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Experimental Research

Research Process and Design
Spring 2006
Class 6

Research Process and Design (Umbach) 2
Todays objectives
To answer any questions you have
To understand the characteristics, strengths
and weaknesses of experimental research
To explore the various experimental designs
To apply knowledge in an activity and to your
group project

Research Process and Design (Umbach) 3
Experimental Research
make causal inferences about the relationship between the
independent and dependent variables
rule out rival hypotheses
True (randomized) experimental
Research Process and Design (Umbach) 4
Characteristics of Experimental
Statistical equivalence of subject in different
groups (usually by random assignment)
Comparison of 2 or more groups
Manipulation of at least 1 IV
Measurement of DVs
Inferential statistics
Maximum control of extraneous variables

Research Process and Design (Umbach) 5
Experimental ResearchStrengths and
The only designs capable of examining causal relationships
High degree of control of extraneous variables
Direct manipulation of an independent variable
High levels of control needed for assuring internal validity
mean very restrictive manipulated conditions which in turn
imply low external validity
High levels of external validity mean little control and thus
low internal validity
Not possible in many situations
Research Process and Design (Umbach) 6
R Random assignment
O Observation
X Treatment condition (may have
subscripts to denote different treatments)
A, B, C, D, E, F Groups of subjects
Research Process and Design (Umbach) 7
One group posttest only
Internal: history, maturation, selection, mortality
External: interaction of selection and x
One group pretest posttest
Internal: history, maturation, selection, mortality
External: interaction of selection and x; interaction of testing
and x
Single group interrupted time series
Internal: history, maturation, selection, mortality
External: interaction of selection and x; interaction of testing
and x

Research Process and Design (Umbach) 8
Non-equivalent groups posttest only
Non-equivalent groups posttest only control
Non-equivalent groups posttest only comparison
Internal: history, maturation, selection, mortality
External: interaction of selection and x
Non-equivalent groups pretest-posttest
Non-equivalent groups pretest-posttest control
Non-equivalent groups pretest-posttest comparison
Non-equivalent groups pretest-posttest
Internal: history, maturation, selection, mortality, pre-test
External: interaction of selection and x

Research Process and Design (Umbach) 9
True Experimental
Pretest-posttest control group
Pretest-posttest comparison group
Pretest-posttest control/comparison group
Posttest only control group
Posttest only comparison group
Posttest only control/comparison group
Solomon four-group design

Research Process and Design (Umbach) 10
Single-Subject Designs
AB designs
ABA or ABAB designs
Multiple baseline designs
Multiple baselines across behaviors
Multiple baselines across situations
Multiple baselines across individuals

Research Process and Design (Umbach) 11
Discussion questions (Steele and
What constructs are they studying?
How are they measuring the constructs?
Who are they studying?
What design have they employed?
What did they find?
How have they controlled for
extraneous/confounding variables?
What are the threats to internal and external validity
How might they have improved the study?
Research Process and Design (Umbach) 12
Activity 1
Divide into groups of three
Each group will be assigned a design
True experimental
Re-design Antonio et al. by applying your
assigned design. Be specific.
What threats to internal and external validity
should be considered?

Research Process and Design (Umbach) 13
Activity 2
Design a study using 2 of the research
designs described in todays class.
What are the implications of each design?
What are the pros and cons of each

Research Process and Design (Umbach) 14
For next week
Methods section and research design
Creswell Ch. 9
Gall, Borg, & Gall Ch. 13

Reminder: Outline of literature review due in 2
weeks (one per group)

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