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By : Muamar Aldo Arhatu

Myopia is the medical term for nearsightedness.
People with myopia see objects more clearly when
they are close to the eye, while distant objects appear
blurred or fuzzy. Myopia can occur because the eyeball
is too long or because the curvature of the cornea is too large
so that the incoming light is not focused properly
and distant objects appear blurry.
causes of myopia
visual tension
environmental factors

The prevalence of myopia varies greatly between different populations
and ethnic groups. The prevalence rates of myopia in the United States
have been reported as 20-50% and as high as 80-90% in some parts of
Asia. The majority of the myopic population consists primarily of
patients with non-pathologic myopia; approximately 66% of patients
with myopia have less than 2 diopters (D) of myopia and 95% of
myopic patients have less than 6 diopters. In 2003 a multi-center study
the US reported significantly different prevalence rates among children
of four different ethnic groups. The highest rates were found among
Asian children with a prevalence of 18.5% and hispanic children with
13%. Lower prevalence rates were found in African American children
with 6.6% followed by Caucasian children with a prevalence rate of 4%.
A large epidemiologic study in 2000 by Lin et al. showed that myopic
prevalence rates for Taiwanese children were reaching 80%. It is
reported that there are over 80 million myopic children world wide.
An eye care professional can diagnose myopia with a simple eye
exam. The most common symptoms of nearsightedness include:

Blurred distance vision
Frequent squinting of eyes
Eye strain or headaches from trying to focus

A patient's distance vision is tested by reading letters or
numbers on a chart posted a set distance away (usually 20 ft).
The doctor asks the patient to view images through a variety of
lenses to obtain the best correction.
if a patient undergo meiosis she could only see the short
Wearing eyeglasses or contact lenses can help shift the focus
of the light image directly onto the retina, producing a clearer
Refractive eye surgery aims at improving myopic vision by
permanently changing the shape of the cornea so that light
rays focus properly on the retina.
Laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK) is the newest of
these procedures. It is recommended for moderate to severe
cases of myopia. LASIK uses lasers and a cutting tool called a
microkeratome to cut a circular flap on the cornea. The flap is
flipped back to expose the inner layers of the cornea. The
cornea is treated with a laser to change the shape and
focusing properties, then the flap is replaced.
this procedure, its costs and risks.

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