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EXAM: Friday 23 May (am)

Write down at least 3 Dos and 3 Donts for
the exam
How is age/gender/ethnicity/ issues/ events
PEE structure
POINT: Ethnicity (Area of representation) is
represented through (micro element).
EVIDENCE: What you DENOTE and What it
EXPLAIN: An explanation of how this
subverts/conforms or reinforces stereotypes
- Theory
- Debates
Good answer?
Snoops ethnicity is represented by
cinematography and depth of field.
The shallow focused close up on Snoops face
connotes she is dominant within the scene.
This subverts stereotypical representations of
a young black woman who would normally be
portrayed as more insignificant within a scene
with a white man but here she is showing
confidence and is superior within the scene.
Good answer?
Snoops ethnicity is represented by cinematography
and depth of field.
The shallow focused close up on Snoops face connotes
she is dominant within the scene.
This subverts stereotypical representations of a young
black woman who would normally be portrayed as
more insignificant within a scene with a white man but
here she is showing confidence and is superior within
the scene.

Analysis terminology
Technical terminology

PEE structure
Ethnicity is represented through mise en scene.
Omars costume of a casual black and red
baseball jacket juxtaposes with the white smart
tie he puts around his neck before entering
This mockery of a conformist attitude to dress
smartly before a judge signifies that he is
rebelling and reinforces the stereotypical
representation of black people behaving badly.
Any questions?

Teen Drama
This clip of Skins involves a Muslim father being
told that his sons friend, Maxxie, is gay.

It is typical for people who are a part of the
Muslim culture to be against homosexuality,
therefore in this clip it is expected that the
Muslim family would not take well to the fact
that Maxxie is gay.

AGE - Chris who is a white character in the clip
appears and he uses language which is typical
for a white teenager, using bad language.

Do you think hegemony is challenged in this
clip? Are the dominant beliefs challenged?


Hegemony is challenged in this clip regarding
ethnicity as it challenges they typical Muslim
belief about homosexuality.

Is hegemony challenged?
It goes against the stereotype that Muslims
are completely against homosexuals. The
dominant group seems to be Muslims as there
are more of those characters. The
subordinate is the English character.
Hegemony is challenged as the belief of the
dominant group is that homosexuality is
wrong, however the character seems to go
against this view.


Poster adverts for Channel 4
programme purpose?

Ethnicity is represented through.
Mise-en-scene Feral Boy
Gesture - Aggressive
Anchorage Tag line
Shot type Close up
Language Gypsier

This conforms/ subverts the
stereotypical representations of.

Theory? Gramsci and Hegemony
Although Channel 4 remit is to show programmes that have diversity, the
representation of ethnicity in the advert play the hegemonic function of reinforcing
dominant values.

This could enforce prejudicial views against the gypsy and traveller community
and likely to cause serious offence to some members of the subordinate group.

Rep of women/Issues
Women? Sexualisation of children?

Tessa Perkins Some truth?
It also ruled that
Channel 4 acted
irresponsibly by
depicting a child
- one of the two
young teenagers
pictured in low-
cut tops - in a
sexualised way.

Ethnicity - Heavily made-up, wearing low cut tops,
combined with the strapline and in particular the word
"Gypsier", the ad implied that appearance is highly
representative of the gypsy and traveller community in a
way that irresponsibly endorsed that prejudicial view.
Women - This CONFORMS TO THE stereotypical
representations of young women who are often portrayed
within the narrow set of representations in the media.
Sex object - Theory Laura Mulvey
Although Post feminist view - changes in society femininity
stronger/ independent think spice girls!
Reinforces patriarchal society media like most industry is
male dominated
Debate Does channel 4 have an obligation to present
minorities positively PSB codes of practice.
Tessa Perkins said there is some truth in stereotypes.

Two adverts for Channel 4's My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding have been banned as offensive and
The ruling, from advertising watchdog the Advertising Standards Authority, is a partial
reversal of a decision earlier this year.
But the ASA, on advice from the Equality and Human Rights Commission, decided the
adverts featuring the young boy and the low-cut top-wearing teenagers could enforce
prejudicial views against the gypsy and traveller community and were likely to cause serious
offence to some members.
It also ruled that Channel 4 acted irresponsibly by depicting a child - one of the two young
teenagers pictured in low-cut tops - in a sexualised way.
"We noted that the boy in the image was shown in close-up and had his lips pursed in a
manner that we considered was likely to be seen as aggressive," the ASA said in a
"We considered that negative image, when combined with the strapline which suggested
that such behaviour was "Gypsier", would be interpreted by many members of the gypsy
and traveller communities and some of the wider public to mean that aggressive behaviour
was typical of the younger members of the gypsy and traveller community.
It said of the ad featuring the two teenagers: "We understood that the photo was an accurate
depiction of how the young women had chosen to dress for the occasion at which they had
been photographed and we considered that it was clear that they were dressed for a night
"However, we noted that they were heavily made-up and wearing low cut tops and we
considered that, when combined with the strapline and in particular the word "Gypsier",
the ad implied that appearance was highly representative of the gypsy and traveller
community in a way that irresponsibly endorsed that prejudicial view."
It said that Channel 4 "acted irresponsibly" because, even though the girl on the right of the
poster was wearing an outfit she had chosen herself, she was 15 when the picture was taken.

Harry Brown trailer
practice answer
practice writing PERFECT PEEs in response to
your example

Include LOTS of evidence/terminology, analyse
well and link to the area of representation

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