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Building Choices

for the
Sex industry strategic planning, culture
and inclusion

Collaborate with us!!

Systematic removal of safe work

Years Number of homicides
1960-1964 0
1965-1969 0
1970-1974 0
1975-1979 3
1980-1984 8
1985-1989 22
1990-1994 24
1995-1999 55

A system of voluntary Professional
Educating Sex Consumers and promoting
ethical purchasing habits.
Licensing/ By Law Revisions
Foreign/ Non Canadian Sex Industry
Under aged/ Youth engaged in sex work

Sex Industry Review Boards
By-law enforcement
Vancouver VICE division
Community Consultation
Weighing the pros and cons
Street entrenched workers
Final Recommendations
That a process of professional accreditation be
That the professional accreditation processes
be made language accessible and low barrier
That professional accreditation be required for
all employees in a sex industry business
That the City of Vancouver By-laws are
revised and respect the safety and inclusion of
sex industry workers

That the body rub license become the license
of choice over health enhancement center.
That a Sex Industry Review Board be created
That accountability mechanisms are created.
That a system of penalties is created
That licensing not be required of individual
workers or small collectives of 2 or 3 workers
That provisions are made to accommodate
migrant or foreign workers
That youth be given access to the program
It was like- bang crash- and I was on the
groundI looked up to see 5 guns pointed
at my head, my husband also on the ground
and my son.with a gun pointed at him.

My friend thought .....
this is the guy who is going to kill me
Why Cooperative?
Durbar Mahila Samanywa

Women s
Hate crimes

Physically being beaten, raped or assaulted by
dates, pimps and drugs dealers
Being ignored, belittled, humiliated, sworn at,
shunned by police and public for being a dirty
ho, crack whore, or slut
Having items thrown at them from vehicles-
(very common)

Overwhelmingly sex workers agreed,
violence against us is a hate crime.
This puts our violent experiences
into a deeper context.
Violence against our population is
done with specific intent to cause
harm due our social identity and
compounded by our sheer
Human Rights for Sex Workers
Hold the perpetrators responsible.
We are no longer willing to die
quietly, we will stand up to those
who promote sex industry hatred and
hold accountable all who would harm
us with complacency.
Article 2
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms,
set forth in this Declaration without distinction of
any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language,
religion, political or other opinion, national or
social origin, property, birth or other status.

Further more, no distinction shall be made on the
basis of the political, jurisdictional, or international
status of the country or territory to which a person
belongs whether it be independent, trust, non self
governing, or under other limitation of sovereignty.

Article 5
Nothing in the present covenant may be
interpreted as implying for any state, group or person
any right to engage in any activity or perform any act
aimed at the destruction of the rights and freedoms
recognized herein or at their limitation to a greater
extent than is provided for in the present covenant.
Article 20
Any advocacy of national, racial, religious hatred
that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility
or violence shall be prohibited by law.
Article 23
Everyone has the right to work, to free choice
of employment, to just and favourable
conditions of work and to protection against
Everyone has the right to form trade unions for
the protections of his interests.

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