Tips For Caregivers 2009 h1n1 Flu Presentation 97-03

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2009 H1N1 Flu

Berks County Pandemic

Advisory Council
Berks County Pandemic Advisory Council
• BCPAC is an organization composed of Berks County
stakeholders from different parts of the community who have
come together to plan for the next pandemic.

• The organization first came together in late August of 2007

• The Council is divided into 7 sub-groups which include:

▫ business
▫ communication
▫ educational institutions
▫ health services
▫ security
▫ transportation
▫ volunteers
I. What is H1N1?
I. What is a pandemic?
II. How does it spread?
III. Who is at high risk?
IV. Symptoms
V. Emergency warning signs
VI. Prevention
II. Tips for Caregivers
III. 2009 H1N1 Flu: Situation Update
What is H1N1 (Swine Flu)?
• H1N1 is an influenza virus which was first
detected in people in the United States in April
• This virus is spreading from person to person, the
same way that the regular seasonal influenza
viruses spread.
What is a Pandemic?
• Pandemic influenza refers to a worldwide outbreak of
influenza among people when a new strain of the virus
emerges that has the ability to infect humans and to spread
from person to person.
• During the early phases of an influenza pandemic, people might
not have any natural immunity to the new strain; so the disease
would spread rapidly among the population.
How the Flu Spreads
• Influenza spreads from person to
person in respiratory droplets of
coughs and sneezes.

• Droplets from a cough or sneeze of

an infected person can be propelled
through the air and deposited on
the mouth or nose of people

• Viruses may also be spread when a

person touches respiratory droplets
on another person or an object and
then touches their own mouth or
nose or someone else’s mouth or
nose before washing their hands.
People at “High Risk”
• Pregnant women

• Household contacts and caregivers for

children younger than 6 months of age

• Healthcare and emergency medical services


• All people from 6 months through 24 years

of age

• Persons aged 25 through 64 years who have

health conditions associated with higher
risk of medical complications from
Symptoms of H1N1
• Fever
• Cough
• Sore throat
• Runny or stuffy nose
• Body aches
• Headache
• Chills and fatigue
• Diarrhea and vomiting.
Emergency Warning Signs in Adults
• Difficulty breathing or • Flu-like symptoms
shortness of breath improve but then
return with fever and
• Pain or pressure in the worse cough
chest or abdomen

• Sudden dizziness

• Confusion

• Severe or persistent
Emergency Warning Signs in Children
• Fast breathing or trouble • Flu-like symptoms
breathing improve but then return
with fever and worse
• Bluish or gray skin color cough

• Not drinking enough fluids

• Severe or persistent vomiting

• Not waking up or not


• Being so irritable that the

child does not want to be held
6 Easy Prevention Strategies:
Cover your Cough!
Sneeze in your sleeve!
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or
2009 H1N1 Influenza Vaccine &
Seasonal Flu Shot!
Stay Home if you are sick
2009 H1N1 Influenza Vaccine
• The 2009 H1N1 vaccine is expected to be available in the
• The seasonal flu vaccine is not expected to protect
against the 2009 H1N1 flu.
• It is anticipated that seasonal flu and 2009 H1N1
vaccines may be administered on the same day.
However, the seasonal vaccine is expected to be available
earlier than the H1N1 vaccine.
Who Should Not Be Vaccinated for
the Flu:
• People with a severe allergy to chicken eggs
• People who have had a severe reaction to a flu vaccine
• People who have developed Guillain-Barre syndrome within 6
weeks of a flu vaccine
• Children less than 6 months old
• People who currently are sick with a fever should wait until well
to get vaccinated
• If you have severe illness or are at high risk for flu complications,
contact your health care provider or seek medical care.
• There are two influenza antiviral medications that are recommended
for use against H1N1:
 Oseltamivir (Tamiflu)
Zanamivir (Relenza)

• Asprin or asprin-containing products should not be administered

to any confirmed or suspected ill case of H1N1 aged 18 years or
younger due to the risk of further complications.
• For fever relief other anti-pyretic medications are recommended
such as acetaminophen or non steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs. (Tylenol, Advil or Motrin)
Tips For Caregivers
1. Wash hands with soap and water–or use an alcohol-based hand
sanitizer–after you touch the person, used tissues, utensils or their bed
2. Do your best to avoid face-to-face (less than 3 feet away) contact.
3. Hold young children with their chins on your shoulder to avoid coughs
in your face.
4. Talk with your healthcare provider about your taking antiviral
medication to prevent infection.
5. If you are pregnant or in a group considered at high risk of
complications from H1N1, try to avoid being the primary caregiver in
the home if at all possible.
6. If possible, sick persons should be kept in a room apart from other
family members and use a separate bathroom. This bathroom should
be cleaned daily with household disinfectant.
Cleaning Methods When a Sick Person Is
in Your Home
• Clean bedside tables, bathrooms, doorknobs, kitchen counters
and children’s toys daily with a household disinfectant.
• Linens, utensils and dishes used by the sick person do not need
to be washed separately, but should not be shared prior to
• Avoid hugging bed linens before laundering to prevent
becoming contaminated, and tumble dry on the hot setting.
Wash hands immediately after handling dirty laundry.
• The CDC has stated that several germicides, including: chlorine,
hydrogen peroxide, soap, iodine-based antiseptics and alcohol
are effective against human influenza viruses.
Using Facemasks and Respirators
• Surgical masks can help decrease the spread
of H1N1 in certain situations. PADOH
suggests considering them for home use
only in specific situations, including:
▫ Uninfected people who are at high-risk for
complications from H1N1 who must come
in close contact with an infected person.
▫ Caregivers helping a sick person with
nebulizer or inhaler respiratory
• Used facemasks should be immediately
placed in the trash after use and not saved
for re-use. Clean hands after use.
H1N1 Situation Update
• Each week CDC analyzes information about influenza disease activity in
the United States and publishes findings of key flu indicators in a report
called FluView.
• During the week of September 20-26, 2009, a review of the key indicators
found that influenza activity remained elevated in the United States.
FluView week of September 20-26, 2009
• Visits to doctors for influenza-like illness continued to increase in some
areas of the country, and overall, are higher than levels expected for this
time of the year.

• Total influenza hospitalization rates for laboratory-confirmed influenza

are higher than expected for this time of year for adults and children.
And for children 5-17 and adults 18-49 years of age, hospitalization
rates from April – September 2009 exceed average flu season rates (for
October through April).

• The proportion of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza (P&I)

based on the 122 Cities Report was low and within the bounds of what is
expected at this time of year. However, 60 pediatric deaths related to
2009 H1N1 flu have been reported to CDC since April 2009, including
11 deaths reported this week.
FluView week of September 20-26, 2009
• Twenty-seven states are reporting widespread influenza activity at
this time. They are: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California,
Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas,
Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Mexico,
North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Tennessee,
Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming. Any reports of widespread
influenza activity in September are very unusual.

• Almost all of the influenza viruses identified so far are 2009 H1N1
influenza A viruses. These viruses remain similar to the virus chosen
for the 2009 H1N1 vaccine, and remain susceptible to the antiviral
Total U.S. Hospitalizations and Deaths
from August 30 – September 19
Cases Defined by Hospitalizations Deaths

Influenza and Pneumonia 12,863 1,197

Influenza Laboratory- 3,311 182
Totals 16,174 1,379

*Reports can be based on syndromic, admission or discharge data, or a combination of data elements that could include
laboratory-confirmed and influenza-like illness hospitalizations.
**Laboratory confirmation includes any positive influenza test (rapid influenza tests, RT-PCR, DFA, IFA, or culture), whether
or not typing was done.
This table is based on data from a new influenza and pneumonia hospitalizations and deaths web-based reporting system that
will be used to monitor trends in activity. This is the first week of data from this new system and reflects reports by 42 of 56
states and territories. The table shows aggregate reports of all influenza and pneumonia-associated hospitalizations and deaths
(including 2009 H1N1 and seasonal flu) since August 30, 2009 received by CDC from U.S. states and territories. This table will
be updated weekly each Friday at 11am. For the 2009-2010 influenza season, states are reporting based on new case
definitions for hospitalizations and deaths effective August 30, 2009.
Be Smart. Be Prepared.
For More Information:
• Please Contact the Berks County Pandemic
Advisory Council at:
▫ Email:
▫ Phone: (610) 374-4800 Ext. 8289
▫ Website:

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