else. This
poster does not have a release date because its already out
and this is a theatrical poster which makes the audience want
to research the film and find out about going to see it. The white
font adheres with the typography and colour scheme making
the poster look neat and professional. In the credits is the there
is the licensing logos as well as the copyright logo this is
important because it involves big company names to help
people to recognise that this is an important film, but mainly
these are placed in because it is to comply with the law.
The critic review and the stars are showing the audience just
how good a professional thinks the movie is and this will make
them want to come and watch the film. This will also intrigue the
horror genre lovers because they will want to challenge this
comment and know for themselves If the film is sheer terrifying
or just slightly scary. The makers are places at the top of the
poster to show horror genre lovers what type of films this one
can be linked to. The put two contrasting horror film names, one
about gore and the other spiritual showing this film could be a
combination of both.
Horror Poster

- Friday The 13

The main image takes up the whole poster by having
the main character in a long shot. The antagonist
complied with the rule of thirds which is a common
convention in film posters. The audiences attention is
immediately attracted to the antagonist because he is
in the middle of the poster and this will strike fear into
the target audience because he has a weapon and is
a dark scary killer. The antagonist wears a mask to seal
his identity which intrigues the audience because they
want to know whats behind the mask. This masking of
the antagonist links back to the horror genre because it is common for
antagonist wanting to hide their identity to strike fear into their victims. The
black clothing is stereotypically linked to the horror genre and this is to
blend in with the darkness of the night which makes it easier to sneak up
on people. The background behind him is forest like show a rural location
for the film, which is common in horror films because in the woods people
are very alone and there is no help. This background has been edited
through the use of Photoshop because the forest background has a misty
darkening effect which does not look natural. This could connote
something happen in the film that is unnatural, dark and dramatic. The
binary opposition of the bright sky light coming through the trees is being
slowly covered by the dark mist meaning the darkness is taking over the
lightness. The lake in front of the antagonist shows he is strong and no
obstacles will get in his way.
The masthead of this poster reads the title of the film Friday The 13
. The title
has been placed in the central column of the rule of thirds near the bottom of the
poster in the lake water. It has been placed against the dark lake water to make
it stand out against the main image but at the same time not over power the
poster. The colour of the typography is very effective because its bright red
against the dark lake it makes it stand out. The red links back to the horror genre
because it could be seen as blood which is a common horror genre convention.
The typography being capitalised makes it look more important, stands out and
looks very effective. The times new roman typography makes the masthead look
vintage and applies an old fashion effect to the film which links in with the
mastheads name. The masthead references to a specific date where people
believe bad things happen on that date which is a superstition and it is enforced
by horror films. This title gives off a frightening effect because people will then
believe bad things do happen on this date even though its only superstition.
The tag line has been placed at the top of the
poster to make it stand out and look
important. The tag line is capitalised to make it
stand out but to also link to welcoming signs
that you would see out on the road which
makes the poster link to reality and make it
more real for the audience which will
generate more fear. The typography is very
simplistic to appeal to the young target audience that
horror genre films attract. The tag line tells the audience the
location where the horrific events take place making it
even more real for the target audience and connotes the
striking event the horror genre has on a audience. The
tagline is very ironic because its saying, Welcome even
though the people will not be welcome because they will
be killed by the antagonist.
The credits have been placed at the bottom of the poster because
they are not as important as everything else that is selling the
magazine. This posters release date has the same typography and
colour scheme as the masthead making it important to the posters
information for the audience. The release date fits in with the
masthead by the masthead being the release date, Friday the 13

in February. The red colour exaggerates the gory story line and links
back to the horror genre. The credits show the licensing logos as
well as the copyright logo which is important for getting people
knowing the films a well known and recognisable. Other than this
these are placed at the bottom of the poster because they are
mainly complying with the law and this is not the most important
part of the poster.
The producers are places above the masthead but near to the
bottom of the poster and especially not interfering with the main
antagonist picture. This is to show the target audience what types of
films this film will be linked in with. This film is linked to The Texas
Chainsaw Massacre which is another gory horror film and this way the
target audience know what they are in for when they watch this film.
By analysing three different horror genre posters I have found similar
conventions running through all of them which I will need to include in my
poster. These conventions are:
The main image: The main image takes up the entire poster because the background
goes with the main image. The images are main dark, shocking and eerie this is so that it
can be linked back to the horror genre and the target audience can easily categorise the
The masthead: The masthead is near the bottom of the poster to make sure it doesnt
take attention away from the main image but at the same time its large to make sure its
seen. The typography and colour normally links back to the film itself weather its a gory
horror or a spiritual horror. This is so that the audience can link it back to the horror genre
but also remember the name of the film because it links in with the main image.
The tag line/selling line: The tag line or selling line always links back to the film and
slightly sums up what the whole film is going to be about. Its normally innovative and is
there to frighten you. It can link back to reality which makes the film seem real to the
audience which will make them want to watch the film even more.
The release date: The release date is not normally a big deal to the posters. Its located at
the bottom and is in a smaller font than the tag line.
The mise en scene: The mise en scene is overall always dark, eerie and has a sense of
mystery. The dark lighting is there to give a sense of the unknown.
Inspiration for my horror film
I think our poster
should have lots of
blood like this
poster because
they are both gory
horrors with twists.
I like how they show
the protagonist hiding
from the antagonist
and would like
something similar in
our poster.
I like the dark lighting
against the bright to
show binary
oppositions which I
would like to convey
in my poster.
I think this poster
is very subtle and
I like how they
involve the actors
names for the
poster to get more

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