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The name of group :

Rasti junianty
Rahmadani riana alwan
Raguan tumbulawa
Restu ardhiana dewi
Rita ayomi

Chicken pox is a disease that once upon time often
reffered to with a curse disease from the prince nature
that affected the great that his realm including Europe,
Africa and asia hit by disease , while carrying out a
missin of conquest to india.
By keeping the health and condition of the body which
are the most excellent prevention effective in
preventing this virus the active.


Smallpox as a disease caused acute by carisela-zoster
ahighly contagious virus is generally acute regarding
children, marked a sudden fever, skin eruption, and
malese be makulopurara few hours later turn into
vesicles for 3 to 4 days and can leave a scab.
Epidemiological spread kosmopolit, striking mainly
children can also adults. Transmisi this diseaseby
aerogen. The transmission is more or less 7 days on the
countdown from the onset of symptoms of disease.


Symptoms begin to occur 10 to 20 days often being
infected. In children the age of about 19 years were first is
a headache, fever and feeling of being unwell. Symptom
not found in children below 10 years of age and will be a
severe symptoms if attacking older children. 24-36 hours
after the first symptoms appear early rashes on the body
an then spread to the face, hands, and feet.


Rhere are two of treatment :
Home remedies with chcken pox are intended to relieve to
symptoms that can be done :
Break to taste
Bathing with warm woteror cold water 3-4 hours on the first
day to reduce itching.
Giving lotion calamine to relieve itching
Given the powder wet or drypowder containing 2% or salisil
menthol 1-2%.
For small children on recommend to wear gloves
Keep clean hands
Nails in the short cut
Clothes dry and clean

As for medical treatment can do using :
Paracetamol to redusefever
Antibiotic, if there is a bacterial infection
Anti-virus medication acyclovir if her case more than two
years or a teenager
Anti-virus vidarabin


Smallpox as a disease caused acute by is carisela-zoster
ahighly contagious virus is generally acute regarding children,
marked a sudden fever, skin eruption, and malese be
makulopurara few hours later turn into vesicles for 3 to 4 days
and can leave a scab.
Epidemiological spread kosmopolit, striking mainly children
can also adults. Taransmisi this diseaseby aerogen. The
transmission is more or less 7 days on the countdown from
the onset of symptoms of disease

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