Introduction To AI

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Ch 1.

Artificial Intelligence
2 AI: History & Application
Artificial Intelligence

1.1 Definition of AI
1.2 AI technique
1.3 Criteria for success
1.4 AI application areas
1.5 Summary
3 AI: History & Application
1.1 Defining Artificial
AI is the study of how to make computers do things which, at
the moment, people do better. (Rich)
AI is the part of computer science concerned with designing
intelligent computer systems, that is, systems that exhibit
characteristics we associate with intelligent human behavior.
understanding language, reasoning, solving problems, and so on.
AI is the study of ideas which enable computers to do things
which make people seem intelligent. (Winston)
AI is the study of intelligence using the ideas and methods of
computation. (Fahlman)
4 AI: History & Application
Defining Artificial Intelligence(2)
A bridge between art and science (McCorduck)
Teslers Theorem: AI is whatever hasnt been
done yet. (Hofstadter)
AI is a field of science and engineering
concerned with the computational understanding
of what is commonly called intelligent behavior,
and with the creation of artifacts that exhibit such
behavior. (Shapiro)
AI may be defined as the branch of computer
science that is concerned with automation of
intelligent behavior. (Luger & Stubblefield)
5 AI: History & Application
Artificial Intelligence as Science
Understand and working of the mind in
mechanistic terms, just as medical science seeks
to understand the working of the body in
mechanistic terms.
Understand intelligent thought processes,
including perception, motor control,
communication using human languages,
reasoning, planning, learning, and memory.
6 AI: History & Application
AI as Engineering
How can we make computer based systems more
In practical terms, intelligence means
1. Ability to automatically perform tasks that currently require
human operators.
2. More autonomy in computer systems; less requirement for
human intervention or monitoring.
3. Flexibility in dealing with variability in the environment in
an appropriate manner.
4. Systems that are easier to use: able to understand what
the user wants from limited instructions.
5. Systems that can improve their performance by learning
from experience.
7 AI: History & Application
1.2 AI technique
A method that exploits knowledge that should be
represented in such a way that:
the knowledge captures generalizations.
It can be understood by people who must provide it.
It can easily be modified.
It can be used in a great many situations.
It can be used to help to narrow the range of possibilities.
1.3 Criteria for Success
Turing Test
Can we make the machine thinks like a human?
Assume that you ask questions and you dont know if you
are talking to a human or a machine.

9 AI: History & Application
1.3 Criteria for Success
How will we know if we have succeeded?
Turing Test

The goal of the machine is to fool the judge into believing
that it is the person.
If the machine succeeds at this, then we will conclude that
the machine can think.
10 AI: History & Application
1.4 AI Application Areas
Two fundamental AI research areas
Knowledge Representation: represent the computers knowledge of
the world by some kind of data structures in the machines memory
Search: a problem-solving technique that systematically explores a
space of problem states
Game Playing
Automated Reasoning and Theorem Proving
Expert Systems
Natural Language Understanding and Semantic Modeling
Modeling Human Performance
Planning and Robotics
Machine Learning
Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms
11 AI: History & Application
Game Playing
Games are good vehicles for AI research because
most games are played using a well-defined set of rules
board configurations are easily represented on a computer
Games can generate extremely large search
Search spaces are large and complex enough to require
powerful techniques(heuristics) for determining what
alternatives to explore in the problem space.

12 AI: History & Application
Automated Reasoning and
Theorem Proving
Automatic Theorem Proving is the oldest branch of AI.
Theorem proving research was responsible for much of the early work
in formalizing search algorithms and developing formal representation
languages such as predicate calculus and logic programming
language PROLOG.
Variety of problems can be attacked by representing the
problem description and relevant background information as
logical axioms and treating problem instances as theorems to
be proved.
Reasoning based in formal mathematical logic is also
Many problems such as the design and verification of logic circuits,
verification of the correctness of computer programs, and control of
complex systems require automated reasoning.
13 AI: History & Application
Expert Systems(1)
Expert systems are constructed by obtaining the
knowledge of a human expert and coding it into a
form that a computer may apply to similar
domain expert provides the necessary knowledge of the
problem domain.
knowledge engineer is responsible for implementing this
knowledge in a program that is both effective and intelligent
in its behavior.
14 AI: History & Application
Expert Systems(2)
Many successful expert systems
designed to infer the structure of organic molecules from their
chemical formulas and mass spectrographic information about
the chemical bonds present in the molecules.
use the heuristic knowledge of expert chemists to search into
the very large possible number of molecular structures.
used expert medical knowledge to diagnose and prescribe
treatment for spinal meningitis and bacterial infections of the
Provided clear and logical explanations of its reasoning, used a
control structure appropriate to the specific problem domain,
and identified criteria to reliably evaluate its performance.
15 AI: History & Application
Expert Systems(3)
Many successful expert systems (Continued)
for determining the probable location and type of ore deposits
based on geological information.
for performing diagnosis in the area of internal medicine.
for configuring VAX computers.
16 AI: History & Application
Deficiencies of Current Expert
1. Difficulty in capturing deep knowledge of the
problem domain
MYCIN lack any real knowledge of human physiology.
2. Lack of robustness and flexibility
3. Inability to provide deep explanations
4. Difficulties in verification
may be serious when expert systems are applied to air traffic
control, nuclear reactor operations, and weapon systems.
5. Little learning from experience
17 AI: History & Application
Natural Language Understanding
and Semantic Modeling(1)
One of the long-standing goals of AI is the creation
of programs that are capable of understanding
human language
Ability of understanding natural language seem to be one of the
most fundamental aspects of human intelligence
Successful automation would have an incredible impact on the
usability and effectiveness of computers
Real understanding of natural language depends on
extensive background knowledge about the domain
of discourse as well as an ability to apply general
contextual knowledge to resolve ambiguities.
18 AI: History & Application
Natural Language Understanding
and Semantic Modeling(2)
Current work in natural language understanding
is devoted to finding representational formalisms
that are general enough to be used in a wide
range of applications.
Stochastic models and approaches, describing
how sets of words co-occur in language
environments, are used to characterize the
semantic content of sentences.
19 AI: History & Application
Modeling Human Performance
Design of systems that explicitly model some
aspect of human problem solving
If performance is the only criterion by which a system will be
judged, there may be little reason to attempt to simulate
human problem-solving methods.
Programs that take non human approaches to solving problems
are often more successful than their human counter parts
Human performance modeling has proved to be a powerful
tool for formulating and testing theories of human cognition.
20 AI: History & Application
Planning and Robotics
Planning attempts to order the atomic actions
which robot can perform in order to accomplish
some higher-level task.
Planning is a difficult problem because of vast
number of potential move sequences and
A blind robot performs a sequence of actions
without responding to changes in its environment
or being able to detect and correct errors in its
own plan.
21 AI: History & Application
Machine Learning(1)
Herbert Simon defines learning as any change in
a system that allows it to perform better the
second time on repetition of the same task or on
another task drawn from the same population.
Programs learn on their own, either from
experience, analogy, and examples or by being
told what to do.
22 AI: History & Application
Machine Learning(2)
What it is
Inducing a model from examples
What to do
Memorizing patterns
Generalizing the patterns

Well-known techniques
Nave Bayesian
Hidden Markov Model
Maximum Entropy Model
Decision Tree
Support Vector Model
23 AI: History & Application
Neural Nets and Genetic
Algorithms (1)
Neurally inspired models, also known as PDP or connectionist
systems, hold that intelligence arises in systems of simple,
interacting components(biological or artificial neurons)
through a process of learning or adaptation by which the
connections between components are adjusted.
Neural architectures are appealing as mechanisms for
implementing intelligence for a number of reasons.
Neural architectures seem to have more potential for partially
matching noisy and incomplete data.
Neural architectures are also more robust because knowledge is
distributed somewhat uniformly around the network.
Neural architectures also provide a natural model for parallelism.
24 AI: History & Application
Neural Nets and Genetic
Algorithms (3)
With genetic algorithms and artificial life we
evolve new problem solutions from components
of previous solutions.
For each new generation, the genetic operators,
such as crossover and mutation, work to produce
ever better potential problem solutions.
Artificial life produces its new generation as a
function of the quality of its neighbors in
previous generations.
25 AI: History & Application
Features of Artificial
1. The use of computers to do symbolic reasoning,
pattern recognition, learning, or some other form
of inference.
2. A focus on problems that do not respond to
algorithmic solutions. Rely on heuristic search as
an AI problem-solving technique.
3. A concern with problem solving using inexact,
missing, or poorly defined information.
4. Reasoning about the significant qualitative
features of a situation.
26 AI: History & Application
Features of Artificial
5. An attempt to deal with issues of semantic
meaning as well as syntactic form.
6. Answers that are neither exact nor optimal, but
are in some sense sufficient.
7. The use of large amounts of domain-specific
knowledge in solving problems.
8. The use of meta-level knowledge to effect more
sophisticated control of problem solving

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