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Eclectic Approach

Approach that does not hold rigidly to a single
paradigm or set of assumptions, but instead
draws upon multiple theories, styles or ideas
to gain complementary insights into a subject
The usage of multiple teaching styles in a
discriminating manner
The use of a variety of language learning
activities which have different characteristics
and may be motivated by underlying
Limited number of techniques will not give
any benefits to the students in learning
Role of Teacher
Here we are adopting the role of teacher roughly equal to CLT.
We consider teacher as a facilitator: who facilitates the learner,
as a guide: who guides the students, as a slightly higher rank
official: who uses his authority to conduct the class and make
the process of teaching and learning systematic.
Role of Learner
Learner is seen by us as the center of teaching learning
activities. His participation is very important. So teacher will
always try to involve the learners. As well as the learner's role
in class should be cooperative and they will be allowed to
communicate, self correct each other and ask questions about
the substance provided for teaching learning activities.
Application of the principle:
Addressing the issues of learners needs and styles
Teacher can develop a needs analysis which can be
used to develop the course syllabus
Combination of a variety sources
communicative approach (opinion gap)
lexical approach (lexical chunk in reading text)
structural-situational approach (establishing a
context for the presentation of new structures)
Advantages of an eclectic method
the usage of a variety of methods and approaches
increases the changes of learning to take place
teacher can use different methods to hold students attention
different learning/ teaching contexts require different
awareness of range of available techniques will help teachers
to exploit materials better and manage unexpected situations

Inter language skills
a scale of languages that fit the level of students language
skills at any moment

Comprehensible input
if we do not understand the input, we cannot learn

Negotiation of meaning
interactional hypothesis that states that learning comes about
in the moment of exchange between a native speaker and a

Product oriented approach
accumulation of bits and pieces of a language
Set induction
Begins with inductive activity
Identify different uses of synonyms of movement
based on reading text
Practise these using Total Physical Response (TPR)
Next lesson
The input is recycled through a task-based lesson
Students instructed to produce the instructions for
an exercise manual

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