Language Fundamentals

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Objectives of this course

To get a thorough knowledge of Core java

To get an experience of SCJP exam through
mock tests
To motivate the students to appear for java
certification exam
The Java programmer exam covers:
Declaration and Access control
Flow control and exception handling
Garbage collection
Language fundamentals
Operators and assignments
Overloading, Overriding Runtime type and
object Orientation
The java.awt package---layout
The java.lang package
The java.util package
Briefly about the SCJP2 exam
The Programmer exam (SCPJ2) exam is multiple
choice examination, testing the candidates knowledge
of the java language and its usage
To appear for the test, one has to obtain an
examination voucher from Sun Educational services
after paying the examination fee at any of the
registered testing centers.
The exam consists of 72 questions which have to be
answered in 210 minutes.
Immediately after the exam is over, the candidate is
indicated whether he/she has passed or failed.
Those passing the exam will immediately receive a
temporary certificate.

Topics that will be covered today
Fundamentals of java programming
Various data types and their characteristics
Basic structure of a java program
Objects and their creation

Basics of Java Programming
Classes- Abstraction is an important concept of object oriented languages which is
implemented through an entity called Class. Everything in Java must be
encapsulated in a class. Thus Java is a truly object oriented language.

Objects- The classes are instantiated through objects. In Java objects are
manipulated through object references or simply references. The process of creating
objects in Java involves the following steps:

Declaration of reference variable to store the reference to an object

Syntax: classname reference-variable-name

Creating an object
This involves use of new operator, together with a call to a method of a class
called constructor of class

syntax: reference-variable-name= new class-name()

The new keyword returns a reference to a new instance of a class.
Each object has a unique identity and has its own copy of variables declared in the
class definition

The declaration and instantiation can also be
combined in one statement as:

A a1= new A(10);

A reference provides a handle to the object created
and stored in memory.
An object can have several references created
through aliasing
A a1= new A(10);
A b1= new A();
b1=a1; // alias

Object reference
new operator
Constructor of
class A
After aliasing, the object referenced
by b1 initially is free and can be
garbage collected
Instance members- Each object created will
have its own instance of member variables and
methods defined in a class. The values of the
variables in an object comprise its state. Two
distinct objects can have same state if their
variables have same values.
Static members- There are cases when certain
members should only belong to the class, and
not be part of any object created from the class.
A static variable is initialized when the class is
loaded at runtime. Similarly a class can have
static methods that belong only to the class and
not to any objects of the class. Static variables
are declared with keyword static in their
For example:
You have a class car and two objects: c1 and c2

C1 has member variables: color
C2 also has member variables : color
If for C1, color=red and no_of_gear=2, this represents the state of C1 only
and has nothing to do with C2. Such variables which are associated with a
particular object rather than a class as a whole, are called instance
variables as they belong to an instance of car class
Similarly, if we have a variable type_of_engine and it holds some value for
car class rather than for C1 and C2. Such a variable is called static variable
and its value will be same for both the objects. If any object changes the
value of static variable, that change will be visible to both the objects

Local variables- Variables that are declared
inside a function in a class are called local
variables of that function and their scope is
limited to that function in which they are

Types of Java programs

Two types of programs are there in Java
Standalone programs
A standalone Java application is a source code
compiled and directly executed. In order to
create a standalone application in java,
program must define a class with a special
method called main().
Applets are java programs that must be run in
other applications such as web browsers. The
appletviewer provided with JDK can be used to
test applets
Java Source File Structure
A Java source File structure has the following
elements specified in the following order:
An optional package declaration to indicate the
package name in which classes of the program
are included. If no package is indicated, all the
classes are included in a default package.
Zero or more import statements included to
import particular package or for importing a
particular class of a package.
Any number of class and interface definitions.
The class and interface can be defined in any

Compiling and running a standalone Program
Java is a compiled and interpreted language. Thus a
program created in java is first compiled by a java
compiler. The command to compile a java program is :
filename has to be the name of the class with main()
After compilation, the machine independent Byte code
is created which is represented by a .class file.
This byte code is further interpreted by a java
interpreter. The interpreter is called the Java Virtual
machine or JVM which is contained in JDK. The
command to invoke java interpreter is
java filename No extensions as it is machine
independent code

The java interpreter executes a method called main in
class specified on the command line. This is the
standard way in which a standalone application is

public static void main(String ar[]){

The public accessibility with main function signifies that
this function is accessible to every class. static
denotes that this function belong to class and not to
an object. void signifies that main function does not
return any value. By default, the main function takes
an array of String class objects as argument. The
values are given to the array from command line
Key points of a java program
There can be any number of classes in a Java
program but there can be only one public class
that will contain the main function.
The name of the Java program has to be the
same as the name of the class containing the
main function with the extension . java
Java is a case sensitive language
By default, in Java API(Application programming
interface), each class name starts with a capital
letter and package name starts with a small
Each class in the Java program is compiled into
its separate class file
Language Building Blocks
Like any other programming language, Java
language is also defined by grammar rules that
specify how syntactically legal constructs can be
formed using the language elements.
identifiers- A name in a program is called an
identifier. Identifiers can be used to denote
classes, methods and variables.
In Java identifier is composed of a sequence of
characters, where each character can be either a
letter, a digit , a connecting punctuation
(underscore) or any currency symbol and cannot
start with a digit

Keywords are reserved identifiers that are
predefined in a language and cannot be used to
denote other entities.

Keywords in Java
Reserved keywords not currently in use
const goto
Reserved literals in Java
null true false

Literals- A literal denotes a constant value.This
value can be numerical value (integer or float),
a character value, a boolean or a string.In
addition there is a null literal to denote the null
Integer literals- Integer data types are
composed of following primitive types:
byte ,short, int and long
The default type of an integer literal is int but it
can be specified as long by appending the
suffix l(or L) to the integer value.
No suffix is required for a short or a byte literal
Octal and hexadecimal numbers- In addition to
decimal number system, integer literals can
also be specified in octal(base 8) and
hexadecimal(base 16) number systems
In Java , octal and hexadecimal numbers are
specified with 0 and 0x prefix respecitvely.
Floating point literal- Floating point data types
come in two flavors:
float and double
Default type of a floating point literal is
double. A floating point literal can be declared
as float by adding a suffix f(or F) at the end.
Boolean literal- boolean truth values are
indicated by keywords true and false.
Character literal- A character literal is indicated
by enclosing the character in single quotes( )
Escape sequences- Certain escape sequences
define special character values
String literals-A string literal is a sequence of
characters which must be quoted in quotation
marks ().
White spaces- Sequence of spaces, tabs and
line terminator characters. A java program is a
free form sequence of characters

Comments- three types of comments are there
in Java
Single line //
Multiple-line /* */
A documentation comment /** */ ---used by
javadoc facility to generate HTML documentation
of the program
Primitive data types-
Integer---byte, short, int and long . All are
signed integers
Character --- char data type represents the
character .Represents the symbols in unicode
character set.
Floating point types:
float and double
Boolean type- datatype boolean represents the
truth values true and false
The above given are the atomic data types and
are not objects. Each primitive data type has its
own wrapper class that can be used to
represent the primitive as an object
Variable declarations Variables in Java come
in three forms
Instance variables- That are members of a
class and are instantiated for each object of the
Static variables- Also members of a class but
these are not instantiated for any object and
therefore belong to the class
Local variables( or automatic variables)-
declared in methods, in blocks and are
instantiated for each invocation of the method
or block.
Declaration of a variable- A variable stores
value of a datatype.
int a;

int a=10;

In objects, these variables are called reference
variables as they store reference or handle to
an object
Name of variable
Declaration of variable
Declaration and initialization of variable
Range of integer/real and character values
Float and double data type represents three additional constants. The special value
NaN called Not a Number that occurs as the result of undefined mathematical
representing infinity values in positive and negative direction.
The range of character is 0 to 2
Wrapper classes- Wrapper classes for primitive
data types are found in java.lang package. For
each primitive data type , there is a
corresponsing wrapper class. All the wrapper
classes of integers (Byte, Short, Integer, and
Long) and for floating point numbers (Float and
Double)are subclasses of the java.lang.Number
Initial values for variables- The default values
for the member variables of a class are
boolean false
char \u0000
integer(byte,short,int,long) 0
Floating point(float, double) 0.0F or 0.0D
Object reference null
Key points for variable initialization
Static variables are initialized to default values
when class is loaded, if they are not initialized
instance variables are also initialized to default
values when class is instantiated, if they are not
Local variables are not initialized by default
and have to be explicitly initialized before
use, else the compiler will complain that the
variable is not initialized.
Local reference variables are also not initialized
by default and have to be explicitly initialized
before use, else the compiler will throw

A simple Java Program to print hello on screen
class A
static int k;
int i;
public static void main(String ar[])
int j=12;
System.out.println(hello +j);
Static member variable
Non-static member variable
Local variable
Member method
Name of the class
A predefined
An object of
Method of
String argument of
println method

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