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Pansys Infotech Limited is a public Limited company, ISO 9001:2000

certified & a Six Sigma compliance organization. Pansys is promoted
by a group of professionals who have over 2 decades of diversified
interest in environment protection, biotechnology, bio informatics,
ITES, IT and Corporate Training. The IT & ITES division is servicing
clients from US, UK & Canada. The technical team consists of
personnel from IIT | IIM.

Pansys has a full fledged Training Division. A host of Corporate

Training Programmes are conducted for the benefit of Corporate.
Programmes to suit specific needs of the corporate is tailor –
modeled as per the requirement. All the programmes conducted by
Pansys is based on the latest science of Neuro Linguistic
Programming for achieving long lasting results.

• Vision

The Vision of PANSYS INFOTECH is to fulfill the huge

requirements of IT industry. Providing IT solutions in diverse
domains through broad spectrum of people equipped with high
quality skill-sets encompassing polished edges to contribute to this
industry consistent with global delivery system of all the solutions.

• Mission

PANSYS INFOTECH is a conglomerate of professionals

drawn from different fields ranging from experienced IT projects to
high-end soft-skill to strategic alliances experts-all very much
needed to match the best attributes in IT industry.



Corporate Training Programmes

• Personality Development.
• Selling skills & marketing excellence.
• Effective communication & presentation skills.
• Time management workshop.
• Trainer's Training Programme for HRD/HRM trainers/Managers.
• Neuro Linguistic Programming.
• Team Building & Inter-personal skills.
• Stress Management for executives including REIKI.
• Outbound Training Programme for Leadership & Team Building
• New Millennium leadership skills for Senior Managers and project leaders.
• Project Management for project.
• Call Center training.
• Six Sigma Certification.
• Smart Student Workshop.
PANSYS INFOTECH LIMITED Personality Development

“The easy thing to do is to give advice and most difficult thing is self discovery” - Mark Twain
• Basics of Neuro Lingustic Programming
• How to build positive attitude for self and others
• How to motivate yourself and others
• How to have good interpersonal skills
• How to set vision and mission statement
• Goal setting
• Values and Ethics in an organization
• SWOT analysis
• How to handle self esteem problem
• Reprogramming of conditioning
• Body language
• Personal Grooming
• Etiquette and Good Manners
The duration of this workshop is two days from 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
The workshop is especially designed for all the Heads as well as subordinates in the FMCG, IT, F&B, Hotel Industry
and Beauty industry, media and others.
Special feature of the session being highly interactive using the latest technology of Neuro Linguistic Programming
(NLP). The techniques are simple and easy to follow. This equips the participants to handle any situation even an
unavoidable crisis.
PE helps you develop a Holistic approach to even overcome organizational problems to achieve excellence and peak
performance. One can enhance personal growth also through the spiritual inputs that are part of the seminar too.
PANSYS INFOTECH LIMITED Selling skills & marketing excellence
“The Module covers:
Understanding people’s psychology
Why people buy?
How to plan your sales and prospects?
How to develop instant rapport with people?
How to give effective presentation?
Basics of Communication Skills
Sales strategies and techniques
Self confidence and Self esteem
Goal setting
Negotiation Skills
Convincing Skills
Closing a Sale
Latest Marketing Techniques
How to handle objections and rejections?

The workshop also covers important aspects of NLP and the workshop is for
two full days. The session is Audio-visual in nature
The workshop is especially designed for all types of Marketing and sales
personnel and the head of the marketing department as well.
Special feature of the session is that it is highly interactive and is incorporated
with the latest technology of Neuro Programming (NLP). The techniques
are simple and easy to follow and guaranteed to give results.
The workshop is spread over two full days between 9.30 a.m. and 5.30 p.m.
PANSYS INFOTECH LIMITED Effective communication & presentation skills

• Basics of Communication
• Building of self confidence
• Banishing stage fear
• Preparing a Presentation
• Dos & Don’ts in Communication
• Making effective presentation
• Using powerful words in English language
• Words to be avoided
• Written Email communication
• Handling group psychology by building rapport
• Tips on equipment required for audio-visual presentation
• Language patterns in our daily life using Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) in communication
• Personal Grooming
• Body Language
• Etiquette and Good manners
• Video recording of participants performance before participating and after participating in the
workshop for review purpose
The workshop is ideally suited for enhancing you’re the personality of executives, marketing executives, trainers,
doctors, students, professionals, businessmen / women, software engineers and all those appearing for
competitive test/viva.
Special feature of the session is that it is highly interactive and is incorporated with the latest technology of Neuro
Programming (NLP). The techniques are simple and easy to follow and guaranteed to give results. The sessions
Audio-visual in nature.
The workshop is spread over two full days between 9.30 a.m. and 5.30 p.m.

Time Management Workshop

“Time is Loaned to you use it wisely”

Topics Covered:

• Shortage of Time-Myth or Reality?

• How to get the best of the 24 hours?
• Biggest time wasters
• What are real and imaginary reasons for actions and inactions?
• How to identify and rectify the reasons?
• How to tackle time wasters?
• How to implement follow up?
• What is quality time and how it influences total productivity?
Duration: 1 day((.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.)

Trainer's Training Programme for HRD/HRM trainers/Managers.

• a) Understanding the Human Psychology

• b) Basics of NLP
• c) Categories of People
• d) How to form Rapport with Students/Audience?
• e) How to teach Effectively?
• f) How to communicate to the Sub-conscious mind?
• g) How to do accelerated learning?
• h) How to plan your Training?
• i) Biological cycles of Human beings
• j) Teaching Aids and Tips
• k) Stress Management
• l) How to prepare effective presentation?
Course Duration: Seven Full Days
PANSYS INFOTECH LIMITED Neuro Linguistic Programming.


NLP means Neuro Linguistic Programming. This is the latest scientific

discovery to programme the mind. Our brain codes information about the
world around us through the five senses - Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic
(feelings), Olfactory (smell) and Gustatory (taste). Our brain processes the
information, thus, sensed and an internal programme is created.
A representation model is born and percolated into our beliefs and values
systems or we can say perception or prejudices and bias. We react to the
world through these beliefs and values by either using verbal or non-verbal
(body language) mode of communication unconsciously but controlled by
the subconscious mind. NLP is a set of ideas and techniques to
communicate in the language of 0 and 1.
NEURO is the nervous system through which experience is received and
processed through the five senses. LINGUISTIC is the language verbal and
non-verbal communication systems through which neural representations
are coded, ordered and given meaning. PROGRAMMING is the ability to
organize our communication and neurological systems to achieve specific
desired goals and results.
PANSYS INFOTECH LIMITED Team Building & Inter-personal skills.
The workshop would cover:
Basics of NLP
Group dynamics,
How to build rapport with team members
How to deal with people effectively
Improve communication using NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programme)
Advanced Goal setting
How to select a team
How to motivate team members
SWOT analysis
How to deal with difficult people Body language
How to reprimand without hurting
Dynamic living and Vedic concepts of management
The workshop could be for a duration of two full days from 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. The
workshop helps in bringing synergy between team members and also helps
develop good relation between departments and thus increases efficiency of the
people in an organization.
The program can also be organized as outbound session by us in lush surroundings
of Nilgiri Hills in Masinagudi for 2 days which will also cover Stress Management
with Yoga, Pranayama breathing Techniques, Meditation, bonfire, night safari, fun,
games and entertainment and even mountain climbing / trekking.
PANSYS INFOTECH LIMITED Management for executives including REIKI.


Module covers:
– Understanding human body and mind
– Psycho-somatic disorders
– Mind-Body-Spirit relationship
– Why does one fall sick?
– Self-healing
– Basics of all types of alternative holistic sciences viz. Reiki, Pranic,
– Deep breathing exercises from proven Yoga science
– Simple Asanas from Hatha Yoga
– Meditations
– Diet control and self discipline
– Instant Stress relieving techniques
– How to attain physical fitness, emotional balance, mental focus and
spiritual enhancement
The above topics could be covered in 1 day and in case the participants require a
Reiki Attunement the same could be covered in ½ day with a practical practice
session of self-healing techniques. One can be assured of handling all types of
aches and pains and psychosomatic disorders as well after the workshop. The
techniques are simple to practice daily and give instant results.
New Millennium leadership skills for Senior Managers and project leaders

1) Role and Responsibility: will cover Art of delegation, planning for success
including time management, personal role-play and developing leadership
qualities to become LEADERS OF TOMORROW.
2) Leadership styles: will cover modern leadership techniques of empowering the
3) Exercise our authority will cover assertive management, developing self-
confidence and identifying one own skill by SWOT analysis.
4) Communication Skills will cover how to communicate effectively and advanced
5) Team building will cover how to lead a team by setting a team goal to achieve
6) Man management will include solving day-to-day problems, grievances, conflicts
and criticism, how to reprimand without hurting.
7) Work life balance will include stress management techniques using self-hypnosis,
breathing techniques, etc.
8) Peer balance will include how to develop rapport with our equals and superiors
The entire workshop will be technique oriented using advanced NLP techniques for
quick results including modern management styles from successful companies
in the world.
The above module can be covered over a span of two days. It has been our
experience that when such workshops are conducted as an out bound
programme away from work environment in a resort the results are long lasting.
We shall be teaching physical exercises in the mornings and have
entertainment programmes in the evenings to further bring about team
consciousness among the participants.
In case the workshop is to be carried out as a out bound programme incidental
expenses like traveling, boarding and lodging in resort would be extra.
Project Management

Management of any project has always been a challenge for project managers whether
it is engineering, structural or I.T. based. Since project management involves lot of
co-ordination with various entities and suppliers. We at Basics & Basics have
coined a 2 day powerful workshop for project managers to sharpen their skills and
ensure timely execution of projects.
• What you will learn is
• Critical consideration of a project
• Project life cycle
• Project manager roles and responsibilities
• Project team building
• SWOT analysis of team members and selection
• Cost benefit ratios
• Planning sequence
• Estimation of time in projects along with costs
• Critical path
• Risk analysis
• Use of Grant charts
• PERT usage in project management
• Art of delegation
• Art of communication in project management
• Review meeting guidelines
• Project records
• Project handover checklist
• Supplier checklist with quality
• How to be a smart manager
Outbound Training Programme focusing on Leadership & Team Building
I day schedule
6.25 a.m. Assemble for trekking, Yoga session in the lawn
6.30 a.m. to 8 a.m. Trek & Yoga session
8.00 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. Personal Time and Breakfast
9.30 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. Classroom sessions Topic for the session –
a. Understanding human brain and mind
b. Exercise how to be a better observer group activity
c. Exercise to learn to be more creative by using creative brain
11.00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. Tea Break
11.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. Basics of NLP
a. Becoming aware of different categories of people
b Learning to use the language pattern of different categories of
people with a group exercise/activity
c. Exercise on learning to read the eye ball movements
d. Exercise on rapport building for achieving effective results
1.30 p.m. to 2.30 p.m. Lunch
2.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. Outdoor activity
a. Trust building Exercise
b. Team building activity of solving puzzle
c. Treasure Hunt group activity
d. Rock Climbing
e. Sunset Meditation atop hillock
6.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. Leisure/Rest
8.30 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. Campfire with Barbeque & Talent show
11 p.m. End of I day Session

Outbound Training Programme focusing on Leadership & Team

Building (Continued)
II day Schedule:
6.25 a.m. Assemble for trekking, Yoga session in the lawn
6.30 a.m. to 8 a.m. Trek & Yoga session
8.00 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. Personal Time and Breakfast
9.30 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. Classroom sessions Topic for the session –
a. Understanding & learning to develop
Leadership Qualities
b. Video clippings of display of leadership quality
either from movie/ speech/serial
c. Presentation Skill
11.00 to 11.30 a.m. Tea Break
11.30 to 1.30 p.m. Outdoor activity
a. 4-5 Team leader will lead their team for a
team activity
b. Presentation of team activity to the others.
1.30 to 2.30 p.m. Lunch Break
3 p.m. Departure to Bangalore

Note: The departure from Bangalore would be on Friday depending on the location
chosen for the Programme and time taken to reach the location.

Six Sigma is by far the most successful Management Approach that has delivered results. Simply
defined, Six Sigma is a powerful management approach that delivers breakthrough improvements
in profitability and productivity.
The following points illustrate how six sigma is different from other management approaches. The key
differences lie in -
1. Roadmap - While other philosophies talk about concepts, standards and ideas, Six Sigma provides a
Roadmap (A step by step method to achieve desired results)
2. Top management Commitment - It begins with top management commitment and strictly follows a
top down approach.
3. Laser Focus - The Six Sigma projects are identified with respect to business deliverables (i.e. impact
on productivity, profitability and customer satisfaction)
4. Brings out what is not obvious - The ideal Six Sigma projects are those that do not have obvious
solutions and need digging beneath the visible scenario.
5. Proven Record - The number of Indian and Multinational companies that announced big benefits
through Six Sigma approach is impressive by any standards.

Six Sigma Certification

Pansys focuses on building in simplicity, visibility and predictability in processes leading to significant
improvements in contemporary measures of performance at client's work place.
The four-day Green Belt certification program provides an understanding of each step in the Define,
Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control (DMAIC) methodology and many of the associated
analysis tools. The program combines lecture, class exercises, case studies, and team exercises.
Six Sigma is by far the most successful Management Approach that has delivered results. Simply
defined, Six Sigma is a powerful data driven, customer focused management methodology that
delivers validated improvements in profitability and productivity.
The expected qualification for this course is graduation in any stream with experience in the corporate
sector, preferably as a process in-charge. A senior department head can use the tools in multiple
areas immediately after the course, while a fresher shall need considerable support from senior
management to be able to apply the techniques. However, as Six Sigma is being used more and
more by the corporate world, the demand for qualified green belts is high and is growing rapidly.
Our Satisfied Clients
• Infosys • BEML
• Sanyo • HAL
• Widia • Millipore
• Kennametal • Waters
• Smithkline • Itreya
• Alyiance • MICO
• Microtel • NTTF
• Oracle • Brigade Group
• Titan • Food World
• BHEL • Majoris(Valdel)
• BFW • Aricent (Flextronics)
• BEL • Chemtex

Trainer’s Profile
Rtn. Sumeet is a chemical engineer with a gold medal from Bombay
University and MBA with specialization in marketing from
University of Illinois,USA. Mr.Sumeet has been part of an
Environment Protection Company that manufactures equipment
for water purification, swimming pools and industrial pollution
control for water and air.
Rtn.Sumeet is a Master Trainer in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic
Programming) from NFNLP Florida, USA and certified Hypnotist
from Sun Coast Hypnosis Centre, Florida , USA. Sumeet is also a
Black Belt in Six Sigma.
For the past 10 years he has been training individuals and Corporate
in the science of NLP. Rtn.Sumeet has trained over 25,000
students all over the world and a host Corporate in personality
development , leadership /team building, marketing skills, time
management, communications skills and stress management.
Rtn.Sumeet has also released many books on NLP, titled "NLP
and You" and “Making of a millionaire” and series of cassettes/
CDs on Leadership, Motivation , Stress management & Mind
control. He has also specialized in VEDANTA and is an official
teacher of Prassanna Trust for Mantra Yoga.
Rtn.Sumeet is a lead auditor in ISO 14000 from EARA,UK
Rtn.Sumeet is also a spiritual healer and a Reiki Master and he is a
Practitioner and Facilitator of most of the holistic sciences like
Yoga , Meditation , Pranic Healing, Acupressure and Holographic
healing from Australia .Rtn.Sumeet has authored 6 books on
Holistic Science subjects.

Trainer’s Profile
Mrs. Lalita is a Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Psychology
(NLP) for the last 8 years. She is a Green Belt in Six Sigma too.
Lalita has been training individuals and Corporate a host of
developmental programmes viz. Effective Communication &
Presentation skills/Public Speaking skills , Time Management,
Stress Management and an exclusive Empowering workshop
for Ladies covering Self Grooming as well.
By qualification, Lalita is a M.A. in English, Aesthetics and
psychology. Upon completing her mass communication course
in Public Relations, Advertising and Journalism, Lalita helped
an agency in the completion and production of corporate House
Magazines & Journals.
Lalita is also a trained counsellor and has been awarded Diploma in
Counseling skills from Banjara Academy. She also conducts a
Programme titled Personalised Coaching for Achieveing
She is a Master/Teacher of Reiki, Pranic Healing, Magnified
Healing, Acupressure, Aroma therapy, Yoga, Meditation,
Hypnosis, Melchizedek hologram healing , Feng Shui, Tai chi
and NLP Using all the above sciences she has healed over
5000 people. She teaches all the above sciences
Lalita has written two books on Yoga and Aroma therapy and edited
books written by Rtn.Sumeet on Reiki, Hypnosis, Drowsing ,
NLP & Making of a Millionaire.

Contact Persons
Sumeet Sharma: Managing Director
Ph no: 09900141504 Email:

Lalitha Sharma: COO

Ph no: 09900141505 Email:

Samrat : Director Operations

Ph no: 0990023517 Email:

Elanchelian : QC Head
Ph no: 09916025043 Email:

• Web Site

• Phone : 080 - 41513110


• Contact Address :PANSYS INFOTECH LTD

Road, SHIVAJINAGAR, Bangalore-560 001,

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