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Quarter 1 Midterm

Elizabeth Castorena
• The most important topic of unit #1
was colonialism.It was when the
Spanish came to the Americas for the
first time.Columbus came in 1492 to
the Americas looking for China and
Asia. As soon as the got here they
made the Tainos into slaves in their
own land.The Spanish would torture
the people.They would cut off their
hands, burn them,hang them to strike
fear into them. That way they wouldn’t
fight back they where to scared to say
something.Colonialism killed even
more people when they brought
African-American people to work as
slaves.Then they started the Atlantic
Slave trade that went from Africa to
get slaves to the Americas to make
them work and get crops. Then to
Europe to made the things into clothes
and stuff and all over again.
• The most important topic of unit #2 is the Jim
Crow Laws/Segregation.The Jim Crow Laws
where the laws that made different schools,
faucets, shop all segregated.Even if slavery
had ended the racism still existed. The law
called “Plessy vs. Ferguson” said that is
segregation was okay just as long as
everything was “separate-but-equal.” The
problem with that was that is was hardly ever
equal the whites got the god stuff while
everyone else got bad things.People left the
South because it was bad. Everywhere else
was just the same so when they got there
they where forced to live in the ghetto.That’s
how the ghetto was created.Till that time
people didn’t have the right to go to any
school.The a law came called “Brown vs. The
Board of Education.” It changed the fact that
people could go to any school that they
wished to attend.Then in 1964 the civil rights
act came to be and ended segregation.
Mexican Independence
• The most important topic of unit #3 was
mexican independence. Mexico was ruled by
Spanish.Below them where the criollos then
blacks,indigenous,and mestizos.The Spanish
treated them very badly.The people didn’t
like the Spanish rule.A priest named Miguel
Hidalgo was the leader who lead the people
to fight for independence.Hidalgo knew that
they were going to arrest him and decided
that he was going to start the attack.He led
an army of mestizos from the city of Dolores
to Mexico City.It was Sep. 16 1810 when the
speech called “Grito De Dolores” started the
attack agaisnt the spanish.Hidalgo was
captured and killed in 1811.After his death
Jose Maria Morelos led the fight for
independence.Vicente Guerrero became the
president of Mexico.They made a plan called
“El Plan De Iguala” to make everyone equal
no more upper or lower class.Afterward they
let all slaves free.
Most Important
• The most important is Colonialism.It is
the most important because it
changed a lot of lives.People from all
over the world came and founded this
land.If it wasn’t for colonialism I
probably would have been born in
Mexico and raised there.As an
Indigenous person.Some people would
still be in their home land.
• My definition of leadership is
someone who can lead.Leadership
is being able to change people to
make a difference.It’s mostly a
quality that someone can have.It’s
a quality that can change more
than one life.

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