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Curriculum and Evaluation in

Science Education

Curriculum Studies
Concepts of Curriculum. Purposes of Curriculum.
The Meaning of Curriculum, The Five
Concurrent Curricula, A Curriculum Framework,
Curriculum Analysis.
Lecture 1 - TSP6023
What is curriculum?
What is the purpose of curriculum study?

Lecture 1 - TSP6023
Definition of curriculum

Content ,standards or objectives
Set of instructional strategies teachers plan to
Plan, process, strategies and outcomes

Evaluation ?
Lecture 1 - TSP6023
Posner (2004) looks at the 7 common concepts of
1. Scope and sequence
2. Syllabus
3. Content Outline
4. Standards
5. Textbooks
6. Course of Study
7. Planned experiences

Lecture 1 - TSP6023
1. Scope and sequence
A set of intended learning outcomes
Learning outcomes in each level/form
Grouped as topics, themes
Blue-print for instruction and evaluation
The depiction of curriculum as a matrix of
objectives assigned to succesive grade level
(i.e. sequence) and group according to a
common theme (i.e. scope)

Lecture 1 - TSP6023
2. Syllabus

A plan of the entire course include
rationale, topics, resources and evaluation
Include goals and rationale, topics
covered, resources used, assignment given
and evaluation strategies recommended
Also include learning objective, learning
activities and study question

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3. Content Outline

Content of instruction is also the curriculum
A list of topics covered organized in outline

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4. Standards
Guide for school/teacher on what students
must and should acquire
Describe a process to achieve the LO
Does not neccesarily prescribe teaching
A list of knowledge and skills required by all
students upon completion.

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5. Textbooks
Day to day guide
Guide for outcomes and classroom
Provide content without guidance
Focus on instructional system such as
teachers guide, workbook, test or exercises.

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6. Course of Study

A series of courses that student must get
through to graduate
Students must complete all
The metaphor : education is a journey with
an intended destination

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7. Planned experiences

Curriculum is not about documents
the experiences that the children acquired is
as important as the content they learn
All experiences are planned by the school
whether academic, athletic, emotional or

Lecture 1 - TSP6023
(Posner, 2004)

There are actually 5 concurrent that must be
considered by any curriculum planners
Concurrent means that all 5 curriculum exist
within the a course.
Official, operational, hidden, null and extra-

Lecture 1 - TSP6023
1. Official Curriculum
Written and documented curriculum scope &
sequence, syllabi, curriculum guide, course
outlines, standards and list of objectives
Give teacher basis for planning lessons and
evaluating students
Give administrator basis for supervising
teachers and hold teachers accountable

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2. Operational Curriculum

What is actually taught by teacher
Communicate to the students about the curriculum
Aspects that must be considered
What to teach?
Learning Outcomes (LO) or standards fare
What is tested? - Tests must match the LOs!
May differ from Official because teacher tends to
intepret it in the light of their own knowledge, beliefs,
and attitudes.
Students highly influence by the operational

Lecture 1 - TSP6023
3. Hidden Curriculum

Not acknowledged to student
But have a greater impact on to students
Involve norms and values including gender
and race issues.
Lesson in hidden curriculum could include
sex education, drug abuse and addiction,
anti-corruption or whatever problems faced
by the society
Good behaviour

Lecture 1 - TSP6023
4. Null curriculum

About why certain subject-matter not taught
and why they should be considered by
curriculum designers
Why not psychology, sex education, traffic
law, foreign language,
Null curriculum are not fixed

Lecture 1 - TSP6023
5. Extra-curriculum (co-curriculum)

All planned experiences out of the school
Normally involves what students are
interested in
Not hidden well acknowledged
Sport, societies, uniform bodies

Lecture 1 - TSP6023
Extra-curriculum (c0-curriculum)
i.All planned experiences out of the school curriculum
ii.Normally involves what students are interested in
iii.Not hidden well acknowledged
iv.Sport, societies, uniform bodies
Curriculum Analysis

Break down curriculum into components
Examines each component
See how they fit into the whole picture
Identify the belief and ideas to which the
developers were committed
Examine implication
Ensure quality education
Dominant framework to analyse a curriculum -
the Tyler Rationale (later)
Common procedure when planning a
Lecture 1 - TSP6023
Why do a curriclum analysis?

For curriculum selection
For curriculum adaptation
When selecting/adapting important to
determine whether the curriculum is
Eg: reading difficulties, quality of the graphics,
factual accuracy of the content and the amount
of maths required
How valid is the curriculum for the class, school
national system
Lecture 1 - TSP6023
Curriculum Planning Tylers Four
Questions Tyler Rationale

1. What educational purposes should school seek to
For learners
For subject matter specialists
Psychology of learning

2. What educational experiences can be provided that
are likely to attain these purposes?
Check experiences for consistency
Check objectives

Lecture 1 - TSP6023
3. How can these experiences be effectively organised?
Experiences of several experts build one over the other so that
students understand the relationship between what they learn
in various field
Emphasis/attention should be to the sequence and integration
of knowledge across knowledge (merentasi kurikulum)
For example : skills and values should be spread out across
the curriculum

4. How can we determine whether these purposes are being
Determine evaluation instruments test, work samples,
questionaires and school records
Must be develop to determine the effectiveness of the
Criterion for success is also from behavioral evidence skills
NOT entirely cognitive

Lecture 1 - TSP6023

Finally schooling its main purpose is to
promote or produce learning

Tyler Rationale to answer procedural question
of curriculum

Curriculum planning - develop the means
necessary to produce the desired LO.

Lecture 1 - TSP6023

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