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Six Thinking Hats

is a critical and creative thinking training course

from Edward de Bono that helps individuals and
organizations throughout the world become more
effective, innovative thinkers.
Six Thinking Hats
Anyone who wants to think clearly, objectively,
and creatively;
Team Leaders, managers and team
Trainers & Consultants
Community leaders
Marketing Professionals
Project Managers

Who needs Six Thinking Hats?

Traditional discussion is adversarial.
A argues with B in the hope that the best
solution will emerge.
This can be depicted by two opposing arrows.
Why do the Six Thinking Hats work?
In Six Thinking Hats a concept called parallel thinking
is introduced. Parallel thinking is where A and B do
the same type of thinking at the same time. By
switching between the different Hats (thinking modes)
a group can more effectively explore a subject.
Parallel Thinking can be depicted by two parallel
To be able to understand the meaning of Six
thinking Hats and describe each of the hats
and the thinking processes that they represent.
Human brain thinks in a number of distinct ways
which can be identified, deliberately accessed and
hence planned for use in a structured way allowing
one to develop strategies for thinking about
particular issues. Dr. de Bono identifies five distinct
states in which the brain can be "sensitized". In
each of these states the brain will identify and bring
into conscious thought certain aspects of issues
being considered (e.g. gut instinct, pessimistic
judgment, neutral facts).
Types of hat
White Hat - The White Hat calls
for information known or needed.
"The facts, just the facts."
Facts & Information
Yellow Hat symbolizes brightness and
optimism. Under this hat you explore
the positives and probe for value and
The Black Hat is judgment - the devil's
advocate or why something may not work.
Spot the difficulties and dangers; where things
might go wrong. Probably the most powerful and
useful of the Hats but a problem if overused.
Critical Judgement
The Red Hat signifies feelings, hunches and
intuition. When using this hat you can express
emotions and feelings and share fears, likes,
dislikes, loves, and hates.
Feelings & Emotions
The Green Hat focuses on creativity; the
possibilities, alternatives, and new ideas.
It's an opportunity to express new concepts
and new perceptions.
Alternatives and learning
The Big Picture
The Blue Hat is used to manage the thinking process.
It's the control mechanism that ensures the Six
Thinking Hats guidelines are observed.
Encourage Parallel Thinking
Encourage full-spectrum thinking
Separate ego from performance

The key theoretical reasons to
use the Six Thinking Hats
Using a variety of approaches within thinking and
problem solving allows the issue to be addressed
from a variety of angles, thus servicing the needs
of all individuals concerned. The thinking hats are
useful for learners as they illustrate the need for
individuals to address problems from a variety
of different angles.

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